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1、 优秀简单的英语诗歌赏析 【篇一】优秀简洁的英语诗歌赏析 当时间已逝 When Day Is Done If the day is done , If birds sing no more ., If the wind has fiagged tired , Then draw the veil of darkness thick upon me , Even as thou hast wrapt the earth with The coverlet of sleep and tenderly closed , The petals of the drooping lotus at dusk

2、.。 From the traverer, Whose sack of provisions is empty before the voyage is ended , Whose garment is torn and dust-laden , Whose strength is exhausted,remove shame and poverty , And renew his life like a flower under The cover of thy kindly night . 【篇二】优秀简洁的英语诗歌赏析 我的狗吃了我的作业 My Dog Ate My Homework 我

3、的狗吃了我的作业 My dog ate my homework. That mischievous pup got hold of my homework and gobbled it up. 我的狗吃了我的作业 它总是给我捣蛋 拿着我的作业本 就开头狼吞虎咽起来 My dog ate my homework. It”s gonna be late. I guess that the teacher will just have to wait. 我的狗吃了我的作业 已经太迟了 我想我的教师不得不等一等了 My dog ate my homework. He swallowed it whol

4、e. I shouldn”t have mixed it with food in his bowl. 我的狗吃了我的作业 它把作业本全吞了 我不应当把作业本和它的食物 混在一起放在它的碗里 【篇三】优秀简洁的英语诗歌赏析 The Horses I climbed through woods in the hour-before-dawn dark. Evil air, a frost-making stillness, Not a leaf, not a bird,- A world cast in frost. I came out above the wood Where my brea

5、th left tortuous statues in the iron light. But the valleys were draining the darkness Till the moorline-blackening dregs of the brightening grey- Halved the sky ahead. And I saw the horses: Huge in the dense grey-ten together- Megalith-still. They breathed, making no move, With draped manes and til

6、ted hind-hooves, Making no sound. I passed: not one snorted or jerked its head. Grey silent fragments Of a grey silent world. I listened in emptiness on the moor-ridge. The curlew”s tear turned its edge on the silence. Slowly detail leafed from the darkness. Then the sun Orange, red, red erupted Sil

7、ently, and splitting to its core tore and flung cloud, Shook the gulf open, showed blue, And the big planets hanging-. I turned Stumbling in the fever of a dream, down towards The dark woods, from the kindling tops, And came to the horses. There, still they stood, But now steaming and glistening und

8、er the flow of light, Their draped stone manes, their tilted hind-hooves Stirring under a thaw while all around them The frost showed its fires. But still they made no sound. Not one snorted or stamped, Their hung heads patient as the horizons, High over valleys, in the red levelling rays- In din of the crowded streets, going among the years, the faces, May I still meet my memory in so lonely a place Between the streams and the red clouds, hearing curlews, Hearing the horizons endure.


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