人教版(PEP)Unit 6 Shopping Part A Let’s learn(教案) 英语四年级下册

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1、Unit 6 Shopping Part A Lets learn教案一、教学目标:1. 能够听、说、读、写单词:gloves, scarf, sunglasses, pretty, nice2. 能够听、说、读、写句型:Can I help you? Yes. The dress is nice. Can I try it on? / The gloves are nice. Can I try them on? Sure.3. 在情景中复习旧词,学生能够说出相应图片所对应的单词,如:dress, coat, sweater, shorts, shoes, jacket, T-shirt,

2、pants, hat, cap4. 能够能够在有意义的语境中抄写上述话题词汇5. 能够了解简单的购物用语,并能够正确运用所学购物用语进行会话2、 教学重难点:1. 能够听、说、读、写单词:gloves, scarf, sunglasses, pretty, nice2. 能够听、说、读、写句型:Can I help you? Yes. The dress is nice. Can I try it on? / The gloves are nice. Can I try them on? Sure.3. 能够在真实语境中正确使用购物用语三、教学用具:单词卡片,实物卡片,教材,白板,白板笔,PP

3、T多媒体设备4、 教学过程:1. 给一张关于生日的图片导入话题,给学生创设一个真实的语言环境。T: My mothers birthday is coming soon. But I dont know what I should buy for my mum. So, can you give me some advice? What gift should I buy for her? There is my shopping lists, lets see what are they! 2. 创设语境之后,给出“我的购物清单”,以图片的形式复习旧词,教读几遍。T: Whats this?

4、 .jacket. coat. pants. sweater. .and so on.3. 通过提问来引入四个新词的教学:What are these? Can you see?4. 给图片,创设新语境,在真实语境中教授新词。T: The sun is so bright, that I cant open my eyes. What should I need?引出新词sunglasses. Is it beautiful? Yes, so we can say the sunglasses are nice. 教读这句话,板书新单词与句型,学生自我产出句型。T: It is snowing

5、. I feel very cold. What should I need? 引出新词gloves. Is it beautiful? Yes, so we can say the gloves are nice. 教读这句话,板书新单词与句型,学生自我产出句型。区分这两个新词的单复数,身体语言启示学生。T: Oh, look, it is snowy. I feel very cold. What should I need? 引出新词scarf. Is it beautiful? Yes, so we can say the scarf is nice. 教读这句话,板书新单词与句型,学

6、生自我产出句型。用同样的方式引出新词umbrella.5. Play a game: whats missing? 先给出四张图片复习刚学过的四个新词,反复朗读单词。点击,图片消失,让学生说出是哪个单词消失了,借此再次复习单词。6. Lets go shopping! We can see there is a store. And now lets play another game. Group-work: one student play as the shopkeeper, and others play as customer. Make a dialogue. First, I w

7、ill show you an example. Lets see! 学生根据例子完成情景交际,复习购物的相关会话用语,请两个小组起来分享展示。Example:A: Can I help you?B: Yes. The dress is nice. Can I try it on?A: Sure.7. Guessing game: One student play, others guess and speak out the words. Teacher chooses five students to play. 选择五名学生,教师小声告诉学生所要表演的单词,学生表演动作,其他同学猜单词,

8、猜出以后大声练出该单词。(整个教授过程都穿插小组竞争机制,获胜小组可获得奖品,调动学生学习的积极性。)8. Homework: Teach your parents the words you have learned in this class. 回家教你的爸爸妈妈今天你所学会的四个单词的英语表达。五、教学反思本节课是一堂词汇课,在整个教学过程中除了词汇教学之外,还穿插了一些口语交际活动,旨在让学生在真正的语言情景中感知英语,学会如何用英语、说英语,从而达到用英语沟通交流的目的。在新词教学中,我坚持以旧引新,复习新词的同时教授新词。整堂课的氛围比较活跃、轻松,小组竞争机制激发了学生的学习兴趣,促进课堂教学的有效完成。但是,在口语交际版块,内容略显复杂,学生实际操作起来可能会有些困难。



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