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1、第一部分 教材知识识研究八年级级(下)Units 5-6考点一 remind的用法考点二 marry的用法考点三 辨析voice, noise与sound 练讲练讲 重难难点remind的用法This story reminds us that you can never know whats possible unless you try to make it happen.这则这则 故事提醒我们们,你永远远不可能知道什么是可能的,除非你尽力使其发发生。(Unit 6 P42) 考点一1. The film _(提醒) me of the day when I was taken care

2、of in the village.2. The volunteers put up many signs to remind people _ protect the environment.3. The Chinese Character Dictation Contest _ (remind) us that Chinese characters play an important role in passing on Chinese language and culture.reminded/remindstoreminds考点抢测抢测remind sb. to do sth. 表示“

3、提醒某人做某事”。如 : Please remind me to post these letters. 请请提醒我寄这这些信。remind sb. of. 表示“使某人想起”。如: The smell of hay always reminds me of our old house in the country. 干草的气味常常使我想起我们们在乡乡村的旧房子。满满分点拨拨有时时可与介词词 about连连用,表示提醒某人想起某事如: If I forget, please remind me about it. 如果我忘了,请请提醒我。remind sb.+从句,意为为 “提醒某人”。如:

4、Please remind me that I should bring him a present for his birthday. 请请提醒我给给他带带一个生日礼物。The new couple were so happy that they couldnt stop smiling when they got married. 那对对新婚夫妻如此高兴兴,以至于结结婚时时情不自禁地在笑。(Unit 6 P44)marry的用法 考点二 Miss Louis looks so young. However, she has _ (结结婚) for fifteen years so far.

5、5. We didnt even know that he got _ (结结婚) three months ago. It was really a shocking news.6. Linda _(marry)the person she loved at last. How happy she was! been/got marriedmarriedmarried考点抢测抢测满满分点拨拨marry作及物动词动词 ,marry sb.意为为“嫁给给,娶, 和结结婚”,其后直接跟宾语宾语 。如: John married Mary last week. 上周约约翰娶了玛玛丽丽。marry作及

6、物动词动词 ,marry sb. to sb.“把嫁 给给”, 表示父母把女儿嫁给给某人或为为儿子娶 媳妇妇。如: She married her daughter to a businessman. 她把女儿嫁给给了一个商人。marry 还还可作不及物动词动词 ,意为为“结结婚”,常有状 语语修饰饰。如: He didnt marry until fifty years old. 他直到五十岁岁才结结婚。 She married very early.她结结婚很早。常用短语语:get married 意为为“结结婚”,表示短暂暂 的动动作,不能与how long, for和since引导导的

7、时间时间 状语连语连 用。而be married 意为为“结结婚”,常用于指 婚姻状况,表示状态态。这这两个短语语都可以和介词词 to连连用(不用介词词with)。如: They have been married for two years. 他们们已经结经结 婚两年了。Theyre saving up to get married. 他们们正在存钱钱准备结备结 婚。辨析voice,noise与sound (湖州:2016.22;绍兴 :2016.59)Then they hear an old womans voice from inside the house. 此时时他们们听到从屋里传

8、传来一个老妇妇人的声音。(Unit 6 P47) 考点三7. If you want to learn well, choosing an environment that avoids much_ is quite important.8. This little girl has a very sweet _. Maybe she can be a singer in the future. 9. In the forest, people can hear nothing but the _of animals. noisevoicesound考点抢测抢测sound voice nois

9、e满满分点拨拨voice, noise和sound这这三个名词词都可表示“声音”,但是,它们们表示的“声音”并不相同。词汇词汇用法例句voice(2次)voice “嗓音”,指人的说话说话声或唱歌声。常用短语语:in a low voice小声地;in a loud voice大声地The girl has a beautiful voice. 这这个女孩嗓音很美。noisenoise “噪音,吵闹闹声”,常具有贬义贬义 ,表示令人心烦烦的、不和谐谐的响声。 可以用 some, any, much等词词修饰饰The noise of traffic kept him awake.车辆车辆 的喧闹闹声使他睡不着。soundsound 泛指一切声响,指一切可以听到的声音At midnight he heard a strange sound.半夜里他听到一种奇怪的声音。 图图示



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