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1、2020年四川省广元市陵江镇中学高二英语下学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. The moment the 28th Olympic Games _ open, the whole world cheered. A. declared B. have been declared C. have declared D. were declared参考答案:D2. - Sorry, your name me for the moment. - Thats all right. Im Frank. A. escapes B. supports C. runs D. covers参考答案:A3. Sh

2、all we go to the lecture about the risk of brain cancer from mobile phone use? _? It is closely related to our health.A. So whatB. Why notC. What forD. How come参考答案:B4. The computer costs 5, 000 yuan, but I spent _ 4,200 saving 800 yuan.A. not more than B. no less than C. no more than D. more than参考

3、答案:C5. -Peter once _English at Oxford University for three years and now is a speakers. -No wonder he _perfect English. A. had taught; spoke B. taught; speaks C. is teaching; has spoken D. has been teaching; will speak参考答案:B6. Maybe you will prefer to _ the town by taxi or cab . A. get around to B.

4、get around C. get away D. get back参考答案:B略7. She believes him so much that she _ everything he says.A. has faith in B. is interested in C. is crazy about D. have trust in参考答案:A8. Every time he thought of his past, he couldnt help bursting .A.when; out tears B.that; into crying C.which; into tears D./

5、; out crying参考答案:D9. -Do you have any idea why Jenny left the firm?-Probably , she _ for a pay rise, but was turned down.A. has held out B. holds outC. held out D. has been holding out参考答案:C考查时态。句意:你知道为什么Jenny离开公司吗?可能是因为她提出涨工资被拒绝了。与but 后的时态was turned一致也用过去时,表示过去发生的一个事实,此处是主动意思,故选C。10. Can you tell m

6、e what did he succeed in yesterday?_.A. He passed his driving testC. Because he passed his driving testB. Passing his driving testD. That he passed his driving test 参考答案:B略11. Have you apologized to Mr. Jack? Id shoot myself_ I apologize to him. A. after B. when C. before D. as soon as 参考答案:C本句的意思是:

7、我宁死也不向他道歉。before “宁愿”之意。选C.12. Because of continual price increases, the _ of the dollar has fallen in recent years. A. value B. price C. cost D. usefulness 参考答案:A13. As the day was fine, I made the suggestion _for a walk in the park.A. that we go B. we will go C. should we go D. we go参考答案:A14. His

8、efforts to raise money for his program were _ because no one showed any intention to take a cent out of their pockets. A. in place B. in sight C. in effect D. in vain参考答案:D15. Just as the coach always _ it, we need teamwork if we want to continue our success in the games. A. puts B. means C. says D.

9、 makes参考答案:A二、 完型填空16. 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)I recently overheard something that surprised me.I heard that people who win the lottery (彩票) are_21_for about 3 weeks.And then they go back to their_22_state of being before they won the money.I_23_that they would have been happy for a much longer tim

10、e.The reason for this is that_24_we try to change how we feel by using something outside of ourselves,like winning the lottery,or getting a new car or house,it never_25_.The resulting feelings of happiness are often fleeting (飞逝的)We cannot_26_them for very long.In some way,it may be a good thing.It

11、reminds us that happiness really does come from within and is_27_to us at any moment.True happiness has_28_to do with what is happening outside;it is an inside job.Happiness is a_29_.We can make the decision to be happy for one day,when we_30_in the morning,every morning.We can find something that b

12、rings us great _31_,like sitting outside in the garden under an old tree and_32_the birds sing,or watching the dog or cat play,and just_33_the moment.It is our_34_state and we need only allow it in.At any moment,we can_35_,take a deep breath,and remember who we really are,and why we came here,and th

13、at truly is to_36_joy and the aliveness of being.“Happiness is like a butterfly which,when run after,is always _37_our reach,but,if you will sit down_38_,may fall upon you,” said Nathaniel Hawthorne,an American novelist.So,today,no matter what is going on in your own_39_,stop and take a few moments

14、to breathe deeply and just_40_to be happy,whatever that means to you.21A.clever Blucky Chappy Dcautious22A. previous Bunusual C. constant Dpositive23. A. concluded B. suspected C. promised Dthought 24A. anyhow Banytime C. anywhere Danyway25A. changes Bforms C. works Dappears26A. keep Bcontrol Cblame Dguide27A. available


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