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1、2020-2021学年安徽省阜阳市界首朝阳中学高二英语下学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题23. Give him time. Its always hard to _ a new place. A. devote to B. stick to C. lead to D. adjust to参考答案:D略2. We won the contract but only through a lot of _ negotiating.Aeasy BtoughCsatisfying Drough参考答案:Btough“棘手的;困难的”;easy“容易的”;satisfying“令人满意的”;rough“(

2、人)粗野的;(东西)粗糙的”。3. Thank you for all your hard work last week. I dont think we _ it without you.A. can manage B. could have managedC. could manage D. can have managed参考答案:B4. _ Libyas oil production returns to normal, I guess, it will be fifteen months, said a UN expert AAfter BThat CBefore DSince参考答

3、案:C略5. We got lost in the forest and decided to remain _ we were and waited for rescue Ahow Bwhat Cwhere Dwho参考答案:C6. -Have you seen your nephew lately?-Yes, in fact, I saw him yesterday. I _ him for three years.A. havent seen B. didnt see C. hadnt seen D. dont see参考答案:C【详解】考查过去完成时。句意:-你最近见你外甥了吗?-见了

4、,我昨天见了他,我都三年都没见他了。根据前文I saw him yesterday可知,说话者在昨天之前有三年没有见了,故为过去的过去,因而用过去完成时,故选C.【点睛】考查过去完成时。过去完成时的结构为had done,被动形式为had been done,其表示过去的过去,常见的标志性短语by+过去时间,before。其中有些固定结构需要使用过去完成时,比如hardlywhen,no soonerthan,It was the first/second time (that)等固定句型中如:Hardly had he begun to speak when the audience int

5、errupted him.他刚开始演讲,听众就打断了他。7. Only by seizing every possible_ to practice can you possibly hope to improve your spoken English.Asolution Bopportunity Cexperience Dtouch参考答案:B8. I hurried back home only _ that I had left my key at my office.A. to find B. finding C. having found D. found参考答案:A9. If n

6、ot tired from work, I will spend some time in my study every evening.A. locking B. locked C. having locked D. being locked参考答案:B10. The first prize winner _, John was so disappointed that he felt unwilling to know the rest of the results.A. announcing B. announced C. having announced D. had been ann

7、ounced参考答案:B考查非谓语动词。“the first prize winner _”和逗号后面的句子之间无连词,故该空不能填谓语动词,要用非谓语动词,排除D选项。“the first prize winner”和announce之间是被动关系,故该空要用过去分词。B选项正确。11. Mycousindoesntknowwhatto_attheuniversity;hecantmakeuphismindabouthisfuture. A.takeon B.takeaway C.takeup D.takeafter参考答案:C略12. The last one _ pays the mea

8、l. Agreed!A. arrived B. arrives C. to arrive D. arriving参考答案:C13. Im considering _ a washing machine, which is considered _ a great help to my wife. A. buying; to be B. buying; being C. to buy; being D. to buy; to be 参考答案:A 14. the aid from the government, the flood-stricken area greater loss.A. Apa

9、rt from, should have suffered B. But for, would have suffered.C. Without; could suffer D, Except for; would have suffered参考答案:B句意:要不是政府的帮助,洪水泛滥地区就会遭受更大的损失。可知政府给与了帮助,洪水泛滥地区也没有遭受更大的损失,这是虚拟语气,but for要不是,would have done本来会而不会,apart from除了,except for也是除了,should have done是本应该做,而没有,选B。【考点】考查虚拟语气15. You can

10、t imagine what trouble I had _ this English article into Chinese.A. to translate B. translatedC. translating D. been translating参考答案:C16. He is the lawyer who you took photos _ you were in the Forbidden City.A. when B. of when C. where D. of where 参考答案:B17. Watch out! The petrol _. Oh, my God. We ha

11、ve to find a service station soon enough. A. runs out B. has run out C. is running out D. has been run out参考答案:C二、 短文改错18. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同学写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多

12、者(从第11处起)不计分Dear Ming,Its very nice to hear from you after such long time. Im glad to learn that youve been settled down in Boston but are getting used to the local way of life. As you know, Im still buried in books at the school you are so familiar to. What may surprise you are that Im going to the

13、 US this July on a summer camp! Surely Im expecting lots of sightseeing tour, parties and another exciting things. We must definite meet when the camp is over. As is planning, Im coming to Boston around the 15th, and I wonder if youll be free then so we can chat about the good older days.I hope to see you soon.Yours,Xiao Lei参考答案:Dear Ming,Its very nice to hear from you after such long time. Im glad to learn that youve abeen settled down in Boston but are getting used to the local way of life. As you 去掉


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