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1、2021-2022年人教版八年级(上)期末综合复习一单项选择专练NameGrade第一节单项选择。从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。)1 .Mr. Smith is.engineer, but he wanted to be.actor when he was young.A. an; anB. an; aC. a; aD. a; an)2. Therea folk music concerl in Xinjiang Opera Theater next month.A. is going to have B. will haveC. isD.is going

2、 to be)3.1 have a drcam. When I,I want to be an engineer.A. make upB. come upC. grow upD.turn up)4.一What were you doingI knocked at the door?I was sleeping.B. although)5.一What are you going to do during the summer vacation?A. unlessC. whileD.whenI am going to.a new hobby like swimming or dancing.A.

3、take offB. take upC. take afterD. take in()6.Please be quiet. I am reading some short storiesLu Xun.A. byB. toC. from D. in( )7.The studentstheir study plans next week.A. make B. made C. are going to make D. were making()8. Some people are too shy to say a word in public. However,arent.A. another B.

4、 the other C. othersD. the others()9.一What is your plan for next weekend, Lingling?Ivolunteer work in the museum.A. was doing B. did C. have done D. am going to do()lO.Chinas efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19 willthe worlds ability to limitthe harm in the near future.A. imagine B. inventC. insi

5、st D. improve()11 .Mnay young people want to beastronaut like Zhai Zhigang so he can go tospace station.A. a; aB. an; theC. an; an D. a; the)12.youa doctor when you grow up?A Will; going to beB Are; going to be C Are; /D Will; be)13.1 dont know if his uncle. I think heif it doesnt rain.A.will come;

6、comesB.will come; will comeC.comes; comes D.comes; will come)14.一If there arepeople driving, there will beair pollution.一Yes, and the air will be fresher.A. less;less B. less;fewer C. fewer;fewer D. fewerjess)15.Its reported that people throwplastic bags along this street every day.A. hundred B. hun

7、dreds C. hundred of D. hundreds of)16.一 I dont think students should use mobile phones at school.一. They really have a bad influence on our study.A. I agree with you B. Not at all C. No problem D. Its my pleasure)17.Dont stand too close to North Americans. Youd better give them more personal.A. time

8、 B. system C. space D. pity)18.Mario, your mobile phone is ringing.Wait a minute. Its dangerous fbr usit while crossing the street.A. answering B. to answer C. answer D. answered)19.Jason likes theof the cake. It is a heart.A. colorB. size C. smell D. shape)20.How was your vacation in America?一It co

9、uldnt be worse! I dontwant to talk about it.A.evenB. hardlyC. ever D. Mainly)21. ould you please tell me what should I do next? ut uponion andtomato.A. a; aB. an; anC. a; anD. an; a)22.Cindy wants to live here for.A. more six daysB. six another daysC. other six days D. another six daysthe cup?)23.Lu

10、cy, can you help me pour some waterA. underB. atC. onD.into)24.Well,You did a good job. You can go home.Bye, Mr. Li.A. thats itB. thats badC. its nothingD.its wrong)25.I want to make a tomato milk shake. What do I need?You needtomatoes andyogurt.A. two; some B. two; manyC. a little; manyD.a little;

11、some)26.A. MakeB. MakesC. To makeD. Made)27.一Do you know howa beef sandwich?Russian soup, you have to buy some potatoes.Sorry, I dont know.A. makesB. to makeC. makingD. make)28.Theremany apples in the fridge and there.a cup of milk on thetable.A. are; areB. is; isC. are; isD. is; are)29.oranges do w

12、c need to make a glass of orange juice?We need about ten.A. How longB. How manyC. How muchD. How often)30,How about making a banana milk shake?A. Sounds good B. Youre welcome()31 .There isinvitation on the desk.C. Thats rightinvitation is from Lucy.D. Dont worryA. an; AnB. the; AnC. an; TheD.the; Th

13、e)32.He looks.and he is looking.at the picture.A. sad, sadB. sadly, sadly C. sad, sadly)33.Im planninga party tomorrow. Can you come?D. sadly, sadSorry, I cant. I mustthe test.A. to have; to prepare forB. having; prepare withC. having; to prepare withD. to have; prepare for)34.Did youa gift yesterda

14、y?Yes, but I didntit.A. receive; receiveB. accept; receiveC. accept; acceptD. receive; accept)35.1 miss my parents very much. Tmseeing them again.21-cn-jy-comA. looking forB. looking afterC. looking forward toD. looking forward)36.1 expect Mr.Li tomy letter, but theres still no.A. reply , repliesB. reply , to replyC. reply to , repliesD. reply to , reply)37,一She has beenfor ten jobs so far.一No wonder she is unhappy these days.A. turned to B. turned down C. turned back D. turned in)38.一Have youTina, a famous singer in our school?一Oh, shes my fr


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