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1、2020-2021学年江西省宜春市丰城矿务局第一中学高三英语下学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Id love to find a job combining my major and interest upon graduation _ I can fully develop my potential. A. so that B. as though C. in case D. even if参考答案:A2. Its too noisy here, Can we go somewhere ?A quietly B more quietly C much quiet D quieter参考答

2、案:D3. I really shouldnt have shouted at my parents like that, but _.A. it was none of your business B. I just couldnt help itC. I didnt care about it D. it made no difference参考答案:B4. More and more high-rise buildings have been built in big cities space.A. in search of B. in place of C. for lack of D

3、. for fear of 参考答案:C考查介词短语。句意为:“因为缺少空间,越来越多的高层建筑在城市中被建造。”A项意为“寻找”;B项意为“代替,替代”;C项意为“缺乏,短缺”;D项意为“担心,害怕”。据句意可知,C项符合。5. _ his body and soul to bringing up-to-date technology and international attention to Chinas Aids problem, Dr David Ho, born in Taiwan, spent little time with his family.A. Devoted B. T

4、o devote C. Being devoted D. Devoting参考答案:D略6. In the conference room on the fifth floor, where a meeting _ , some students were busily setting the table.A. was to be held B. has been held C. will be held D. is being held参考答案:A 7. warnAwar Btarget Cupward Dbeggar参考答案:A 8. In the traditional Spring F

5、estival travel peak this year, almost all the cities adopted _ measures to smooth the heavy traffic. A. contemporary B. temporary C. contradictory D. compulsory参考答案:B略9. She was in a _ as to whether to tell her son the truth that he was adopted or not.A. dilemma B. procedure C. process D. manner参考答案

6、:A略10. 一Im sorryThat wasnt of much help一Oh, . As a matter of fact,it was most helpfulAsure it was Bit doesnt matter Cof course not Dthanks anyway 参考答案:A11. A good advertisement often uses words _ people attach positive meanings.A. in which B. to which C. which D. that参考答案:attach positive meanings to

7、 the words. attach A to B: 将A与B联系起来。选择B项。考点:动词。定语从句。【答案】12. Alice was born on January 26th and her husband, 29th of the same month Oh, their birthdays are only three days _! Aaway Bapart Clater Dfurther参考答案:B略13. -Are you sure you wont come for a drink with us? -_, if you insist. A. Not at all B. It

8、 depends C. All right then D.I dont care参考答案:C14. _hard and you will see that good luck comes your way eventuallyA. Work B. To work C. Worked D. Working 参考答案:A15. Jenny took the 8:00 bus to Guangzhou this morning. Really? He the 9:00 train. Its much more comfortable and safer to travel by train.A. c

9、ould have taken B. should take C. must have taken D. can take参考答案:A略二、 完型填空16. Once there was a little girl who came to live in an orphanage (孤儿院). As Christmas time was21 near, all of the other children 22 telling the little girl about the beautiful Christmas 23 that would appear in the hall downst

10、airs on Christmas morning. After their usual 24 , each child would be given their only Christmas gift, a small orange. The headmaster of the orphanage was very 25 with the kids. So on Christmas Eve, when he26 the little girl slipping down the stairs to peek(偷看)at the much-heard-of Christmas tree, he

11、27 that the little girl would not receive her Christmas orange 28 she had been so curious as to disobey the rules. The little girl ran back to her room 29 , crying at her terrible fate. The next morning as the other children were going 30 for breakfast, the little girl stayed in her bed. She couldnt

12、 31 the thought of seeing the others receive their gift while there would be 32 for her. Later, as the children came back upstairs, the little girl was surprised to be 33 a napkin (餐巾). As she carefully opened it, there, to her 34 , was an orange all peeled and sectioned (分瓣). “ How 35 this be? ” sh

13、e asked. Then, she 36 how each child had taken one section from their orange for her so that she, 37 , would have a Christmas orange. What an example of the 38 meaning of Christmas those orphan children showed that morning! How I 39 the world would show the same kind of concern for others, not only at Christmas, 40 throughout the year!21. A. passing B. runningC. drawing D. moving22. A. stoppedB. beganC. hatedD. avoided23. A. orangeB. treeC. lightD. card24. A. breakfastB. lunchC. dinnerD. break25. A. patientB. satisfiedC. angryD. strict26. A.


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