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1、 新概念英语2逐句精讲Lesson1921 新概念英语2逐句精讲Lesson19 1.The play may begin at any moment,” I said.It may have begun already,” Susan answered. “戏立刻就要开演了,”我说。“说不定已经开演了呢”苏姗答复说。 语言点 比拟学习: must be (可能性大):He must be a teacher. 他很可能是一名教师。 may be (可能性稍小):He may be a teacher.他或许是一名教师。 2.I hurried to the ticket-office.”Ma

2、y I have two tickets please ?” I asked. 我匆忙赶到售票处,问:“我可以买两张票吗?” 语言点 hurry to somewhere指匆忙赶到某地,假如想督促某人“快点”,可以这样说:Come on.赶快。/ Hurry!快点!/ Youre too slow.你太慢了。/ Can you go any faster? 你能走快点吗?/ We are running out of time.没时间了 ! 当答复某人的督促时,通常这样说: Hold on. / Wait a minute.稍候。/ Im hurrying.我正在赶。/ Whats the h

3、urry?你着什么急啊? / Im trying.我始终在尽力。/Just give me a second, Fm almost done.再等一下,我快做完了。 3.I”m sorry, we”ve sold out,” the girl said. “真对不起,我们的票已经卖完了。”那个女孩答复。 语言点 表示赔礼时常用以下句子: I am so sorry.真是对不起! / Please forgive me.请你原谅我。/1 deeply regret hurting you.我 很懊悔损害了你。/ Please dont be angry.请你别生气。/1 do sincerely

4、 apologize.我真诚地向你赔礼。/1 dont know how I can make it up to you.我真不知道该如何补偿你才好。 别人向你赔礼可作以下答复: No big deal.没事,小菜一碟。/ Apology accepted! 我承受你的赔礼!/1 forgive you.我原谅你。/ Well call it even.我们俩之间扯平了。/ Youre not sincere enough.你不够真诚。 更经典的表达: Its better not to do anything wrong than to say youre sorry one hundred

5、 times.说一百遍对不起不如不要做错事。/ Forgive and forget! 原谅他人,不要记仇!/ Saying you are sorry doesnt mean anything without action.假如只是口头赔礼而没有实际行动则是一点意义都没有。 doesn”t mean anything without action.假如只是口头赔礼而没有实际行动则一点意义都没有。 4.What a pity!” Susan exclaimed. “真圆满!”苏姗大声说。 语言点 表达埋怨常用句式: I hate我厌烦/1 dont like我不喜爱/ Ican,t belie

6、ve我简直不敢信任对于埋怨的常用答复: Just give it a rest!别埋怨了! / What would you like me to do? 你想要我怎么做?/ Will you drop it already ? 别再埋怨了好吗?/ OK, we get the point.好,我们已经知道了。 5.Just then, a man hurried to the ticket-office. 就在这时,一个男子匆忙奔向售票处。 语言点 (1) ticket office售票处,又作booking office。 (2) office常指办事处,事务所,政府机关部委。 例如:th

7、e Foreign Office 外交部;head office 总店,总行;inquiry office 问讯处 Can I return these two ticketo? he asked. Certainly, the girl said. “我能把这两张票退了吗?”他问。“固然可以,”那女孩说。 语言点 certainly = of course= by all means= surely= undoubtedly = definitely 固然 If you do not work hard, you will surely fail.假如不努力学习,你确定会考试不及格。 在口语

8、中,我们还可以用以下短语表达“确定”: Absolutely!肯定!完全确定!/ You cant go wrong following me.信任我,错不了。/ Just take my word on this one. 你只管信任我就行了 ! 我们常常用以下短语表达“不确定”: I have my doubts about.我对 心存疑问。/ Im not sure that.我不能确定What proof do you have你有什么证据? 6.Can I return these two tickets?” he asked.Certainly,” the girl said. 我

9、就立即又回到售票处。 语言点1 go back = return 此句可改为:I returned to the ticket office at once. 语言点2 at once = immediately = as soon as = directly =instantly 立即 7.I went back to the ticket office at once. 我就立即又回到售票处。 语言点1 go back = return 此句可改为:I returned to the ticket office at once. 语言点2 at once = immediately = a

10、s soon as = directly =instantly 立即 8.Could I have those two tickets please ?” I asked. “我能买那两张票吗?”我问。 语言点 could = can, 但前者多用于口语表达,比后者更为客气,尤其是在句尾还补上一词 please,就更为礼貌了。 9.Certainly, ”the girl said,but they are for next Wednesday”s performance. “固然可以,”卖票的女孩答复,“不过这两张票是下星期三的,您是否还要呢?” 语言点1 在此作介词,意为“为了” I we

11、nt there for learning English. 我去那儿的目的就是为了学英语。 This room is only for officer. 这个房间是专为官员预备的。 语言点2 比拟学习:still, yet still用于确定句、疑问句,意为“依旧,还”:He is still at home.他还在家里。/ Do you still learn Oiinese?你还在学汉语吗? yet意为“也,还”,用于否认句,常用于现在完成时;用于疑问句,意思为“已经”: He hasnt come back yet. 他还没有回来。 Has he done it yet? 他做完了吗?

12、 Not yet= He hasnt done it yet. 没呢。 10.I might as well have them,” I said sadly. “我还是买下的好,”我垂头丧气地说。 语言点 “may / might as well +动词原形”表示没有更多项选择择不情愿地去做某事(尤其用于第一人称):We might as well take this train. 我们还是坐这趟火车。/ I might as well eat this apple.我看还是吃了这个苹果为好。 新概念英语2逐句精讲Lesson20 1.Fishing is my favourite spor

13、t. 钓鱼始终是我最喜爱的一项运动。. 语言点1 fishing在此是动名词,是典型的动名词作主语的用法: 超级仿照:Running / Growing flowers / Learning is my favorite thing. 跑步/种花/学习是我最喜爱做的事。 Learning English is not easy.学英语并非是件简洁的事。 语言点2 比照英式英语和美式英语的拼与方式: 特殊喜爱的:fevourite (英);favorite (美). 赞成;宠爱:fevour (英);favor (美) 幽默,恢谐:humour (英);humor (美) 行为,举止:behav

14、iour (英);behavior (美) 2.I often fish for hours without catching anything. 我常常一钓数小时却一无所获。 语言点1 fish在此不是名词而作实义动词,意为“钓鱼”。 语畜点2 “for +段时间”表示经过了多长时间:for hours数小时;for three months三个月;for years 几年:I havent heard from him for years. 我好几年没收到他的来信了。 语言点3 总结语法:介词后常接名词、动名词和代词。 without prep. 无,没有(with的否认形式);without +名词,大多数表示条件或伴随状况:We will go to the cinema without you.我们将去电*,但不带你去。 She went out immediately without saying a word.她一句话没说就立即走出去了。 3.But this does not wo



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