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1、2021年江西省上饶市尊桥中学高二英语下学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. The writer was _ in his writing that he forgot to flick the ashes from his cigar. A concentrated B devoted C absorbedD fixed参考答案:C略2. The ambulance was just arriving, for a worker, who _ the window on the second floor, fell off the window. A. had been repairing

2、B. was repairingC. has been repairing D. would be repairing参考答案:A3. Most of us know we should cut down on fat, but knowing such things isnt much help when it _ shopping and eating. A. refers to B. speaks of C. focuses on D. comes to参考答案:D略4. The reason _ he explained to us is _ to hers. A. that; sim

3、ilar B. why; similar C. that; the same D. why; the same参考答案:A5. After a second thought, Bill _ a better idea of how to solve the problem.A. put up withB. came up withC. kept up with D. mixed up with参考答案:B6. Studies show that kids living and studying in a harmonious environment are less likely to bec

4、ome .A. abnormal B. aggressiveC. alarmed D. opposed参考答案:B【详解】考查形容词。A. abnormal反常的;B. aggressive好斗的,有进取心的;C. alarmed受惊的; D. opposed对立的。句意:研究表明,生活和学习在和谐环境中的孩子不太可能变得好斗。结合句意可知答案为B。7. Can you imagine the difficulty I had _ the game?A. on winning B. won C. winning D. having won参考答案:C8. So well _ in 2009 t

5、hat the world has agreed that it was the year of China.A. did China perform B. China has performedC. was China performed D. China is performing参考答案:a略9. If somebody has _ first-degree burn, give him or her _ first aid by placing a cool, and wet cloth on it. A. the;不填 B. the; the C. a;theD. a;不填 参考答案

6、:D10. _ computer games, he dislikes his study.A. Addicted to B. He addicted to C. His addicting to D. Addicting to 参考答案:A略11. Barrack Obamas recent visit to the Asian nations clearly sent a message to the world _ Asia is important in Americas global partnership.A. which B. where C. that D. what参考答案:

7、C12. There was a basketball match between Class One and Class Four. The score was 33:34 and Class One was _ beaten.A. narrowly B. nearly C. slightly D. closely参考答案:A13. Now I see you want to_ the position as you said just now. Could you please give me a brief _ your intention?A. apply for; account o

8、f B. react to; introduction about C. reply for; description D. remind of; instruction about参考答案:A14. The prices have been rising all the time, especially that of housing. So its high time the government_ action to solve it.A takes B have taken C took D to take参考答案:C15. What puzzles me is that so man

9、y people believe some blind men can _ what will happen next.A. observe B. tellC. predict D. conduct参考答案:C句意:令我感到迷惑的是这么多人相信一些盲人能够预测接下来会发生什么。predict“预测”,常表示从很多已知事实中断定某事将要发生。observe“观察”; tell“告诉”; conduct“引导;指挥”。16. The research project has only been under way for three month, so its too early to _ its

10、 successA. conclude B. comment C. evaluate D. conduct参考答案:C17. His great discovery_ his determination and devotion to science. A. caused B led to C. lay in D. resulted in 参考答案:C18. Itis yourwifeaswellas you that_yoursonsbadperformanceatschool.Aistobeblamedfor Baretobeblamedfor Caretoblamefor Distobl

11、amefor参考答案:D二、 新的题型19. It was a dreadfully cold and cloudy afternoon. I was on the bus with my children, aged four and two, _48_(head) home when it started to rain. I realized this would mean a wet walk home _49_ the bus stop._50_ my house was only two blocks away, it was not a pleasant walk with on

12、e small boy asleep in the pram (手推婴儿车), the other one in a raincoat and no umbrella for myself. A pick-up truck passed us on the road. I tried to thumb a ride but failed. My little boy woke up with a start and began to cry. I _51_(convince) that things might become worse and nobody would bother to h

13、elp on such a terrible day. A few minutes later, _52_truck drove by, but to my surprise, I saw it pulling back and the driver looking directly at us. A young man put the window down. “Hey, heres an umbrella for you, please take _53_.” He called out. I stood there_54_(astonish), barely believing that

14、 the man _55_ existence was unknown to me only moments ago, could be so _56_(consider). “Come on, give this to your mummy,” he said to my older son. I accepted the offer and expressed my gratitude to him.This man might have needed the umbrella for himself later during the day but preferred to give it to me. It was a lesson to me _57_ its possible to give without e


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