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1、安徽省阜阳市耿棚镇耿棚中学2022年高三英语测试题含解析一、 选择题1. More and more people are going for Square Dance benefits for health arise both physically and mentally.A. whichB. thatC. whose D. who参考答案:C2. Nobody there would believe him when he told_ truth, not to mention when he told _lie.A. /; / B. the; the C. a; the D. the

2、; a参考答案:D略12. Teachers prefer to measure our performance _ the efforts we make rather than the intelligence we have. ks5u A. in addition to B. in terms of C. in honor of D. in response to参考答案:B略4. I think _ impresses me about his painting is the colours he uses.A. what B. that C. which D. who参考答案:A本

3、题中的I think是一个插入语,可以省略。实际上本句中的what impresses me是一个主语从句,what既是这个主语从句的引导词,也在句中做主语。句义:关于他的画我认为给我留下深刻印象的是他所使用的颜色。That在名词性出中不充当成分,which指特定范围之内的“哪一个”;who通常都是指人。故A正确。【考点】考察名词性从句【举一反三】 is known to us all is that the 2008 Olympic Games will take place in Beijing.A.ItB.WhatC.AsD.Which答案B考点考查主语从句。解析分析题干结构 “ is

4、known to us all”是主语从句, 从句中缺少主语, what引导主语从句, 在从句中作主语。如果选it, 需去掉all后的is;如果选as;需去掉is that。5. Your grandfather is always full of .What s the secret? Playing taiji every morning. Ataste Benergy Crelief Dcredit参考答案:B考查名词词义辨析。句意:“你爷爷总是精力充沛,秘诀是什么?”“每天早上打太极。” taste味道,鉴赏力;energy精力,活力;relief减轻,救济;credit信用,信誉。6

5、. _the speed limits, or youll get fined $ 200 for speeding.A. If you dont keep toB. Keeping toC.To keep toD Keep to参考答案:D7. I would like to buy some good English reference books, but _ was available from the bookstore, where I only found some Chinese ones. A. nothing B.no one C. none D. neither参考答案:

6、C8. This western restaurant is my favorite one. I regard it as other restaurants. A. more superior than B. superior to C. more superior to D. superior than参考答案:B略9. We could have asked someone to carry out the plan privately without it _.Awas known BknowsCbeing known Dbe known参考答案:C考查独立主格结构。句意:我们本可以

7、悄悄地让人实施这项计划,使它不为人所知。介词without与后面部分构成独立主格结构,it和know之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,因此用being known。10. - Do you have a plan for National Day holiday? - Im going to Thailand with my parents. - _. A. You dont say B. You can say that again C. Good luck to you D. I dare say 参考答案:A11. The house caught fire last week, with lit

8、tle of the original building _.A. remain B. remained C. remains D. remaining 参考答案:D略12. _ this winding path, and youll come to a lovely cottage by a lake in the woods. A. To follow B. Following C. Followed D. Follow参考答案:D13. “ I live there are plenty of sheep.” said the boy pride. AWhere; with BWhen

9、; in CThat; in DWhy; with参考答案:A14. It is rather difficult to make friends with her, but her friendship, _, is truer than any others. A. while gaining B. after gaining C. when to gain D. once gained参考答案:D15. The moment I saw him, his name simply _ me, and I stood there not knowing how to address him.

10、A. chokes B. escaped C. failed D. confused参考答案:B16. . Its always better to tell the truth. Lies have a bad habit of _ you! A. catching up with B. calling on C. taking care of D. looking for参考答案:A略17. _ out different ideas, they are now getting closer to the correct answer.A. Tried B. Try C. Having t

11、ried D. Being tried参考答案:B18. At the ancient Olympics, all men, _ had to compete wearing no clothes; while single women took part in their own separate competition, a festival _Hera, the wife of Zeus.A. in tradition; in favor of B. by principle; in celebration ofC. by tradition; in honor of D. in ord

12、er; in memory of参考答案:C考查介词短语。句意:在古代的奥林匹克运动会上,按照风俗习惯,所有的男性运动员必须赤身进行竞赛;而单个的女性运动员则单独参加为纪念宙斯妻子赫拉而举办的竞赛。by tradition按照风俗习惯;in honor of 为了纪念;B项应改为in principle原则上,大体上,故选C。考点:考查介词短语【答案】【解析】二、 新的题型19. A access B arise C attachment D definitely E partner F potential G shape H stimulated Isubconsciously Jtradi

13、tional K unbankedBeyond Mobile Money: The Future of Asias FinTech Mobile money has been the hottest part in financial technology for the last few years But FinTech is more than just how people store money and transact(交易) the space is much more horizontal, shortcutting how we create, share, and protect value The latest product of FinTech companies to (1) in Asia Pacific illustrates the



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