2022年高考英语人教新课标词汇集训Unit 4 Earthquakes

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1、2022年高考英语人教新课标词汇集训Unit 4 Earthquakes一、词汇回顾序号单词意思音标1earthquaken.地震3 : Okwei k2quaken.地震kwei k3right away立刻;马上4welln.井wel5crackn.裂缝;嚅啦声vt.&vi.(使)开裂;破裂kraek6smellyadj.发臭的;有臭味的smeli7Pipen.管;导管pal p8burstvi.(burst,burst)爆裂;爆发n.突然破裂;爆发b3 : st9millionn.百万mi Ijon10eventn.事件;大事i vent11as if仿佛;好像9Z*I f12at an

2、 end终结;结束13nationn.民族;国家;国民nei f (o)n14canaln.运河;水道ko nasi15steamn.蒸汽;水汽sti: m16dirtn.污垢;泥土d3 : t17ruinn.废墟;毁灭vt.使破产;毁灭ru: I n18in ruins严重受损;破败不堪19sufferingn.苦难;痛苦sa fori ij20extremeadj.极度的i k stri: m21injureVt.损害;伤害I nd3 922survivorn.幸存者;生还者;残存物vai vo23destroyVt.破坏;毁坏;消灭di stro I 24brickn.砖;砖块bri k

3、25damn.水坝;堰堤deem26trackn.轨道;足迹;痕迹traek27uselessadj.无用的;无效的;无益的ju: S1I s28shockvt.&vi.(使)震惊;震动n.休克;打击;震惊f Dk29rescuen.&vt.援救;营救reskju:30trapvt.使陷入困境n.陷阱;困境traep31electricityn.电;电流;电学i lek tn si ti32disastern.灾难;灾祸di za: st。33dig out发现;掘出34buryvt.埋葬;掩埋;隐藏beri35minen.矿;矿山;矿井mai n36minern.矿工37sheltern.掩

4、蔽;掩蔽处;避身处f elul38a (great) number of许多;大量的39reportern.记者ri po : to40damagen.&vt.损失;损害1 daemi 41frightenvt.使惊吓;吓唬Trai ton42frightenedadj.受惊的;受恐吓的*frai tnd43frighteningadj .令人恐惧的44congratulationn.祝贺;(复数)贺词kon( graetju Tel Jon45judgen.裁判员;法官vt.断定;判断;判决d3 A d3 46sincerelyadv.真诚地;真挚地si nsi rli/-*si al-47

5、expressvt.表示;表达n.快车;速递i ks*pres48outlinen.要点;大纲;轮廓au tlai n49headlinen报刊的大字标题hedlai n50cyclistn.骑自行车的人sal kli st二、助记原文A reporter is writing an outline of an article about the public welfare activities to express the sincerecongratulations. The headline is Cyclists Ready to Go on the Road for Disaste

6、r-Hit Areas. This time they willleave for the Dangshan City, where a deadly earthquake once took place.At that time, before the earthquake, there were strange things happening, such as the water in wells rising andfalling, walls and canals cracking, the smelly steam in pipes bursting and so on, thro

7、ugh which people shouldhave judged that there would be an unusual event happening. However, millions of people thought little of them.Suddenly, the frightening earthquake destroyed the city, which lay in ruins.It seemed as if the world was at an end. Bricks and dirt covered the ground, two dams fell

8、, the electricitywas cut and the railway tracks became useless. People were shocked because a great number of them died orwere injured. The suffering of the people was extreme. Fortunately, the nation took action right away. Therescue got there in time to help build shelters for survivors, dig out t

9、he trapped and bury the dead. To the northof the city, most of the miners were rescued from the coal mines there. The damage was really great.三、助记译文为了表达真诚的祝愿,一名记者正在写一篇关于公益活动的文章纲要。这篇文章的标题就是一一前往曾经受灾地区的自行车手们。这一次他们将前往唐山市,在那里曾经发生过一场致命的地震。在那时,就在地震之前,发生了一些奇怪的事,比如井里的水忽上忽下,墙壁和隧道开裂,水管里爆发出难闻的气味等等,通过这一切人们本应该判断出

10、将会有不同寻常的事发生的。然而,成百上千万的人却忽略。突然之间,一场可怕的地震毁灭了这座城市,使它夷为平地。似乎整个世界到了尽头。地上铺满了砖土,两座大坝塌了,电力也被切断了,铁轨变成一堆废铁。因为大量的人死去或是受伤,大家完全被震住了。人们的伤痛是巨大的。不过幸运的是,国家迅速行动起来。救援队伍及时赶到帮助幸存者搭建临时避难所,挖出被困的人以及埋葬死者。在这个城市的北部,大部分的矿工也从煤矿里获救。损失真得十分巨大。四、根据所给的汉语意思填空A (记者)is writing an 2(大纲)of an article about the public welfare activities t

11、o expressthe (真诚的)4 (祝贺).The 5 (大字标题)is _6 (自行车手)Ready toGo on the Road for 7(灾难)-Hit Areas. This time they will leave for the Dangshan City, where a deadly8 (地震)once took place.At that time, before the earthquake, there were strange things happening, such as the water in 9(水井)rising and falling, wa

12、lls and 10(隧道)cracking, the 11(发臭的)12(气体)in _13(管道) 14 (爆裂)and so on, through which people should have 15 (判断)that there wouldbe an unusual 16 (事件)happening. However, 17 (百万)of people thought little of them.Suddenly, the 18(可怕的)earthquake 19 (毁灭)the city, which lay 20(成为废墟)It seemed 2(似乎)the world w

13、as 22(结束) Bricks and dirtcovered the ground, two dams fell, the 23(电力) was cut and the railway tracks became 24 (毫无用处) People were 25(震惊)because 26(大量)them died or were27 (受伤).The 28(痛苦)of the people was 29 (极端的).Fortunately, the nation took action30(立刻).The 31 (救援)got there in time to help build 32

14、 (避难所)for 33(幸存者),_J4(挖出)the 35 (受困的人)and 36 (埋葬)the dead. To thenorth of the city, most of the 37 (矿工)were rescued from the coal mines there. The 38 (损失)was really great.【答案】l.reporter2. outline3 sincere4. congratulations5. headline6. Cyclists7.Disaster8. earthquake9. wells10. canals11. smelly12. steam13.pipes14. bursting15. judged16.event17. millions18. frightening19.destroyed20. in ruins21. as if22. at


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