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1、湖南省常德市桃源县牛车河乡中学2021年高一英语月考试题含解析一、 选择题1. -Where was the film The Warring State made?- It was in the very Movie& Television Base I visited last week the film was made.A. where; that B. what; that C. that; that D. which; where参考答案:C2. I could not stand to pretend to be another person.A. no longer B. no

2、 moreC. much more D. any longer参考答案:D考查词组。句意:我再也不能忍受假扮成另一个人了。not- any longer不再,故选D。3. Lily is popular among her classmates _ she can be annoying at times.A.in case B. even if C.as if D.so that参考答案:B4. Its unfair to judge historical events by todays _.A. reflection B. quotesC. routines D. standards参考

3、答案:D【详解】考查名词。句意:以今天的标准来评判历史事件是不公平的。A. reflection 反射;B. quotes引用;C. routines常规; D. standards标准。故选D。5. When do you _Thanksgiving Day in your country?A. congratulate B. intend C. gain D. observe 参考答案:D6. You have changed so much that I hardly _ you when I met you in the street. A. imagined B. recognize

4、d C. realized D. understood参考答案:B略7. Mr. Johnson _ his boss _ his careless mistake.A. apologized. about B. apologized to aboutC. apologized to. for D. apologized.for 参考答案:C略8. At last they_ an agreement_ it. A. reached; on B. concluded; at C. arrived at; about D. come to; in参考答案:A略9. It was the high

5、 scores Yang Liwei got on the psychological tests finally won him the status of Chinas first astronaut.A. that; that B. that; what C. what; that D. that; which参考答案:A【详解】考查强调句型与定语从句。句意:杨利伟在心理测试中获得的高分最终让他获得了中国第一位宇航员的地位。分析句子可知,本句是强调句型。强调的是the high scores _ Yang Liwei got on the psychological tests,而此部分

6、为定语从句,the high scores后是定语从句,先行词the high scores在定语从句中作got的宾语,因此可用关系词that。强调句型去掉强调部分中的It was/isthat句意完整。分析句子可知,句子It was the high scores _ Yang Liwei got on the psychological tests that finally won him the status of Chinas first astronaut去掉强调句型部分,是完整的,故第二个空是强调句型的that。因此本题选A。10. All of the students were

7、 by the speech given by the headmaster. A.inspired; inspired B. inspiring; inspiring C. inspired; inspiring D. inspiring; inspired参考答案:C略11. Shangri-la, which is _ happy home for the local people, is also _ home to many birds and animals.A. the; a B. /; / C. a; / D. /; a参考答案:C12. The American girl f

8、ather is an engineer is my pen friendAwho Bwhose Cthat Dwhich参考答案:B13. Lets paint one side of the paper red, and _ side black.Athe otherBanotherCthe othersDone another参考答案:A14. -Mother hasnt come back yet.-Well, she ought _. A. to B. to be C. to do D. to have参考答案:D. 解析:ought to have done sth.表示应该做某事

9、而实际没做,这里省去了过去分词come.但助动词have 不能省。 15. The book, _ is blue, is mine.A. the cover of which B. whose cover C. of which the cover D. all the above参考答案:D二、 短文改错16. 短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)请按下列是情况改正所给短文中的错误:多词:把多余的词用斜线()划掉;缺词:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),在该词下面写出该加的词;错词:在错的词下划一横线,在该词下面写出改正后的词。注意:共10处错误,从第11处起步计分;每行不只一处错误。

10、短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) Read English newspapers is my favorite activity. When I entered into high school, I began to enjoy doing such work. With the teachers help, I realize that reading English articles are of great important. It is a good way to improve my English. I have learned more new words an

11、d expression by doing so. I also get many information, including news about China and the world outside. It opens my eyes widely. Which I love most is the section about TV programs in the coming week. I dislike reading long articles there are many new word. I will work hard to keep on as if it is a

12、particularly hard task for me. 参考答案:66. Read改为Reading 67.into去掉 68.are改为is 69.important改为importance 70.expression改为expressions 71.many改为much 72. Which 改为What 73.there前加 where 74. words 75.as 改为even三、 阅读理解17. Mom was a teacher most of her life. When she wasnt in the classroom, she was educating her c

13、hildren or grandchildren: correcting our grammar; starting us on collections of butterflies, flowers or rocks; or inspiring a discussion on her most recent “Book of the Month Club” topic. Mom made learning fun.It was sad for my three brothers and me to see her illness in her later years. At eighty-five, she suffered a stroke(中风) and she went steadily(不断地) downhill after that.Two days before she died, my brothers and I met at her nursing home and took her for a short ride in a wheelchair. While we waited for the staff to lift her limp body back into bed, Mom fell asleep


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