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1、 九年级英语巩固训练四一单项选择( )1. -Excuse me. Have _ Clark family moved anywhere else?-Sorry, Ive never heard about _Clark here in West Town.A. the; theB. the; aC. a; theD. a; a( )2.-Cindy says shes never travelled by plane.-_.A. Neither am IB. Nor I have C. So havent ID. Me either( )3.Hollywood? Is that the pl

2、ace _ is best known for making films?A. whereB. what C. /D. which( )4.Its reported that several burglars with masks were seen _ from the back door last night.A. to break in B. breaking into C. break inD. broke into( )5.The director thought the role of a policeman _ Allen. Hed rather think about some

3、one else.A. above B. beyondC. againstD. over( )6. -Its yet too early to tell if facial recognition technology has brought us more advantages than disadvantages, I think.-_, we dont have to take mobiles with us when paying for something. .A. For example B. As a result C. After all D. Whats more ( )7.

4、The lady _ dancing as a hobby in her sixties and she is really good at it.A. dressed up B. looked up C. took up D. put up( )8.- Marks car _ a cloud of dust as he drove off.- Thats why we dont like him at all.A. raised B. rose C. was raised D. was rising( )9.- What do you think of the novel?- Its far

5、 better than _ I read last month.A. that B. which C. one D. the one( )10.The time and effort he has devoted during the past few years _ trees in that village are now considered to be very important.A.to planting B.to plant C. plant D. planting( )11.Most people have to get to a point where they dont

6、have a choice _ they will change something.A. since B. before C. while D. once( )12.- What did he ask on the phone just now?- He wanted to know _.A. when the meeting start B. what I was going to say at the next meeting C. how long would the meeting last D. who is the host of the meeting( )13.Men who

7、 stay fit can lower their risk of dying from a heart condition by 30% as compared with those who are .A. out of order B. out of place C. out of shape D. out of control( )14.Our health is _ we make of it - give it attention and it improves; give it none and it weakens.A. what B. whether C. how D. who

8、( )15.- John was criticized again by the boss this morning.- _. Hes always causing trouble.A. No wonder B. No way C. No problem D. No doubt二词汇运用1. Among the English songs, “We are the world ” by Michael Jackson is my (一直) favorite.2. Do you have any ideas how T-mall will deal with those (取消) orders?

9、3. Have you heard of the old saying “False friends are much worse than open (反对者)”?4.Avengers: Endgame is (大概) the most exciting movie for Marvel fans.5. Many people are cheerful because APEC is taking place (succeed) in China now.6. His (please) voice and manners always make us feel comfortable.7.

10、When did Audrey make her final ( appear )in films? 8.What a mess your room is! Its the (tidy) place Ive seen.三动词填空1.James, make sure not only the windows but the door _ (lock) before you leave later.2.People with mental illness may do harm to others without considering the violent acts they _ (commi

11、t).3.To those who love acting, never losing heart is important to _ (enter) the film industry.4.If you love me enough, my weak points _ (turn) out to be strong ones.5.-Which is Cecily?-The only one with golden hair. She cant _ (mistake).6.In our country, people used to take little notice of the air

12、they _ (breathe).7.The girl tried her best not to look straight at Mr Wu, or he _ (guess) that she had something on her mind.8.When someone (help), usually it more than doubles his or her chances of offering help as well. 四.完成句子。1.我一出门妈妈就提醒我提防钱包被偷。 I _by my mother as soon as I go out.2.那个愚蠢的司机认为匆匆忙忙

13、离开车祸现场就可以避免和车祸有关。 The silly driver thought he left the scene of the traffic accident in a hurry and avoided _ it.3.原来他和他的舍友到现在都合不来。 It _ his roommate up to now.4.这个地方应该被誉为大自然的艺术宫殿。 The place is _Art Place of Nature.5.有则改之,无则加勉。Correct mistakes if you have made any and _ if you have not.6.对于是否要缩短这个计划,我们还不知道,就等着吧!Whether _to us. Just wait. 五.阅读填空 The Uni



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