2021-2022学年牛津译林版英语八年级上册期末复习重点词汇专项练习(word版 含答案)

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2021-2022学年牛津译林版英语八年级上册期末复习重点词汇专项练习(word版 含答案)_第1页
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2021-2022学年牛津译林版英语八年级上册期末复习重点词汇专项练习(word版 含答案)_第2页
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2021-2022学年牛津译林版英语八年级上册期末复习重点词汇专项练习(word版 含答案)_第3页
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《2021-2022学年牛津译林版英语八年级上册期末复习重点词汇专项练习(word版 含答案)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2021-2022学年牛津译林版英语八年级上册期末复习重点词汇专项练习(word版 含答案)(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、牛津英语8A期末重点词汇专项练习一.根根据句意和汉语注释,写出单词的正确形式。1. Last time, after the big earthquake, Sandy (困住).2. Because of the terrible d, the boy lost his life.3. It was very fbggy yesterday, there were a number of ain (he street.4. Whcn you arc in danger, it is important to make you not(紧张)and calm down.5. He had a

2、bad cold, and the(牙痛)made him uncomfortable.6. Dont look at me so.(严肃)7.If you are trapped in an earthquake, you must(平静)down and wait for help.8. Its important to make the world better and(安全的).9. The beautiful bag made of leather is one of his(孙女)10. Dont be(紧张).You must calm down firstthe teacher

3、 said.15. At first, I felt a slight sthrough my body.16.Syou are all here, lets begin our class.17. His uncle was killed in a traffic a.18. Our teacher (old us that 1always comes before thunder because 1travels faster than sound.19.1 spend nthree hours finishing the homework.21. What an(槽糕的)day wc h

4、ad yesterday .22. Bach of us often(记录)what the teachers say in class .23. My grandfather (咳嗽)all night long because of the cold weather last night.24. To make a (生计),he had to work 12 hours a day .25. Fried eggs with tomatoes is one of hid favourite (道菜).26.Shc knows the traffic accident from (开始)to

5、 end.27.You are (自由的)to come and go as you like.28.Scientists say that these birds live (主要地)on a special kind of food in nature.29. Everyone should (行动)to protect the wild birds.30.One of his hobbies is (收集)stamps. He has many stamps now.3l.Ifs a (羞魄)that I misunderstood you without chatting with y

6、ou.32Jill will go to London for a short (停留).33. (此夕卜),farmers keep taking land from the forests by cutting down trees.34.She (记录)everything that happens to her in her diary.35.Write down all the (观光者)names here, please.36.Some artists like to (包含)birds in their pictures.37. Can you (描述)your hometow

7、n for us?一Of course.38. Thc doctor strongly (建议)him to stop smoking just now.39.It is very (嘈杂的)at the market.40. The sun (升起)in the east and sets in the west.41. Yesterday we(扔)snowballs at each other on the playground. It was so much fun!42. Emily, could you write down your email(地址)on the paper?4

8、3.Im afraid I cant talk to you now as I have an important meeting to(出席).44. Thcrc will be great(变化)in the weather. Please take good care of yourself.45. To our surprise, the little boy did a(完美的)job in a short time.46. Thank you for(提供)me with some help.47. (令人遗憾地),He missed the important exam and

9、failed to get the good job.48. Anna caught a(发烧)on her travels in Africa, and came back soon.49. Red-crowned cranes can find food(不费力地)in Zhalong Nature Reserve.50. This book is the(厚的)among all.51. If you dont want to wait fbr too long ,youd better come on(工作日)52. Peggy spent half an hour(混合)all th

10、ese things together. Lets see what she has got.53. After(介绍)himself, the policeman began to give us a report on the accident.54. There is an old saying,Actions speak(大声)than words.55. Dont fbrgct to write down your(地址),Mr Li told the class.56. Mary received many presents, but she only(接受)three of th

11、em.57. The street was full of people running for their(躲避处)when it started to rain.58. Dont worry. Nobody is(完美的)in the world.59. She did not speak in her usual(自然的)way, and I did not believe her.60. The doctor says she is out of(危险)and (he family can visit her now .二.用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空1. We should do

12、something to prevent people(throw) litter into rivers.2. Little Tom often feels sleepy while(see) films.3. What a bad accident! How did it h叩pen?I couldnt see the road clearly because it(rain) hard.4. you(frighten) to see the wild elephant al that time?5. My sister spends as much time as she can(pra

13、ctice) drawing.6. When you(knock) at the door yesterday, I( do) some washing.7. Last night a coach( crash) into a tree. The people in it were badly injured.8. After a days work, he is too tired to fall(sleep) soon.9. The beating of the rain broke the(silent) during that night.10.1 felt(terrible) sad

14、 about not passing the driving test.11. Wc should do something to prevent people(throw) litter into rivers.12. Little Tom often feels sleepy while(sec) films.13. What a bad accident! How did it happen?I couldnt see the road clearly because it(rain) hard.14. you(frighten) to see (he wild elephant at

15、that time?15. My sister spends as much time as she can(practice) drawing.16. Yang Zhcnning is a great ( science ) in China .17. It s a litllc( windy ) today than yesterday .18.1 think( nature ) food is good for our health .19. In the( begin ), Tom didn t think he could get to the cinema on time .20. After the terrible accident, he doesnt know if his wife is(live) or dead.21.On amorning the child died in his mothers hands, (fog)22., Tom lost this important match, though (虽然)he did his best. (luck)23.1 can hear the b


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