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1、2022年山东省东营市大王中心中学高二英语联考试卷含解析一、 选择题1. They desired that they _ the right to attend the meeting.A. had B. have C. are D. were参考答案:B2. Compared with his sister, Jerry is even more _ to, and more easily troubled by, emotional and relationship problems. A. sceptical B. addicted C. available D. sensitive参

2、考答案:D3. Can I get you a cup of tea?_.A. Thats very nice of youB. With pleasureC. You can, pleaseD. Thank you for the tea参考答案:A4. On hearing the bad news, Benny suddenly _ tears.A. burst into B. looked into C. broke into D. developed into参考答案:A5. He never _ his son to do his homework . As a result, h

3、is son fell behind his classroom.A. dragged B. divedC. urged D. paused参考答案:C考查词意辨析,A拖、拉,B潜水,C督促,D暂停,根据句意:他从不他儿子做作业,结果他儿子在班级里处于落后水平,应为没有督促,urge sb to do sth;故选C。6. Chinas oil price _ very sharp increase during the year 2010 and it is continuing to rise further in 2011.A. observed B. witnessed C. prov

4、ed D. supplied参考答案:B略7. Although this medicine can cure you your illness,it has a bad effect youAfor;in Bfor;on Cof;on Dof;at参考答案:C8. Please remind me of the meeting again tomorrow_I forget. Athough Bso that Cin case Duntil参考答案:C9. -Will you go home tomorrow evening? ks5u-No, Im going to a lecture,

5、or at least I m planning _.A. to B. so C. that D. it 参考答案:A略10. It Lin Hua and his sister who helped the old man several days ago. A.were B.was C.are D.had been参考答案:D11. Had Jack received six more votes in the election last week, he_ the chairman of the students union now. A. must have been B. would

6、 have been C. were D. would be参考答案:B12. Sue is good at .singing and her voice sounds _. A. soft B. softly C. sweetly D. well参考答案:A略13. ,she ran out of the room.A.Having tears in her eyes and turned suddenlyB.Turning suddenly, with tears in her eyesC.With a sudden turn, tearful eyeD.With tears in her

7、 eyes and turned suddenly参考答案:B14. You _ buy a gift, but you can if you want to.A. mustB. dont have toC. have toD. mustnt参考答案:B15. _ we get good weather it will be a successful holiday. Which is wrong?A. So long as B. Provided that C. So long D. On condition that参考答案:C16. The manager just _ Toms rep

8、ort and gave it to his secretary at once, saying it seemed to be all right.A. fixed on B. thought overC. glanced through D. concentrated on参考答案:C17. _,I have to put it away and focus my attention on study this week.A. However the story is amusingB. No matter amusing the story isC. However amusing th

9、e story isD. No matter how the story is amusing参考答案:C试题分析: howeverno matter how,引导让步状语从句,后接“adj./adv.主谓”结构。二、 短文改错43. Some of us are having problems with our parents, as they often looked into our school bags or read our diary. I fully understand that why we are not comfortable about it, but theres

10、no need to feel too sadly. Our parents are checking our bags or diaries make sure were not getting into any trouble. You have probably heard some horrible stories about other kids and thought we might do same. Or perhaps they just want to connect with us and are doing it all wrong. My suggestion is:

11、 Tell them we want them to trust us as many as wed like to trust them. If you dont think you can talk to them, write them a letter and leave it lie aroundthey are bound to read it.参考答案:43.【答案】1.looked改为look2.diary改为diaries3.去掉that4.sadly改为sad5. diaries和make之间加to6.You改为They7.do和same间加the8.and改为but9.m

12、any改为much10.lie改为lying三、 阅读理解19. Directions: Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from A-F for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not neeDAManufacturing industry in information economyBNews in the age of informationCArgument about individual accounts and

13、their reliabilityDBe your own investigative journalistE. Dont believe everything you read in the newspapers.F. Information is presented in an entertaining way.66_ With the arrival of the age of “information economy”, intellectual work is becoming a more important source of wealth than manufacturing.

14、 Organizations in all walks of life are doing more to spread their information. So people of the Public Relations are hired to speak for them. A lot of our news is actually collected from press releases and reports of events intentionally staged for journalists. In the information age, journalists spend their time, not investigating, but passing on the words of a spokesperson.67_ There is a joke in the nove


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