unit5 what are the shirts made of_sectiona(grammar_focus4c)课件

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《unit5 what are the shirts made of_sectiona(grammar_focus4c)课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《unit5 what are the shirts made of_sectiona(grammar_focus4c)课件(25页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、我们毕业啦其实是答辩的标题地方重庆出版社玖学堂出品名 师 课 件0 0Unit5 What are the shirts are made of?Section A ( Grammar Focus-4c)1.复习已学过的物产及其产地的词汇。2.学习用被动语态描述物产及其产地。3.掌握一般现在时被动语态的用法,包括陈述句、一般疑问句、特殊疑问句及回答。学习目标0 0Use the following phrases to make sentences.nomatterbemadeinfindit+adj.thateventhoughavoiddoingsth.everydaythingsnoma

2、tter:Nomatterhowdifficultitis,youwillnevergiveup.bemadein:ThecarismadeinChina.findit+adj.that:Hefounditdifficultthathewouldfinishtheworkontime.eventhough:Hestillworkseventhoughheisverytired.avoiddoingsth.:Wecantavoidaskingforhelpfromothers.everydaythings:Chinaisgoodatmakingeverydaythings.Revisions 0

3、 0Look at the pictures and work in pairs to make conversations like this, and then give a performance.A: What is/are made of?B: It is/They are made of . 0 0New words and phrasesGermany德国surfacen.表面;表层postmann.邮递员capn.(尤指有帽舌的)帽子gloven.(分手指的)手套onthelastFridayofeachmonth在每月的最后一个星期五inGermany在德国causemany

4、trafficaccidents导致许多的交通事故usethissilverplate使用这个银制的盘子0 0Look and sayWhats the gold medal made of ?Its made of gold. 0 0Is this table made of wood?No, it isnt. Its made of glass. 0 0Is the butter made of meat?No, it isnt. It is made from milk. 0 0This pair of chopsticks is made of bamboo. This coin is

5、 made of silver.0 0Yes, it is. Is this blouse made of cotton? Its made of steel. Whats the fork made of ? 0 0Where is tea produced?It is produced in China.0 0Are American flags made in China?Yes, they are.0 0阅读Grammarfocus的句子,并填空。1)你的衬衫是棉的吗?_yourshirts_cotton?是的,而且它们产于美国。Yes.Andtheywere_theUS.2)飞机模型

6、是由什么制成?_themodelplane_of?它是由旧木头和玻璃制成。Itsmadeof_and_.AremadeofmadeinWhatsmadewoodglassused0 03)茶是如何制成的?_istea_?茶树种植在山坡上。当茶叶长成后,它们被手工采摘下来,然后送去加工。Teaplants_onthesidesofthemountains.Whentheleavesareready,they_byhandandthen_forprocessing.4)在杭州人们种植茶叶。People_inHangzhou.=Tea_(bypeople)inHangzhou.Howproduced

7、aregrownare pickedaregrowteaisgrownsent0 0Summarize and find out the rules通过以上例句可以看出,一般现在时被动语态的肯定句:主语_.否定句:主语_.一般疑问句:_主语_?肯定回答用_否定回答用_特殊疑问句:_主语_?be 及物动词的过去分词+其他be+not+及物动词的过去分词+其他Yes, 主语+be.No, 主语+be+not.疑问词+ be 及物动词的过去分词+其他 及物动词的过去分词+其他 0 0Many people speak English. 主动句与被动句之间的转换English is spoken by

8、 many people.主语 谓语动词主动语态的动词原形 宾语_主语 谓语动词被动be+ 过去分词 介词+ 宾语_0 04aComplete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.1.Children under 18 _ (not allow) to watch this show without their parents. 2. We _ (pay) by the boss on the last Friday of each month. 3. A: What language _ (speak)

9、in Germany?B: Most people speak German, but many can speak English, too. 4. Most of the earths surface _ (cover) by water.5. The classroom _ (clean) by the students every day. arent allowedare paidis spokenis coveredis cleaned0 04bRewrite the sentences using the passive voice.1. Farmers plant the te

10、a on the sides of mountains. _2. This shop uses the best materials to make dresses. _3. Careless driving causes many traffic accidents. _ 4. The postman brings letters and postcards to peoples home. _The tea is planted on the sides of mountains by farmers.The best materials are used to make dresses

11、by this shop. Letters and postcards are brought toMany traffic accidents are caused by careless driving. peoples home by the postman. 0 05. Our family does not use this silver plate very often. _ _ This silver plate isnt used very often by our family. 0 0Ask five classmates about something they are

12、wearing or have in their schoolbags. The list of words below may help you.pencil,jacket,sweater,T-shirt,shoes,cap,gloves,ring4cWhats your pencil made of?Its made of wood.Where was it made? It was made in Shanghai. 0 01)What language is spoken in Germany?Germany名词,意为“德国”,是国家名称。German是其形容词形式,意为“德国的”;还

13、可作名词,意为“德语;德国人”。German“德国人”的复数形式则是直接加-s,即Germans。2) Most of the earths surface is covered by water.surface名词,意为“表面;表层”。surface作名词,还可表示“外表;外观”。3) Careless driving causes many traffic accidents.traffic名词,意为“交通;路上行驶的车辆”,指的是路上来往的车辆和行人,是不可数名词。0 0一般现在时的被动语态适用于主语为承受者,不知道谁是动作的发出者或没必要知道动作的发出者句型结构:肯定句:主语+am/i

14、s/are+动词过去分词+其他.否定句:主语+am/is/are+not+动词过去分词+其他.一般疑问句:Am/Is/Are+主语+动词过去分词+其他?特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句?主动语态变被动语态步骤1.找出主动语态中的宾语,把宾语变成被动语态中的主语;2.找出谓语动词,把它变成am/is/are+动词过去分词;3.找出主动语态中的主语,用by+主语。0 0句型转换。1)Weplaybasketballafterclassinourschool.(改为被动语态)Basketball _afterschoolinourschool.2)Thiskindofriceisonlygrown

15、inourhometown.(对划线部分提问)_thiskindofriceonly_?3)Peopledontmakeice-wineinCanadaanymore.(改为被动语态)Ice-wine_Canadaanymore.is played Wheres grownisnt made in0 04)Thiskindofglassesisusedforkeepingoffthewind.(对划线部分提问)_thiskindofglasses_?5)Doyouallowthechildrenunder18todrivecarsinyourcountry?(改为被动语态)_thechildrenunder18_carsinyourcountry?Whatsused forAre allowed to driveRecitethesentencesinGrammarFocusandmakesimilarsentences.FinnishtheexercisesinWorkbook.Homework



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