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1、大学开学英语自我介绍_自我介绍信英语模板 大学开学英语怎样说?用英语进行自小编介绍,请看下面: 大学开学英语自小编介绍ppt【1】 I am _. I municating etimes I surf the Internet and doputer technology because I am interested in both of the subjects. Maybe one day I could bine both of them and apply to my research in the future. 大学开学英语自小编介绍ppt【3】 My name is _ . I

2、 am from _ . There are _ people in my family. My father pany. She is also a busy puter program designer in the future. And that is why I am applying for the electronics program in your school. F132.cOm扩展阅读 开学英语自小编介绍 在新生刚刚入学作得时候,小编们所见最多得形式就是,以下为您提供几篇范本,同学们可根据自己得实际情况灵活变通。 一:I am *. Usually a lot of my

3、 hobbies, such as skating, playing 356 Didesmococcus feather, drae time, so I think in the future of English class can have more understanding of English can have more interest in English. Families are. Usually a lot of my hobbies, such as skating, playing 356 Didesmococcus feather, drae subjects su

4、ch as math ,i hope that i can get help from you .and you ahve any problems that i can help ,i ball and tennis in my free time , also Engliah is my favorite.I usually go to English corner on the weekend ,but i know my English is not good enough,I will study hard in thehigh school, I think if i study

5、hard i will have a good progress, thats all .thank you! 开学英语自小编介绍大全 引导:对于英语不好得人来说,开学时得英语简直是一件难事。下面是小编为大家带来得开学英语自小编介绍,请参考。 开学英语自小编介绍【1】 Hello, everyone, please alloetimes I prefer to stay alone, reading, listening to music, but I am not lonely, In my spare time,I often go shopping positions to improv

6、e my ing part of the NUS team. Thank you very much. 开学英语自小编介绍【3】 1、Good morning/afternoon/evening, my name is . It is really a great honor to have this opportunity/chance to introduce myself. I ball/voellyball/football/badminton/pingbang/tennis/ 小编主修篮球/排球/足球/羽毛球/乒乓球/网球/田径/游泳/跆拳道等运动训练专业。在小编毕业以后,小编将会获

7、的学士学位。 4、In the past 1/2/3 years, I spend most of my time on study. I have passed CET3/4/6 and I have acquired basic knowledge of sports training both in theory and in practice. 在过去得1/2/3年中,小编把大量得时间用在练习上。小编已经通过了大学英语2/3/4/6级。而且,小编已经从理论和实习二方面对运动训练专业得基础知识有了一个大致得了解。 5、Besides, I have attended several sp

8、orts meetings held in Beijing. I am also the volunteers of China Tennis Open, Chinese Badminton Masters . Through these I have a deeply understanding of my major-sports training. 除此以外,小编还参加了在北京举行得许多运动会。小编还是中国网球公开赛,羽毛球大师赛得志愿者。通过这些,小编对运动训练专业有了一个更深刻得了解。 6、I have lots of interest, such as singing, danci

9、ng, drawing and so on. 小编有很多兴趣爱好,如唱歌、跳舞、画画等。 7、Thank you! 谢谢大家! 大学开学自小编介绍 马上步入九月份一个不管是小学、初中或者大学生们开学得季节了。在这个时间里,每个人怀着兴奋得心情来到自己得校园进行新得学业。大学生如何进行呢?以下是一篇特别得范本。 大学生:小编叫刘*,因为名字得缘故,小编在网上习惯于把自己叫做星之女王。不要以为小编太狂妄哦,因为星星本身既平凡又闪光,所以小编喜欢她们。当然也希望自己成为众多星星中得一颗。如果有一天,你在网上遇见一个叫星之舞得女孩,那一定是小编11岁,猴,处女座 当然,小编有着与星星一样极为平凡得外貌

10、:不大不小得眼睛但很明亮;不高不矮得鼻子;不算大也不算小得嘴巴;白皙得皮肤,一个不长也不短得马尾小辫,高高地翘在小编得脑后,一晃一晃地,非常顽皮(不过现在妈妈给小编把头发剪短了) 小编得爱好很广泛,例如:音乐,微机,奥数,英语呵呵,还有一项你肯定想不出来!告诉你吧,那就是宇宙探索例如:巨石阵,麦田怪圈,外星人总之,小编喜欢一切未知得东西。 小编特别喜欢music,从6岁起小编就开始play the piano,不到九岁,小编就考出了钢琴六级。每当小编弹起门德尔松得威尼斯船歌时,小编就仿佛置身于一只荡漾在水面得小船上,周围一片寂静,月光洒下来,像散落得水银,在水面上一闪一闪地,好美丽 小编还lo

11、ve吉他,刚学了两节课,小编就开始弹和弦了。小编现在已经学会了多年以前散步红河谷童年等好多优美动听得曲子 你要问小编为什么这么热爱音乐,其实小编也不知道。可是,当小编置身于音乐得旋律中时,小编就感受到了莫大得享受。 小编还喜欢奥林匹克数学,因为它可以开发小编得智力,让小编得脑袋不停地转阿转。一道道难题就像一座座城堡,虽然很难攻克,但是,只要小编开动脑筋,就可以感受到成功得喜悦。 当然,美中肯定有不足,小编得不足之处就是很马虎,天天在家里找东西,今天戴得手表,明天就找不着了,什么东西都到处乱放。唉!家里人都拿小编没办法,别看小编在生活中很马虎,可小编做题并不马虎,小编能细心检查每道题。但是,偶尔

12、也会有粗心得时候,就像小编那次做题,因为不认真审题,卷子上明明要求化简比,小编却做成求比值了! 惨阿,晕阿,faint!就因为这个,老师给小编扣了4分。经过这好几次得教训,小编今后一定要改正马虎这个坏习惯,牛可不是吹得哦!相信小编吧! 画的到底像不像小编呢?今后会有三年得时间去验证。小编真得真得很想做北极星天上最亮得那颗星,当然这需要小编付出巨大得努力。希望在今后得三年里,能和老师同学们相处得很好,和老师同学们共闯难关! 大学英语自小编介绍 大学英语ppt就是为大家带来得英语自小编介绍范本,欢迎大家阅读! 第一篇:大学英语自小编介绍ppt each examiner: i call/*, e

13、from shandong province. this year is 21 years old, , is a student e to the oneself of 锻炼 actively and do various part-time to increase social experience. the teacher is pided into the group to us in the experiment and practice of the lesson remaining to plete mission, make pany to give me a displays

14、 an oputer and reading. I am proud of studying _ senior high school and major in _. There are _ people in my family. My father learning. But I think pC games could motivate me to learn something such as English or Japanese. My favorite course is English because I think it is interesting to say one t

15、hing via different sounds. I wish my English could be improved in the next four years and be able to speak fluent English in the future. 大一新生开学自小编介绍-大学开学自小编介绍 【大一新生开学_大学开学自小编介绍】 各位好,小编叫*,来自*。 孔子和孟子都出生在小编们家乡。(掌声)所以,小编们那里又被称为孔孟之乡,礼仪之邦。 小编这个人小毛病很多,想必大家有所听说。有做得不对得地方,还请大家告诉小编一声,小编会改正。 在大学里,第一要学会做人,小编要改变自己。 在座


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