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1、考研复试英语面试中经典问题 英语面试是考研复试中的一根钉,如何拔出这根钉是考生最关心的话题,对于考研英语面试中自我介绍也是大家最担心和关注的问题,考生不难发现网上的自我介绍铺天盖地,但是同学们不能直接copy下来背,上次我们给大家了自我介绍的模板,大家还需要结合自身的情况整合一下,那么我们下面给大家分享下在英语面试中的常问问题以及对策: 1.Why do you choose our school? The reason why I choose our school is that it is a prosperous and prehensive university, and meanw

2、hile the professors are the Chinese academy of science, the founder of Then, the atmosphere of the study does attract me a lot and I also want to improve myself by peting with the other students. 2. Please introduce your hometown. I am so proud of my hometown, which is a beautiful city and provide u

3、s fortable life. Meanwhile it is known forI am looking forward to waiting my dear teachers to visit my hometown, which will be transformed into a beautiful memory. 3. How do you handle your failure?(你怎样对待自己的失败?) None of us was born perfect. I believe I can be given a second chance to correct my mist

4、ake. 4. What are your goals? (你的长期短期目标) My immediate goal is to improve my professional knowledge by study from teachers. I hope to eventually grow into a position of responsibility.” 5. Why do you choose this profession? (你为什么选择你报考的专业?) Maybe it depends on my personality, an innovative achiever. I

5、feel that in a growth industry like I want to take a step forwards as long as I start my plan. 同时我们也给大家几句万能句,这些万能句也是考验真题作文中的万能句,大家如果之前没有背过真题作文,现在开始要准备这些句子,以备英语面试口语中用: It is important to take concrete measures to put this phenomenon on hold (push forward this phenomenon). First and foremost, relevant

6、 authority is expected to make some rules or regulations in regard to +主题, and improve peoples awareness of doing sth at the same time. For another thing, as citizens, we should step up efforts to support/fight against+ 主题词. Owing to +主题, not only can we aumulate wealth, but also establish our career, fit into society and even attain social status. 由于面试的时间紧,我们的准备更要有计划,更有针对性的复习,那么这个时候大家就可以把以前复习过的东西按照复试中的要求,首先专业课笔试,要注意基础知识及总结性的东西,回答时加上自己的观点。然后,专业课面试在掌握专业基础知识的同时要注意回答时的逻辑性,条理性。最后就是我们的英语能力测试,对于听力,大多数高校会采用四六级或雅思的材料,考生要根据这些材料来练习,贵在坚持。


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