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1、湖南省邵阳市新田铺中学高三英语期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. Isnt it time you _ down to _ dancing? A. got; practise B. get; practising C. got; practising; D. get; being practised参考答案:C2. As we expected, the advertising campaign _ a lot of peoples interest in our work.A. generated B. gathered C. removed D. reduced参考答案:A3. Visitor

2、s and competitors alike could fail to by the smiling faces, eagerness to help and enthusiasm shown by the hosts. Ahard impressed Bhardly be impressed Chardly impressed Dhard have impressed参考答案:B4. Beckham is a football player, but his wife is a fashion model and pop star ?Aisnt she Bisnt he Carent t

3、hey Dare they 参考答案:A5. It must have been a wonderful evening last nightIm terribly sorry I was late ,but please come a bit earlier for the next party AAll right BIts kind of you to say so CDont mention it DIts OK参考答案:D6. It doesnt often snow in my hometown in winter, but it _be rather cold sometimes

4、. A. shall B. should C. can D. would 参考答案:C略7. How do you like our city? It has changed beyond all _ in the past 20 years, a completely new one in front of me Arealization Bdescription Cexpression Drecognition参考答案:D8. Would you please give me the basic facts _ you have reduced what the speaker said?

5、A. by which B. to which C. of which D. with which参考答案:B 9. Dad, can we go to the shop? I want to buy some sweets_. Cant you see Im busy at the moment?A. Take it easy B. Forget it C. No problem D. Dont mention it参考答案:B10. Last summer we visited abandoned farms_ over a hundred years ago. A. building B

6、. to be built C. built D. being built参考答案:C11. How time flies! Yeah. It seems like yesterday that I graduated from college. I cant believe I for 10 years!A. had worked B. am workingC. workedD. have been working参考答案:D12. Im afraid that this painting on the wall is only a copy and it is _. A. priceles

7、s B. invaluable C. worthless D. worthwhile参考答案:19. C worthless表示“无价值的,没用的”。13. Do you think I should join the singing group ,Mary ?_ If I were in your shoes ,I certainly would.A. None of your business. B. It depends C. why not ? D. I dont think so.参考答案:C14. 19He was in hospital for six monthsHe felt

8、 as if he was _ from the outside world Acut off Bcut out Ccut up Dcut down参考答案:A略15. Theyear-endseasonisthebesttimenotjusttoreflectonyourpersonalachievementsbutalsoto_thelessonsyoumissed.A.liveuptoB.splitofffromC.pushaheadwithD.catchupon参考答案:D 二、 短文改错16. 短文改错(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)My uncle is a doctor

9、. One day, a very tiring man went to him and said, “Doctor, dogs in my neighborhood bark all night and I cant get some sleep.”“Well, here are some sleeping pills that works really well. Taken a few of these, and youll feel better.” My uncle said.“Great,” the man replies. “Thank you” A few weeks late

10、r, the man returned. He looked like worse than ever. “Doctor, my plan is useless. Im much tired than before.”“I dont understand,” said my uncle. “Those are the strongest pills on market.”“That may be true,” the man said. “and I spent all night running after those dogs. When I finally caught one, he

11、wouldnt swallow the pill.”参考答案:My uncle is a doctor. One day, a very tiring man went to him and said, “Doctor, tireddogs in my neighborhood bark all night and I cant get some sleep.” any“Well, here are some sleeping pills that works really well. Taken a few of these, work Takeand youll feel better.”

12、 My uncle said.“Great,” the man replies. “Thank you” repliedA few weeks later, the man returned. He looked like worse than ever. “Doctor, my plan is useless. Im much tired than before.”your more 或在much 后加more“I dont understand,” said my uncle. “Those are the strongest pills on themarket.”“That may be true,” the man said. “and I spent all night running after those butdogs. When I finally caught one, he wouldnt swallow the pill.”17. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(



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