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1、2022名校课堂英语答案七下新课程课堂七年级英语下册同步练习参考答案Unit 1Section AI. 1. dance2. sing3. swim4. paint5. pay chess6. play the guitar7. play the piano8. English club9. swimming club10. want to join a club11. be good at. 1. Can2. want3. join; swimming4. do5. or6. in . 1-5 CBAAC 6-9 BCBBSection BI. 1. speak2. violin3. clu

2、b4. tell5. does.1. tell stories2. play chess3. play the drums4. play the violin5. play the piano6. play basketball7. sing and dance8. English-speaking students9. make friends10. can do kung fu11. call sb at12. musicians wanted13. come and show us14. help with sports15. music festival.1-5 BBCBB 6-8 A

3、CCSelf Check 1I. 1. singing2. piano3. chess4. painting5. musician .1. do2. to3. want4. club5. play6. can’t. 1. with my2. Is; with; is3. Can I help you?4. can’t do5. What can; do6. What; does; wantIV. sing; Can; do; play; the violinSelf Check 2I. 1-5 CAABCII. 1.students2.swimming3. Chines

4、e 4. musicians5. storiesIII. 1-5 ACABB 6-10 CBACAIV. 1-5 CDBEAV. 1-5 BACCA6-8 ABCVI. 1-5 BBCCBVII. One possible version:There are six musicians in our school band. They are very talented. My favorite musician is Li Hua. She is the best. She can sing and dance well. She can play the piano, too. Wang

5、Hai can play the trumpet. Li Jun can play the violin. Cai Ming can sing and play the violin. Chen Hui and Chen Yang can play the drums.Unit 2Section AI. 1. go to school2. get up3. eat/ have breakfast4. take a shower5. get dressed6. go to work7. brush teeth8. radio station9. be late for work10. at el

6、even 0’clockII. 1-5 CACCA 6-10 CCCCBIII. 1. What time does; go2. What do; to do3. doesn’t do4. Does; start; does 5. don’t thinkSection BI. 1. do homework 2. go home 3. at about six thirty 4. go to bed5. be good for6. either .or7. get home8. a quarter to seven9. after school 10. tak

7、e a walk 11. play sports12. eat vegetablesII. 1-5 BACBC 6-8 ACBIII. 1-5 ABCCA 6-7 BCSelf Check 1I. 1. usually2. shower3. evening4. about/ around5. healthy6. gets7. job8. SaturdayII. 1-5 BBCAC 6-9 BABCIII. 1-5 DACBEIV. 1. their2. me3. funny4. brushes5. Does; work6. takes7. to know8. doesn’t doS

8、elf Check 2I. 1-5 CABBCII. 1. does; do2. to sleep3. does; work4. puts5. speak6. do; have7. Tell8. gets9. LookIII.1-5 BABCB6-10 CBABCIV. 1. time2. at3. early4. have5. and6. about7. do8. by9. on10. takeV. 1. comes2. school3. days4. students5. teaches6. playing7. like8. Chinese9. talks10. Sunday VI. 1-

9、5 TTFFFVII. One possible version:Hi! I’m Jack. I usually get up at 6:50 in the morning. Then I eat breakfast at around 7:20. At around 7:45, I go to school. I have lunch at 12:00 in the school. After school, I sometimes play basketball for half an hour. Then I go home at 5:30. I have dinner at

10、 6:20. After dinner I do my homework and watch TV for a while. I go to bed at 10:00.Unit 3Section AI.1.ride a bike2. forty-six minutes3. take the subway4. take the bus5. walk to school6. get to school7. drive a car8. how far9. it takes . to do sth.10. how longII. 1. ride2. walks3. takes4. train5. mi

11、nutesIII. 1-5 ACBCB 6-10 ACBCAIV. 1-5 CAEBDSection BI. 1. kilometers2. village3. early4. bridge5. cross II. 1-5 BABCC 6-10 BBACBIII.1. How2. How far3. How long4. Where5. What .1. ride; station; take 2. most; to get to 3. eleven-year-old; crosses; school4. How far does; live5. ride; boring; talk with

12、 V. 1-5 ACBAB 6-10 CACACSelf CheckI. 1-5 CBCAAII. 1-5 ACBEDIII. 1-5 ABBCA 6-10 AACACIV. A: 1-5 FTFFT B: 1-5 FTTFTV. One possible version:Mary’s home is about three kilometers from school. She usually goes to school by bus. It takes about ten minutes. Tom lives about five kilometers away from s

13、chool. He goes to school in his father’s car. It takes twelve minutes. Simon and Bill are brothers.七年级英语答案一听力1-5: C C B C A6-10:A C A A B 11-15: C A B C A 16-20: F T F T T21.card 22. yellow 23. pen24. many25. 945-4938笔试部分1-5: D C B A A 6-10:B C A D C11-15:A C A B D 16-20: C A D A B二、完型填空。(10分)

14、1-5: A B A C B 6-10: A A B C D三、阅读理解。(30分)1-5: B B C A C 6-10: D A A D B11-15: A D D B B四、句子配对。C J D E I A F B G H五、补全对话。C G B E A六、略八年级英语答案一听力1-5: AC A BD 6-10:C B C B B 11-15: A C B C A 16-20: T F T F T21-25.CACBA笔试部分一、单项选择。(15分)1-5: B A D A B6-10:B A D B C 11-15: C D D C A二、完型填空。(10分)1-5: C B B B

15、 B 6-10: A B C D B11. stay 12. or13. weekday 14. does 15. washes16. Sunday 17. big 18. much 19. food 20. hungry三、阅读理解。(30分)1-5: A C B B D 6-10: A C BD D11-15: C D B B C 16-20: E B G F C四. 句子配对.(5分)1-5 F I J H A 6-10 C D G E B六、书面表达.(略) (15分)九年级英语期中考试答案一、听力1-5 B B A C B 6-10 A B C A C11-13 C C A14-16 B A C17-20 B C A B21.listen22.the person23.Englishspeakers24.intere sing 25.yoursecf二、单选26-30 A B B D C31-35 D B A B B36-40 C B D C D三、完形填空41-45 C A D A C46-50 C B A D B51-55 C A A C D56.others 57.remembered 58.but 59.difficult 60.change61.example 62.inven


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