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1、广东省东莞市市谢岗中学高一英语上学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Shes gone to Shanghai on business, so there is no _ that she will show up at Henrys birthday today.A. doubt B. possibilityC. evidence D. wonder参考答案:B13. Her advice _ great value.A. is proved to be B. is turned out to be C. does prove of D. turn out of 参考答案:C略3. Doin

2、g science exercises often _ most of the studentsspare time.A. takes off B. takes up C. goes off D.goes up 参考答案:B略4. The woman carrying babies, come in first, _?A. will you B. will they C. do you D. dont you参考答案:A5. The square was named after a great man his great contributions to the city.A. in need

3、 of B. instead of C. in case of D. in honor of 参考答案:D6. 语音知识(共5小题:每小题1分,满分5分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1. upset A. suffer B. fluent C. attitude D. bury2. persuade A. attack B. guidance C. quality D. stage3. concern A. suffering B. German C. eastern D. reporter4. overcoat A.

4、recover B. vocabulary C. lorry D. hopeful5. loose A. lose B. easy-going C. breakfast D. series参考答案:1-5 ADBDC略7. He tried his best to solve the problem, difficult it wasAhowever Bno matter Cwhatever Dalthough参考答案:A8. Only when your identity has been checked _.A. you are allowed in B. you will be allo

5、wed inC. will you allow in D. will you be allowed in 参考答案:D9. An experienced doctor usually judges a patients illness according to the various _.A. signs B. symbols C. signals D. marks参考答案:A10. Last weekend Peter had a great deal of fun with his family_ kites in a park.Afly BflewCto fly Dflying参考答案:

6、D句意为:上周末皮特和家人在公园里放风筝,玩得很开心。have fun (in) doing sth.为习惯搭配,意为“做某事很开心”,故D项正确。11. Hundreds of jobs _ if the factory closes.A. lose B. will be lost C. are lost D. will lose参考答案:B因job与lose逻辑上构成被动关系,故A、D两项被排除,又因主句用将来时,故答案为B项。12. He said that he had visited the park .A. last week B. a week ago C two weeks b

7、efore D. before two weeks 参考答案:C13. At this time tomorrow, we _ across the big desert ahead.A. are to drive B. are going to drive C. will drive D. will be driving参考答案:D14. Xiao Shenyang _ the audience with his performance and humorous words.A. caused B. impressed C. aided D. preferred参考答案:B15. The n

8、ews that he _ over a stone and hurt himself _ quickly among his s. A. traveled, tours B. tripped, travelsC. toured, trips D. journeyed, tours参考答案:B16. Whatever happens, dont be discouraged. You wont lose _ you dont give up.A. as long asB. as far asC. as soon asD. as well as参考答案:A考查短语辨析。as long as只要;

9、as far as直到为止;就,据;as soon as一就;as well as也,还。句意:不管发生什么事情,都不要泄气。只要你不放弃,你就不会输。由句意可知,A选项正确。17. 1 him not to smoke, but he didnt think it necessary.A. persuaded B.advised C.hoped D.suggested参考答案:二、 短文改错18. I went to see the film after supper. On my way to the 1. _cinema. I met an English woman, who lost

10、 her way. 2. _I gave up the chance see the film and took her to her 3. _hotel. While go there, I told her about great changes 4. _that had been taken place here in the past few years 5. _and she had told me something about her country. 6. _Although I missed the film, but I still felt very happy, for

11、 7. _I had not only helped her out of trouble but practiced 8. _my spoken English. If I had not worked hard on 9. _English, I would not have been able to help him. 10. _参考答案:1、film 前的 the 改为 a 2、lost 前加 had 3、see 前加 to 4、go 改为 going5、去掉 been 6、去掉 had7、去掉 but 8、正确 9、on 改为 at 10、him 改为 her三、 阅读理解19. N

12、eed an app for that? Anvitha Vijay,9 years old, can build it. With the help of YouTube videos, the young girl from Melbourne, Australia, Learned to code(编程)at age 7.Soon,she was trying her hand at making apps.When I first got my iPad,I was attracted by all the apps on it, “she told TFK.It wasnt long before I wanted to create my own.She built her first two apps with her younger sister in mind. Smartkins Animals helps children know more than 100 animals and their sounds. Smartkins Rainbow Colors teaches kids color1 s. Each app has been downloaded thousands of times.Anvithas skills w


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