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1、2022年河北省石家庄市高邑县尚军中学高一英语联考试题含解析一、 选择题1. The River Nile_ flood large areas, but now the waters of it _ electricity.A. is used to; used to produceB. used to; used to produceC. used to; are used to producingD. used to; are used to produce参考答案:D2. There is just _ much competition among countries to host

2、the Olympics as _ Olympic medals.A. as ; to win B. as; winning C. so; to win D. so; winning参考答案:A3. When deeply absorbed in work, _ he often was,he would forget all about eating or sleeping. A. that B. which C. where D. when 参考答案:B略4. The motorway was closed because of fog; as a result we had to fin

3、d an _ route.A. impressive B. effective C. aggressive D. alternative参考答案:D5. The little boy was taken into the small house_ door faced the southA that B. which C. whose D. Its参考答案:C6. I dont know how he managed to _ cheating in the exam. A. get away with B. get away fromC. get out of D.get behind wi

4、th参考答案:A7. Im really tired _ Tom. He had me _ for two hours in the rain.A. of, waiting B. with; wait C. of; waited D. with; waited参考答案:A略8. In the theater and all the lecture centers of HuaShiyi ,seats can be _ so that users can move around without difficulty. A.tipped up B. packed up C. set down D.

5、recovered 参考答案:A9. _ different life today is from _ it was fifty years ago.A. What a; what B. What a; how C. How; what D. What; what参考答案:C10. People of all ages _beautiful costumes skipped back and forth _the loud music.A. dressing in; at B. dressed in; to C. dressing up; to D. dressed up; at参考答案:B略

6、11. Sam _ some knowledge of the computer just by watching others working on it.A. brought up B. looked up C. picked up D. set up参考答案:C12. It was 5 oclock _ the visitors finally arrived at Pudong International Airport.A. whenB. thatC. beforeD. since参考答案:A13. Many people have come to realize they shou

7、ld go on _ diet and make room for _ exercise Aa; 不填 Bthe; an Cthe; the D不填; an 参考答案:A14. As soon as the gate was opened, the people around me rushed into the supermarket and I got _ from my mother. Aseparated Bdivided Cmissed Dlost参考答案:A15. Everybody has _ to play _ our environment.A. a part ; to pr

8、otect B. a role ; in protecting C. part ; in protecting D. a role ;to protect参考答案:B16. Do you know the things and persons they are talking about?A.whom B.that C.whose D.which参考答案:B17. He wasnt looking forward to the time _ he had to give evidence to the court.A. which B. when C. that D. whenever参考答案

9、:B略18. The English play _ my students acted at the New Years party was a great success. A. for which B. at which C. in which D. on which参考答案:C二、 新的题型19. Anger is a valuable emotion, even though we tend to see it as a problem. We think of anger as harmful. But anger is actually beneficial. The key li

10、es in what we do with our anger. 31 When we express our needs calmly and without judgment, we show respect to others and to ourselves-and maybe we even get our needs met.When were angry, we yell, criticize, judge, shut down, give the silent treatment or say, “Im fine!” (without of course being fine)

11、. 32 They feel bad, and we might feel worse. We might regret the insults(无礼)and judgments we brought. We might feel upset that we didnt understand the real reason behind our anger. 33 However, how you express it may greatly influence the environment that youre in, as well as future opportunity. Whil

12、e expressing your anger at work may be considered impolite, there are certain ways that will help with this process.Use a non-aggressive(非攻击性的)tone. People are more likely to listen and respond calmly to you when you treat them calmly and respectfully. “If you treat someone in an aggressive manner,

13、the natural response is to shut down, leave, or act aggressively in return,” write Chapman and Gratz. So avoid raising your voice or being aggressive. 34 This helps you get a better sense of your tone.Learn how to control your feelings in many different environments. 35 If we know how to control our sense of reactivity then we may respond in a more proper way. Understanding ourselves and how we respond may need some self-exploration. Certainly the negative or positive results of expressing anger are still being studied. In the meantime, we do know that improving our understanding of self


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