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1、 大学英语(1)期末考试A卷完整答案附后姓名: 学号: 专业:学习中心:答 卷(本试卷所有客观题答案必须填入如下答卷表格中,否则不得分)一、阅读:20% (每小题2分)12345678910二、交际用语20%(每小题2分)12345678910三、语法与词汇:30%(每小题2分)123456789101112131415四英译汉:30% (答题请不要超出边框)Some people seem to have their own ability in learning language. They can pick up new vocabularies, master rules of gra

2、mmar, and learn to write in new language more quickly than others. They do not seem to be any more intelligent than others, so what makes language learning so much easier for them?(翻译题请在此空白处答题,否则不得分)一、阅读:20% (答案必须填在答卷表格里,否则不得分)( 1 )We are all called upon to make a speech sometime in life, but most o

3、f us dont do a very good job. We may get nervous, forget what we want to say, or talk too long and bore our audience. Later we may think, “Thank goodness, its over. Im not good at public speaking. I hope I never have to do that again.”It doesnt have to be that bad. Here are some simple steps to take

4、 the pain out of speech-making. First of all, it is important to plan. Find out everything you can about your subject. And, at the same time, find out as much as you can about your audience. Who are they? Why are they coming to hear you speak? Put yourself in their shoes as you prepare your speech.A

5、sk yourself the purpose of your speech. What is the occasion? Why are you speaking? There are many possible speaking roles, and each one has its own special characteristics. Dont spoil your speech by confusing one speaking role with another.When you are making your speech, try to relax. Speak slowly

6、 and clearly and look at people in your audience. Use simple vocabulary and expressions whenever possible. Pause for a few seconds now and then to give your audience a chance to think about what you have said.If you follow these steps, youll see that you dont have to be afraid of public speaking.1.

7、According to the first paragraph, which of the following statements is NOT true? A. We may make mistakes when making a public speech. B. Most of us dont know how to make a good public speech. C. We may think that we can never make a good speech. D. Every one of us hopes to have the chance to speak i

8、n public.2. What does “put yourself in their shoes” in paragraph2 mean? A. Be sure to wear nice clothing when you give your speech. B. Try on their shoes to see if they fit you. C. Take your shoes off when making your speech. D. Try to imagine how they think and feel about your speech.3. What if you

9、 confuse one speaking role with another? A. You will spoil yourself. B. Your speech will become a complete success. C. You will ruin your speech and make it a failure. D. You will spoil your audience.4. While making a speech, you are NOT supposed to _. A. speak slowly and clearly B. look at people i

10、n your audience C. use simple vocabulary and expression whenever possible D. be serious5. What is the passage mainly about? A. The pleasure in making a public speech. B. One should always make a short speech. C. How to overcome your tension. D. How to improve your speaking ability.( 2 )Time spent in

11、 a bookshop can be most enjoyable, whether you are a book-lover or only there to buy a book as a present. You may even have entered the shop just to find shelter from a sudden shower. Whatever the reason, you can soon become totally unaware of your surroundings. The desire to pick up a book with an

12、attractive design is irresistible, although this method of selecting ought not to be followed, as you might end up with a rather uninteresting book, you soon become lost in some book or other, and usually it is only much later that you realize you have spent far too much time there and must hurry to

13、 keep some forgotten appointmentwithout buying a book, of course.The opportunity to escape the realities of everyday life is, I think, the main attraction of a bookshop. There are not many places where it is possible to do this. A music shop is very much like a bookshop. You can go to such places as

14、 much as you wish. If it is a good shop, no assistant will approach you with the greeting: “Can I help you, sir?” You neednt buy anything you dont want. In a bookshop, an assistant should remain in the background until you have finished reading. You may want to find out where a particular section is

15、. Then, and only then, are his services necessary. But when he has led you there, the assistant should leave politely and look as if he is not interested in selling a single book.6. The best title for this passage may be _. A. How to Spend Your Time B. The Attraction of Bookshops C. Bookshops and Their Assistants D. Buying Books7. According to the author, the best wa


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