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1、浙江省2021年初中学业水平考试(湖州市)英语试题卷考生须知:1. 全卷分试题卷和答题卷两部分。试题卷共8页,答题卷共2页。全卷满分为100分,考试时间为100分钟。2.试题卷分卷I和卷II两部分。卷I中试题(1T3小题)的答案填涂在答题卷上,卷II中试题的答案写在答题卷相应的位置上,写在试题卷上无效。卷I一、听力略二、完形填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分)阅读下面短文,理解其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Love, joy and the warm feeling of getting together don*t cost a thing.But g

2、ifts do cost money. So whats a poorfamily to do?Before New Year, I told my mother that the only thing I 16 was a pogo stick (弹簧单高跷).However, mymother said they were so expensive that we couldnt 17 one.On a Saturday before New Year, my family 18 together. While my mother and I were picking out the gi

3、fts,my dad said, Ill be back soonI need to see something in the tool area.” A little later, he came back with a long box. Iremember wondering if there was a 19 in it.When we arrived home, my dad put the box in the garage. While my parents were busy with their chores, I 20walked out to the garage and

4、 found the box. I was so 21 and I knew as soon as I opened that magical box, mybright, shiny pogo stick would appear. No such 22 ! Inside the box was a 23 old broom (扫帚).That New Year morning, I got some nice gifts 24 I didnt get the present that I really wanted.After cleaning up the room, my dad we

5、nt to the garage. When he came back in, he was 25 a beautiful pogostick. I couldnt 26 it! My parents probably got quite a laugh from the trick they played on 27.Although we didnt have much 28 , my parents gave me the most important gift of all: lots of 29 . Thatwas over 60 years ago and I still thin

6、k about those 30 memories. I will never forget all the joy my parents broughtinto my life.16. A. ownedB. wantedC. forgotD. found17. A. makeB. borrow.C. acceptD. afford18. A. went shoppingB. did choresC. took a walkD. had dinner19. A. toy gunB. pogo stickC. toolD. broom20. A. quietlyB. politelyC. sud

7、denlyD. certainly21. A. surprisedB. satisfiedC. excitedD. relaxed22. A. purposeB. promiseC. adviceD. luck23. A. magicB. sillyC. differentD. smart24. A. butB. soC. andD. or25. A. preparingB. hidingC. choosingD. carrying26. A. understandB. decideC. believeD. explain27. A. meB. usC. himD. her28. A. cou

8、rageB. timeC. moneyD. trouble29. A. trustB. loveC. smileD. pride30. A. completeB. unbelievableC. educationalD. wonderful三、阅读理解(本题有13小题,每小题2分,共26分)阅读下面短文,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。RED BANK, New Jersey (January 37, 2020). These days, women go to space. They sail (航行)around the world. They have all kind

9、s of adventures (冒险).This wasnt true hundredsof years ago. Back then, women were expected to stay home. But that didnt stop these threewomen from taking off and doing big things.Jeanne Baret (1740一1807): Baret was a French scientist. She studiedplants. And she was the first woman to sail around the

10、world. In1766, Baret wanted to set sail with a group of scientists. But theywere all men. Women weren*t allowed to travel on French navyships. So Baret dressed up like a man. And she sailed away.ier Stanhope (1776一1839): Stanhope was from England.1 to travel. She traveled throughout the Middle East

11、byd she led an archeological dig there. She was the first womanNellie Bly (1864-1922):Bly was a reporter. In 1887, she wrote a story abouthidden problems at a hospital. She dressed up like a patient at the hospital. Thenshe wrote an alarming six-part report. The story made Bly well-known. It also le

12、dthe way for other women reporters. Two years later, Bly set a world record. SheThe first emperor of China, Qin Shihuang, completed a huge number of projects during his rule. Between 221and 210 B.C., he started the building of the Great Wall. The emperor also ordered the building of a huge army ofli

13、fe-sized terracotta soldiers (士兵).These, he hoped, would protect his tomb after his death.Lost in TimeThe soldiers in Xians terracotta museum are today light brown, but they weren*t always. They began as an armyof red, blue, yellow, green, white, and purple. Sadly, most of the colors did not last to

14、 the present day. Afterbeing exposed (暴露)to air during digging, the coating under the paint began to fall off. The paint disappeared inless time than it takes to boil an egg, taking away with it important pieces of history.New TechnologyNow new technology is starting to show the armys true colors. A

15、rchaeologists (考古学家)have recentlydiscovered an area with more than a hundred soldiers. Many of these still have their painted features, including blackhair, pink faces, and black or brown eyes.Chinese and German researchers have developed a chemical liquid (液体)to help save the soldiers1 colors.After finding a soldier or another art piece, archaeologists put the liquid on it. They then cover it in plastic.Back to LifeArchaeologists are also finding colors in the dirt around the soldiers. Its important not to do anything wit



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