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1、2022年浙江省台州市三门县花桥中学高二英语上学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Jim had his left leg _ in the football match yesterday. A. break B. broke C. broken D. breaking 参考答案:C略2. Claire thought it was ridiculous sympathy by a robot.A. to offer B. to be offered C. to be offering D. to have offered参考答案:B3. How did you sleep last nig

2、ht?Like a log. Never slept _. Aworse Bbetter Cbest Dworst 参考答案:B4. The two naughty boys were quiet when eating, and they were accustomed to _ at meals.A. talk B. talking C. not to talk D. not talking参考答案:D5. Why didnt you come to Susans birthday party? We you all the eveningAhave expectedBhad expect

3、edCare expectingDwere expecting参考答案:D6. Hardly when they realized that it was too late to catch the last train.A. the clock had struck twelve B. the clock had been struck twelveC. had the clock been struck twelve D. had the clock struck twelve参考答案:D7. In the questionnaire, the subjects are questione

4、d whether they _ banning cars in the city center.A. agree B. comment C. advocate D. conduct参考答案:C略8. The problem of poverty we are looking forward to seeing _ should have attracted the local governments enough attention.A. handling B. handle C. to handle D. handled参考答案:D9. The new tax would force co

5、mpanies to energy-saving measuresA. adopt B. adjust C. adapt D. accept参考答案:A10. To some people, happiness is _ by family and friends, while to others, it means _ success.A. being surrounded ; achieving B. being surrounded ; to achieveC. to surround ; achieving D. surrounding ; to achieve参考答案:A11. No

6、 matter who he is , the robber deserves to be sent to prison for having _ a crime. A. confirmed B. attended C. committed D. appointed 参考答案:C12. The third women s conference _ in the USA this summer talked about womens rights in the developing countries. A. to be sponsored B. sponsoring C. sponsored

7、D. was sponsored参考答案:C13. We all know that,_,the situation will get worse.Anot if dealt carefully withBif not dealt carefully withCif dealt not carefully withDnot if carefully dealt with参考答案:B在状语从句中,若从句主语与主句主语一致,且谓语部分含有动词be,可将从句的主语和be动词省略。此处的完整形式为:if it is not dealt carefully with。14. Who could have

8、 _that in 10 years hed be in charge of the whole company? A. predicted B. announced C. promised D. concluded 参考答案:A15. It is necessary _ water from the wet south to the dry north.A. got B. getting C. to get D. get参考答案:C16. There is a lot of evidence to suggest that a short nap in the afternoon _ you

9、 refreshed for the next four or five hours. A. will help B. should leave C. will leave D. should remain参考答案:C17. The company has an over its competitors.A. assistant B. advantageC. importanceD. opportunity参考答案:B33._ to the old lady, the two little dogs accompanied her for 196 hours, then she was rec

10、urred, which is a wonder of life.A. Devoting B. Having devotedC. DevotedD. To devote参考答案:C略19. People say it is Canadas most beautiful city, _ by mountains and the ocean.A. and surrounded B. it is surrounded C. is surrounded D. surrounded 参考答案:D本句考察的是分词做状语的用法。当分词做状语的时候,如果构成分词的动词与句子的主语构成主动关系,就使用现在分词做

11、状语;当二者构成被动关系,使用过去分词做状语。如果分词的动作发生在谓语动词之前,就使用分词的完成式。如果分词与句子的主语没有关系,可以使用状语从句或者独立主格结构。本句中主句的主语 it与动词surround构成逻辑上的被动关系,故使用过去分词surrounded在句中做状语。句意:人们都说这是加拿大最美丽的城市,被大山和海洋包围着。故D正确。【考点】考察非谓语动词用法【举一反三】 an important role in a new movie, Andy has a chance to become famous.A.Offer B.Offering C.Offered D.To offe

12、r答案 C考点 考查非谓语动词。解析 句意为“Andy在一部新影片中扮演重要角色,这就有了成名的机会。”offer sb. sth.(主动)提供某人某物。句中Andy与offer之间存在着被动关系,故选C。二、 翻译20. We_.我们认为学好英语很难。参考答案:consider it hard to learn English well 三、 阅读理解21. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Thomas Edison was one of ten said to be the greatest genius of his age.There are on

13、ly a few men in all of the history, who have changed the lives of other men as much as the inventor of the first useful electric light.But Edison could never be happy only because someone said he was a genius.“ There is no such thing as genius,”Edison said.He said that what people called genius was mostly hard work.But Edison was a dreamer as well as a worker.From his earliest days as a child he wondered about the secrets of nature.Nature, he often said,is full of secrets.He tried to understand them;then, he tried to learn what


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