【英文文学】On Sleep and Sleeplessness

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1、【英文文学】On Sleep and Sleeplessnesschapter 1WITH regard to sleep and waking, we must consider what they are: whether they are peculiar to soul or to body, or common to both; and if common, to what part of soul or body they appertain: further, from what cause it arises that they are attributes of animal

2、s, and whether all animals share in them both, or some partake of the one only, others of the other only, or some partake of neither and some of both.Further, in addition to these questions, we must also inquire what the dream is, and from what cause sleepers sometimes dream, and sometimes do not; o

3、r whether the truth is that sleepers always dream but do not always remember (their dream); and if this occurs, what its explanation is.Again, we must inquire whether it is possible or not to foresee the future (in dreams), and if it be possible, in what manner; further, whether, supposing it possib

4、le, it extends only to things to be accomplished by the agency of Man, or to those also of which the cause lies in supra-human agency, and which result from the workings of Nature, or of Spontaneity.First, then, this much is clear, that waking and sleep appertain to the same part of an animal, inasm

5、uch as they are opposites, and sleep is evidently a privation of waking. For contraries, in natural as well as in all other matters, are seen always to present themselves in the same subject, and to be affections of the same: examples are-health and sickness, beauty and ugliness, strength and weakne

6、ss, sight and blindness, hearing and deafness. This is also clear from the following considerations. The criterion by which we know the waking person to be awake is identical with that by which we know the sleeper to be asleep; for we assume that one who is exercising sense-perception is awake, and

7、that every one who is awake perceives either some external movement or else some movement in his own consciousness. If waking, then, consists in nothing else than the exercise of sense-perception, the inference is clear, that the organ, in virtue of which animals perceive, is that by which they wake

8、, when they are awake, or sleep, when they are awake, or sleep, when they are asleep.But since the exercise of sense-perception does not belong to soul or body exclusively, then (since the subject of actuality is in every case identical with that of potentiality, and what is called sense-perception,

9、 as actuality, is a movement of the soul through the body) it is clear that its affection is not an affection of soul exclusively, and that a soulless body has not the potentiality of perception. Thus sleep and waking are not attributes of pure intelligence, on the one hand, or of inanimate bodies,

10、on the other.Now, whereas we have already elsewhere distinguished what are called the parts of the soul, and whereas the nutrient is, in all living bodies, capable of existing without the other parts, while none of the others can exist without the nutrient; it is clear that sleep and waking are not

11、affections of such living things as partake only of growth and decay, e.g. not of plants, because these have not the faculty of sense-perception, whether or not this be capable of separate existence; in its potentiality, indeed, and in its relationships, it is separable.Likewise it is clear that of

12、those which either sleep or wake there is no animal which is always awake or always asleep, but that both these affections belong alternately to the same animals. For if there be an animal not endued with sense-perception, it is impossible that this should either sleep or wake; since both these are

13、affections of the activity of the primary faculty of sense-perception. But it is equally impossible also that either of these two affections should perpetually attach itself to the same animal, e.g. that some species of animal should be always asleep or always awake, without intermission; for all or

14、gans which have a natural function must lose power when they work beyond the natural time-limit of their working period; for instance, the eyes must lose power from too long continued seeing, and must give it up; and so it is with the hand and every other member which has a function. Now, if sense-p

15、erception is the function of a special organ, this also, if it continues perceiving beyond the appointed time-limit of its continuous working period, will lose its power, and will do its work no longer. Accordingly, if the waking period is determined by this fact, that in it sense-perception is free

16、; if in the case of some contraries one of the two must be present, while in the case of others this is not necessary; if waking is the contrary of sleeping, and one of these two must be present to every animal: it must follow that the state of sleeping is necessary. Finally, if such affection is Sleep, and this is a state of powerlessness arising from excess of waking, and excess of waking is in its origin sometimes morbid, sometimes not, so that


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