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1、2020年内蒙古自治区赤峰市市实验中学高一英语联考试卷含解析一、 选择题1. I wish I _ the meeting.But you didnt .A. attended B. have atteneded C. had attended D. would attend Ks5u参考答案:C本题考查虚拟语气。wish 后面的虚拟语气只有三种情况,与现在事实相反,用did或者were;与将来事实相反,用could/would +动词原型;与过去事实相反,用had done。结合you didnt可知是与过去事实相反。所以选C。2. The water company appealed _

2、everyone _ the amount of water used.A. for; to reduce B. to; reducingC. to; to reduce D. for; reducing参考答案:C3. The camera isnt missing. Its still _ where I _ it a month ago.Alies; lay Blies; laid Clays; lay Dlays; laid参考答案:B考查动词。第一空意思为“躺在”表示状态用一般现在时;第二空意思为“把放在上”表示过去动作用lay的过去时laid。4. This passage has

3、 too many long sentences. Im afraid they will be hard for most of the students. Could you help to _ them?A. simplifyB. takeC. destroyD. mix参考答案:5. It was _ it raised so many difficult questions _ the book took a long time to come out.A. that; that B. since; which C. because; that D. because; which 参

4、考答案:C6. -Its the first time that I _ to Shanghai. -What great change! Its ten years since I left it last time. A. have been B.had been C. am D. come 参考答案:A略7. The day _ Nelson Mandela helped me was one of my happiest.A. which B. when C. that D. why参考答案:B【详解】考查定语从句。句意:纳尔逊曼德拉帮助我的那一天是我最快乐的一天。_ Nelson M

5、andela helped me是一个定语从句,先行词是The day,关系词在从句中作时间状语,故选B。8. Andrew was very tired _ shopping for a whole afternoon but his wife still wanted to go to another shop.A. of B. from C. to D. at参考答案:B【知识归纳】be tired of对-厌烦;be tired from因-感到累。9. _ that these creatures are linked to a common ancestor.A. As is be

6、lieved B. What is believed C. That is believed D. It is believed参考答案:D10. There is no _ swimming pool in this school and the students often go to swim _.A. indoors; outdoors B. indoor; outdoor C. indoor; indoors D. indoor; outdoors参考答案:D11. Jim didnt realize his little sister was crying _ what he ha

7、d said.A. because B. because of C. as D. since参考答案:B12. So I _ his advice and stopped immediately.Atook BgotCasked Dhad参考答案:Atake sb.s advice接受某人的建议。13. _, tears came to her eyes.A. Reading the letterB. While reading the letterC. As she was reading the letterD. To read the letter 参考答案:C14. Our energ

8、y bills have been increasing steadily. these costs, our telephone costs have doubled over the past six months.A. In addition to B. In memory ofC. In need of D. According to参考答案:A考查词组。A. In addition to除-之外; B. In memory of 纪念-; C. In need of需要-;D. According to按着-。句意:我们的能源账单一直在稳步增长。除了这些费用,我们的电话费用在过去的六

9、个月里翻了一番。In addition to除-之外,还有-。答案为A。15. Some measures_ to protect wildlife resources.Aare takingBare made Care being taken Dbeing taken参考答案:C16. Ladies and gentlemen, the plane _off. Please turn off your mobile phones and computers.A. takes B. would take C. has taken D. is taking参考答案:D略17. He found

10、five _ of socks in the drawer, but there wasnt a _ as they were of different colour or size.A. couples; pair B. couples; coupleC. pairs; couple D. pairs; pair参考答案:A句意:他在抽屉里找到了5双袜子,但没有一双能配上,因为它们或颜色不同,或大小不同。couple“一双但未必是一套”;pair“成套的”。18. -Lucy, Ill pick you up at 6:00 this afternoon at the school gate

11、.- sorry,_. Theres too much noise here. Would you repeat it again?A. Its totally fascinating B. I didnt get thatC. Im not sure D. Im afraid not参考答案:B略二、 新的题型19. Alice always wanted to be a singer. Music was the_41_important thing in her life. To tell you the _42_ (true), she took lessons for years a

12、nd practised every day, _43_ her voice didnt improve. _44_ (honest), it didnt get better, it just gotlouder.Her teacher finally_45_(give)up and stopped the lessons, but Alice refused _46_quit)(停止), and one day she decided to give a concert and invited her former teacher to attend.The teacher was ver

13、y worried about _47_to say after the performance. She knew it would be terrible and it was. She didnt want to tell a lie, but she didnt want to hurt Alices feelings _48_ . Finally, she got an idea and went backstage(后台) to greet her former pupil.“Well”, said Alice, “what did you think of _49_ perfor

14、mance?”“My dear,” said the teacher, “youll _50_be better than you were tonight.”参考答案:41. most 42. truth 43. but 44. Honestly 45. gave 46. to quit 47. what 48. either 49. my 50. never本文为记叙文。爱丽丝一直都想成为一名歌手,她认为音乐是她生命中最重要的一部分。尽管她年年都花费大量的时间练习,她的唱功并没有提高,只是声音更大了些而已。【41题详解】考查语境。句意:爱丽丝一直想成为一名歌手。音乐是她生活中最重要的东西。根据前面的定冠词the,可知这里是最高级,因此填most。【


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