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1、Unit 2English around the world单词注释难句剖析导读诱思英国人到了美国发现 ,其实英美英语大不相同呢!Problems with American EnglishWhen cars drive in a circle,do they go around a “traffic circle” or a “roundabout”?The first choice sounds strange to me,as we dont say it in Britain,but Ive made Americans laugh for minutes at a time just

2、 by saying “roundabout” before.Irish author George Bernard Shaw is believed to have said,“England and America are two countries separated by the same language.”This idea might seem strange,but I think of it whenever I have this type of communication problem with my friends from across the Atlantic.单

3、词注释难句剖析导读诱思Often,American people simply dont know who Im talking about.Many times Ive had to explain who a British celebrity1 is,even though I assume2 that they must be well-known outside of the UK.It sometimes seems like most Americans dont know who UK Prime Minister David Cameron is,yet in the UK

4、we know all about Paris Hilton and other unimportant US celebritieshardly fair!There are also many differences in meaning between words and idioms in our two forms of English.I once tried to break up an argument between two Americans by saying,“Come on,leave it out!”(meaning “stop doing or saying th

5、at”)but they just turned to me looking confused3,wondering what exactly they were supposed to “leave out”.At least the argument finished!单词注释难句剖析导读诱思Another unexpected problem with the two types of English happened to me when I was a teacher.I realized that sometimes when I wrote a word with a Briti

6、sh spelling,such as “colour” with a “u”,my students would think that I had spelled it wrong and try to correct me.Having said all of that,I should say that I do really like the way American English sounds,and Ive got nothing against people learning itjust “leave it out” if youre thinking of correcti

7、ng my spelling!单词注释难句剖析导读诱思1.celebrity /slebrti/ n.名人2.assume /sjum/ vt.认为3.confused /knfjuzd/ adj.困惑的难句剖析导读诱思单词注释Having said all of that,I should say that I do really like the way American English sounds,and Ive got nothing against people learning itjust “leave it out” if youre thinking of correcti

8、ng my spelling!译文:尽管如此,我还是应该说 我确实很喜欢美式英语的发音方式,而且我不反对人们学习它只是如果你想改正我的拼写的话,就此打住!剖析:本句的主句是由and连接的两个并列分句;Having said .是动词 的-ing形式短语,在句中做让步状语;破折号之后的句子由“祈使句+if条件句”组成。难句剖析导读诱思单词注释1.What does the writer think is unfair?2.Why were the writers American friends confused when he said “leave it out”?答案:That most

9、Americans dont know those famous people in Britain,even the UK Prime Minister.答案:Because they didnt know what he really meant by saying “leave it out”.Section Warming Up, Pre-reading,Reading & Comprehending一二三四五六一、世界上很多国家都把英语列为官方语言,试着把你所知道的列举出来答案:Britain,America,Republic of Ireland,Canada,Australia,

10、India,Singapore,etc.一二三四五六二、将单词 或短语与相对应 的释义 搭配起来AB1.such asa.to take advantage of; to use2.because ofb.now; these days3.actuallyc.as a result of; due to 4.at presentd.a long trip by sea or in space5.voyagee.for example6.make use off.in fact; really 答案:1.e2.c3.f4.b5.d6.a一二三四五六三、美式英语和英式英语在拼写和用词方面都有所不同

11、, 请根据平时的知识填写下表color centre traveler mail film store 一二三四五六四、阅读课 文THE ROAD TO MODERN ENGLISH, 完成下列表格German ruled less Shakespeare 一二三四五六America Australia government 一二三四五六dictionary The American Dictionary of the English Language American 一二三四五六五、阅读课 文THE ROAD TO MODERN ENGLISH, 完成下列问题1.Why did the p

12、eople in many other countries besides England begin to speak English in the 17th century?A.Because they wanted to trade with English people.B.Because people from England made voyages to conquer other parts of the world.C.Because they found English easier to speak.D.Because they wanted to conquer Eng

13、land.答案:B 一二三四五六2.Which of the following words is American English?A.Flat.B.Apartment.C.Honour.D.Metre.3.What was the English spoken in England between about AD 450 and 1150 based on?A.It was based more on German than the English we speak today.B.It was based more on Danish than the English we speak

14、 today.C.It was based only on German.D.It was based only on French.答案:B 答案:A 一二三四五六4.When did two big changes in English spelling happen?A.In the 16th century.B.In 1150.C.In the 19th century.D.In the 20th century.答案:C 一二三四五六六、根据课文内容填空English has changed and 1.(develop)when cultures meet and communic

15、ate 2. each other.From AD 450 to 1150,new settlers to England 3.(rich)the English language and enlarged its vocabulary.In 1620,British people began to move to 4. countries,and gradually,English 5.(speak)in many other countries.By the 19th century American English spelling got a separate identity 6.

16、Noah Webster wrote his dictionary.At 7.,more people speak English as their first,8. or a foreign language than ever before.People in South Asia 9. as India,Singapore speak fluent English.China may have the 10.(large)number of English learners.developedwith enriched other was spoken when present second such largest 123456781.Which country do you think has the most English learners?你觉得学英语的人最多的是哪个国家?剖析do you think/believe/expect/find/suppose . 作为插入语, 放在特殊疑问词 后, 其他内容紧跟其后并用陈述语序。Why do you think their


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