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1、福建省福州市中山高级职业中学高三英语期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. We should discuss the plan _ before we work it out.A. in general B. in detail C. on time D. on purpose参考答案:B略2. Part of the building so part of us have lessons in another building. A. is being painted; have to B. are being painted; have to C. is being painted; has t

2、o D. are being painted; has to参考答案:A 考查“part of”做主语时的主谓一致。part of与可数名词单数或不可数名词连用时,谓语动词用单数;与可数名词复数或代词复数连用时,谓语动词用复数。3. Our bedrooms are all on the sixth floor, with its own bathroom.A. all B. every C. either D. each 参考答案:D略4. When you are dressed in the latest style, dancing to the most fashionable mu

3、sic after watching the latest film, you feel marvelous, _? A. dont you B. arent you C. can you D. are you 参考答案:A5. He hadnt been asked to the party and was feeling very _. A. turned down B. broken down C. stressed out D. left out参考答案:D考查动词短语的用法。句意:他没有被邀请参加晚会,并且感到被遗忘了。turn down关小,拒绝;break down坏了,出毛病;

4、stress out使疲惫不堪;leave out被遗忘,漏掉。故选D。6. _ is known to us all is that there have been five cases of A(H1NI) influenza on the mainland, two of whom have been cured.AIt BAs CThat DWhat参考答案:D 7. It is reported that trucks with vital medical supplies has succeeded in reaching the flooded areas.Asupplied B

5、marked Cequipped Dloaded参考答案:D8. What do you think of the furniture on exhibition? Well, great! But I dont think much of _ you bought Athe one Bit Cthat Dwhich 参考答案:C考查代词辨析。此处使用that替代不可数名词furniture,其后为定语从句,省略了作宾语的关系代词which或that。注意the one用于替代特指意义的单数名词,不能替代不可数名词。9. There are many places in the world _

6、 have been visited only by a few, many _ are of an enormous beauty.A. where; of which B. which; of whomC. that; of which D. that; of whom参考答案:C10. I hate _ when people have prejudice against female employees and think women are less capable.A. that B. it C. one D. them参考答案:B11. The happy news quickl

7、y _ through the whole village. A. was spread B. were spreading C. spread D. had been spread参考答案:C12. Friends are like leaves, _ everywhere, but true friends are like diamonds, precious and rare Ato find Bfinding Cfound Dbeing found参考答案:C略13. Is it the news _ the milk contains a harmful chemical _ is

8、 being broadcast on TV now? Athat; which Bwhich; that Cwhich; which Dthat; that 参考答案:D14. Jane was disappointed when she found things didnt _ as she had expectedArun out Bbreak out Cwork out Dput out参考答案:C15. I m sorry I broken the vase. Oh, _. It wasn t very expensive.A. you d better not B. I m afr

9、aid not C. as you wish D. that s all right参考答案:D考查交际用语。句意:-对不起,我把花瓶打碎了。-哦,没关系。它不是很贵重。you d better not你最好不;I m afraid not恐怕不行;as you wish请随便;that s all right没关系。16. The key word in the sentence has been _, so it doesnt make any sense to us.A. picked up B. held up C. left out D. made out参考答案:C略17. -Al

10、ice,turn off the light and lock the door before you leave. - _. A. Got it B. Made it C. Heard it D. Taken it参考答案:A18. The more one is _ the English-speaking environment, the better he or she will learn the language. A. exposed to B. filled in C. caught on D. kept up参考答案:A解析:这一题考的是动词短语的用法。A 选项的意思是“遭受

11、、暴露于”,B 选项的意思是“被填入”,C 选项的意思是“抓牢、理解、流行”,D 选项的意思是“维持、保持”。整句话的意思字面翻译是“一个人越多地暴露在说英语的环境中,他的英语就会学得越好。”19. The staff were _ when the company announced a fat bonus for everyone.A. in the red B. white as a sheet C. tickled pink D. in the black参考答案:C【详解】考查固定短语。句意:当公司宣布给每个人发一笔丰厚的奖金时,员工们都高兴极了。in the red亏损;white

12、 as a sheet苍白如纸;tickled pink高兴极了;in the black盈利。根据句意可知,C选项正确。二、 翻译20. 按照括号里的提示翻译句子(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)97我迟到了,那是因为我错过了公共汽车。(thats because)98他们是按照要求进行体育锻炼的。(as 引导方式状语从句)99 在20世纪90年代,有21,000,000人因吸烟死亡。(as a result of)100 在热天,牛奶容易变坏。(go)101是黄老师鼓励我参加了运动会。 (it is -who-强调句型)参考答案:97 I came late. That is because I missed the bus.98 They take exercise as they are told. 99 About 21million people died during the 1990s as a result of smoking.100 In hot weather , milk goes easily bad.101 It was Mr Huang who encouraged me to take part in the sports meeting三、 阅读理解21. Humans are naturally drawn to other life f


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