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1、描写准备婚礼的英语情景对话 我们的英语想要学习好就是要靠持之以恒,所以同学们要多多积累,我今日带来的是英语的口语,英语是我们要多花点心思去学习的哦,大家要好好看一看,背一背,这样才能更快的提升英语成果哦,大家快点行动起来吧,与须要的可以保藏起来哦 一我们准备要结婚了 AHi, Mary. I havent seen you in ages! I heard that you and Daniel are getting married on August 8th, the opening day of the 2022 Olympic Games. Is it true? 嗨,玛丽,好久不见!

2、听说你和丹尼尔准备8月8日,也就是2022年奥运会的第一天结婚,是真的吗? BYes, it is. Weve been dating for over 7 years. We have decided to get married on a special day and we think August 8th, 2022 is a red-letter day. 是的,我们已经谈了7年恋爱,确定选个特别的日子结婚。2022年8月8日正是个好日子。 AGood for you! It sounds like youve done a lot of planning in a very sho

3、rt time. 太好了!看起来你们要在很短的时间内打算许多事情了。 BYes, there is a lot of to be taken care of-wedding photos, wedding dress, catering, transport, hotel, etc 是啊,要考虑许多事-拍结婚照,选婚纱,摆酒席,支配车辆等。 AIs everything ready now? 都打算好了吗? BAlmost. The only thing that isnt ready is the hotel. As a lot of people have chosen that day

4、to get married, it is hard to find a hotel that isnt too expensive. 差不多了,就剩酒店了。因为那天有许多人结婚,很难找到价位适合的酒店。 AHave you tried The Peninsula Palace Beijing? My wedding reception was held there and they did an excellent job. 你试过王府半岛酒店吗?我的婚宴就在那儿办的,办的很好。 BYes, we called, but it is booked up. The only choice is

5、 the Regent Beijing but we havent made up our minds yet. 是的,打过电话了,但是已经订满了,就只剩下北京丽晶酒店了,我们还没确定呢。 AIts an excellent hotel. A friend of mine had her wedding reception there and sasid it was perfect, though very expensive. 北京丽晶酒店很好啊。我有个挚友就在那儿办的婚宴,听说不错,只是价格略微贵了点。 BThats why we want to have a look at other

6、 hotels. We don’t want to spend too much on an extravagant wedding reception. 所以我们想再看看。我们不想在婚宴上太铺张。 AI guess youre right. I can help you ask other hotels. I am sure there are probably some available. 说的也是,我可以帮你问问其它酒店,确定有一些还没订满。 BThank you. 感谢你。 AMy pleasure. 别客气。 二我们今晚要再见一面 AHey, Mary, whats u

7、p? 嗯,玛丽,最近怎么样? BNot much. Last night I met this great guy at the bar and we had such a wonderful time that we decided to meet again tonight. 还行吧,昨天晚上在酒吧里遇到一个特殊好的人,我们玩得特别快乐,于是确定今日晚上再见一面. AOh, thats exciting. Whats this guy like? Is he hot? 哦,真不错.这个人长什么样啊,帅吗? BWell, I didnt think so at first. But as w

8、e started talking, I found his extremely funny and witty. I couldnt stop laughing at his jokes! We have so much in common. We like the same teams, music, a 我刚起先的时候不觉的,可是聊起天来,我发觉他特殊风趣诙谐,他讲的笑话让我笑得不停.而且我们还有许多共同点,我们喜爱相同的运动队,相同的音乐,最不行思议的是,我们都喜爱中国菜!我觉得我们会成为很好的挚友的. AIt seems you two are a good match. What

9、qualities do you look for in a friend? 看来你们俩还挺般配的.你找挚友时注意什么品质呢? BTheres nothing definite I think. I dont have a list or anything, but when I first meet somebody, I can usually tell whether or not that person is going to be a good friend. It seems I have radar h 我觉得并不是非要有特殊的品质.我没有什么特殊的要求,但是当我第一次遇见一个人

10、时,我通常能知道他能不能成为我的好挚友.我似乎有一个雷达,帮助我在人群中找到我的挚友. AWell, thats something Ive never heard of. But if you as me what I value most in a friend, I would have to say honesty. 还没听过这个说法呢,但是要我说什么是挚友最重要的品质,我觉得就是诚恳. BI agree. You cant expect a close relationship with a dishonest person. Those are the people that wi

11、ll turn their back on you when you are in need. 我同意你的说法,和一个不诚恳的人在一起确定不会有深层次的沟通,他们往往会在你须要的时候离你而去. AYeah, I know. A friend in need is a friend indeed. I dont need fair-weather friends either. 是的,我知道,患难见真情,我不想要只能共甘不能共苦的挚友. 描写打算婚礼的英语情景对话本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第4页 共4页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页


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