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1、 奥巴马总统在年肯尼迪中心荣誉奖招待晚宴英语演讲稿 奥巴马总统在2013年肯尼迪中心荣誉奖招待晚宴英语演讲稿 Well, good evening,everyone. On behalf of Michelle andmyself, welcome to the WhiteHouse. Thisis truly one of our favorite nights of the year, and not just because ofeveryone whovisits the White House - this group also usually wins “bestdressed”

2、award. (Laughter.) All ofyou look spectacular. I am a little disappointed that CarlosSantana wore one of his moreconservative shirts this evening. (Laughter.) Back in the day, you could see those things fromspace. (Laughter.)I want to start by thankingeveryone who dedicates themselves to making the

3、KennedyCenter such a wonderfulplace for the American people to experience the arts - DavidRubenstein, theKennedy Center trustees, and of course, Michael Kaiser, who will conclude13years of tremendous service as the president of the Kennedy Center nextyear. (Applause.) Soon behalf of Michelle and mys

4、elf, we wantto all thank Michael so much for the extraordinarywork that he has done.As always, this celebrationwouldnt be what it is without the enthusiasm of the co-chair ofthePresidents Committee on the Arts and Humanities, George Stevens. George. (Applause.)And his son,Michael. And together, for

5、years theyveput on this event to honor the artists whosebrilliance has touched our lives.President Kennedy once said ofsuch creative genius that, “The highest duty of the writer,the composer, theartist is to remain true to himself and to let the chips fall where theymay.”Now, thats easy to say when

6、- asthey do for these artists - the chips usually fall in your favor,whether atWoodstock or the Oscars or elite venues all over the world.But the fact is that the diversegroup of extraordinary individuals we honor today haventjust proventhemselves to be the best of the best. Despite all their succes

7、s, all their fame,theyve remained true tothemselves - and inspired the rest of us to do the same.Growing up in Harlem, MartinaArroyos parents told her she could be and do anything. Thatwas until she said that she wanted to bean opera singer. (Laughter.) Her father - perhaps notfully appreciatingthe

8、versatility required of an opera singer - said he didnt want hisdaughterto be like a can-can girl. (Laughter.) In her neighborhoodback then, opera was not theobvious career path. And there werent a lot of opera singers wholooked like her that shecould look up to.But Martina had a dream shecouldnt sh

9、ake, so she auditioned relentlessly and jumped atany role she couldget. Along the way, she earned money byteaching and working as a socialworker in New York City. And when she got a call from the MetropolitanOpera asking her to fillin the lead for “Aida,” she was sure it was just afriend pulling her

10、 leg. It wasnt untilthey calledback that she realized the request was real, and she just aboutfell over in shock. But in thatbreakoutrole she won fans around the world, beloved for her tremendous voice andunparalleledgrace.Martina has sung the greatroles: Mozarts Donna Anna, PuccinisMadame Butterfly

11、, VerdisLady Macbeth, and, of course, Aida. Shes played the worlds stages, fromCincinnati to Paris toIsrael. Shesbroken through barriers, broadening our notion of what magnificent artists looklikeand where they come from.And along the way, shes helpedpeople of all ages, all over the world, discover

12、the art formthat she loves sodeeply. For a lot of folks, it wasMartina Arroyo who helped them see and hearand love the beauty and power ofopera. And with her charitablefoundation, she is nurturing thenext generation of performers - smart,talented, driven, and joyous, just like her. For movingus with the power of her voice and empowering others to sharetheirs too, we honor MartinaArroyo. (Applause.) -全文完-


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