八年级英语上册 Unit 7 Enjoy Your Hobby Lesson 40 What

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1、Lesson 40Unit review1ppt课件一、词汇复习improve future careful carefullysick someday goal wife nobodychoose rich poor should might lawyer key building 词组:give sb. some advicebe famous for between. and 2ppt课件练一练This is not good enough. I want to i_it.You must be c_ crossing the road.I wish you a happy f_.She

2、 feels s _ in buses.I hope to visit the Great Wall s_.He likes football. His g_is to be a f_ football player.She c_ to study English.I have some problems. Could you give me some a_?mprovearefulutureickomedayoalamoushosedvice3ppt课件二、重点词组辨析1.might与maybe二者都有可能或许的意思但词性不同might是情态动词,与may一样,后接不带to的动词不定式,在句

3、子中作谓语;maybe是副词,常放在句子开头例:aybe he is right.或许他是对的My book might/may be in my desk.我的书或许在书桌里4ppt课件2.hope 与wish二者都有想和希望的意思,宾语都可用不定式,不可用动名词.介二者也有不同之处(1)hope一般侧重于可能实现的愿望常译为希望,wish一般侧重于表达不可能实现的愿望,常译为但愿.I hope for success.我希望成功.I wish for a plane. 我真想有架飞机.5ppt课件2.hope 和wish 都可跟that从句,但hope+that表示希望wish+that表

4、示但愿,且从句用虚拟语气,表示一种不可能实现的愿望.I hope that they can come to see Me我希望他们会来看我.I wish that I was a bird.但愿我是一只小鸟(3)在简短答语中,so,not 可以和hope连用,wish不能.I hope so.我希望如此.6ppt课件3.too many 意为太多常用来修饰可数名词的复数形式.There are too many people in the street Now.现在大街上有太多的人.4.too much 意为太多常用来修饰不可数名词There is too much ice on the r

5、oad, we cantWalk quickly.路上的有太多的冰,我们走不快7ppt课件5.great big 和large(1)big (在体积,面积,范围,程度,和强度方面)大 与large意思接近. a big park/man 大公园/高 大的人(large一般不用于修饰人) This shirt is too big for me to wear. 这件衬衫太大了,我不能穿.(2)great大多用于指重要性,特性,能力或程度(通常含褒义)用于形容人常作伟大的了不起的意思Hes a great man.他是个了不起的人物.large和great用于指数量时词义接近.8ppt课件6.b

6、ut 与 except这两个词都可以表示 “除之外”,都表示从整体中除去部分,常可互换.Everyone is listening to the teacher except/but Danny.除丹尼外,大家都在听老师讲.区别是:but着重整体,且常在no,nobody,all等词后,except不受此限,而着重除去的部分Thosewindows are never opened except (不用but) in summer. 那些窗户除夏天外从不打开.9ppt课件三.重点句型1.be good/kind/friendly to sb. 对某人好,或善待人.2.hope to do st

7、h.表示希望做某事. I hope to pass the exam. 我希望可以通过考试.3.take sb.s advice 接受某人的建议give advice 提出忠告4.Whatbe like?句型意为 “.怎么样”Whats your father like? 你爸爸长得怎么样?He is tall and strong. 他又高又结实.10ppt课件5.do /try ones best.意为尽最大努力.6.be sure of+sb./sth. 表示对某人或某事有把握7.love sb/sth 爱某人/某事 love doing sth.喜欢做某事11ppt课件形容词的最高级的

8、用法表示三者或三者以上的人或事物的比较,最高级形容词前面要加定冠词the .句末一般跟of/in介词短语来说明比较的范围.She is the youngest of us all. 她是我们所有人中最年轻的.Wu peng is the most careful in the class.吴鹏是班上最认真的.12ppt课件2.一般将来时构成(1) be going to + 动词原形(2)will(shall用于第一人称)+动词原形用法(1)表示将要发生的动作或状态(2)表示预测某事可能要发生I am going to arrive tomorrow.我明天到.It will snow tomorrow.明天要下雪.一般不用be going to 13ppt课件同学们 再见14ppt课件



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