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1、山西省阳泉市十一中学2022年高三英语月考试题含解析一、 选择题1. The film is, I have to say, not a bit interesting. Why? Its _ than the films I have ever seen.A. far more interestingB. much less interestingC. no more interestingD. any less interesting参考答案:A试题分析:考查形容词用法。句意为,-这部电影一点意思都没有。-什么,这部电影比我看过的任何电影都还要有趣。根据意思可知,回答对上文的观点不赞同,因

2、此排除BD,AC中只有no more意为不再,far more 意为多的多, 选A。考点:考查形容词用法点评:这题主要考查副词修饰形容词比较级的用法,可修饰形容词比较级的副词有:still,far,much,any,a little,a lot,a great deal,even,rather,等。还要结合句意选择适当的副词。2. It was only after he had read the papers Mr. Gross realized the task before him was extremely difficult to complete.A. when B. that C

3、. which D. what参考答案:B略3. The education system in China is very different from _ in the USA.A. one B. itC. those D. that参考答案:D4. From the word _ on the old pot, we decide that it dates back to at least five hundred years ago. A. having been marked B. marked C. to be marked D. being marked参考答案:B5. _ t

4、he girl was too selfish and never thought of others, she wasnt getting on well with her classmates. A. Since B. Unless C. Though D. Until参考答案:A6. _, we had to feel the way out.A. The light being gone out B. With the light had gone outC. For the light went out D. The light going out参考答案:D7. They made

5、 an action film _ the beautiful coastal city lies. A. at which B. where C. the place D. at where 参考答案:B 32. Why are you leaving right now? You promised to stay _ hours.A. both two B. more two C. two another D. another two 参考答案:D略9. Why ! Can you tell me _ you want me to say .A. what is it that B. wh

6、at it is that C. how is it that D. how it is that 参考答案:B10. _ going to the program “If you are the one”, he was rather concerned about being turned down in public. A.Much as he liked B.However he liked C.As he liked much D.As much he liked参考答案:A11. Having answered the phone, I couldnt but _ what wou

7、ld happen next.A. wonderingB. wonderedC. wonderD. to wonder参考答案:C考查词组:cant but do “不得不做“,”情不自禁”,句意是:接了电话后,我情不自禁的想到下面会发生什么。选C。12. - Do you think an advertisement is a help when you look for a job?- Well, it depends. _, it gives me a chance to try.A. Somewhat B. Therefore C. Anyway D. Otherwise参考答案:C1

8、3. The pigeon has been _ symbol of _ peace for thousands of years in many countries.A. the; a B. a; the C. a; / D. the; /参考答案:C14. Do you think an advertisement is help when you look for a job? Well, it depends. Anyway, it gives me more of chance to try. Aa;a B不填;不填 Cthe;the Da;the参考答案:A15. _ his re

9、turn from America, he got down to his research.A. While B. In C. As D. On 参考答案:8. D. 考查固定句型。On ones return (某人一回来),故选D.二、 完型填空16. Hiro walked up to the microphone. He looked out at the huge crowd and felt a heaviness in the pit of his stomach. They were all 36 at him, waiting.“Uh, hi,” Hiro said int

10、o the microphone. For a moment, his mind went 37 , Then he saw Tadashis face in the audience. He was smiling and giving Hiro a thumbs-up.Hiro smiled back and took a 38. “Sorry. My name is Hiro Hamada, and Ive been working on something I think is pretty cool. I hope you like it.”Hiro put on a headset

11、 and reached into his hoodie(连帽衫). He 39 a small object no bigger than a paper clip. “This is a microbot.” The small object in his hand took a bow. “It doesnt look like much but when it links up with the rest of its fellows, things get a little more interesting.”The crowd didnt seem 40 . Then a murm

12、ur rose as the audience noticed waves of tiny mircrobots twisting across the floor. The single microbot flew from Hiros 41 and joined a towering column of microbots that had now formed onstage.Hiro smiled and tapped his headset. “The microbots are 42 with this neural transmitter(神经传导器).” He took the

13、 headset off and the microbots collapsed to the floor.They reformed into a column as soon as Hiro put the headset back on.“I think of what I want them to do,” Hiro said, “and they do it!” The microbots took the 43 of a hand waving. Everyone in the audience smiled and waved back. “The 44 of this tech

14、 are limitless. Take construction.”Hiro stared at the microbots, and with a wave of his hand, they picked up cinder(煤渣)blocks and assembled them into a tower. “ 45 used to take teams of people working by hand for months or years can now be 46 by one person!”“And thats just the 47 Hiro said as he jumped off the tower. Everyone gasped, thinking he was about to 48 ,but



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