最新[My,Plan,for,the,Summer,Camp,我的夏令营计划] 夏令营计划

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《最新[My,Plan,for,the,Summer,Camp,我的夏令营计划] 夏令营计划》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《最新[My,Plan,for,the,Summer,Camp,我的夏令营计划] 夏令营计划(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、最新My,Plan,for,the,Summer,Camp,我的夏令营计划 夏令营计划假设你和朋友将在今年暑假,组队参加以“拥抱大自然”为主题的户外拓展夏令营,其中包括小组自由活动。请你为你们小组设计一个活动方案。【提示词语】climb mountains , go fishing, pick fruits, have a campfire(篝火晚会)【要求】1. 写明你们组计划要做的具体内容,并给出理由;2. 提示词语仅供参考,可增减内容;3. 词数80100,开头已给出,不计入总词数;4. 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名与地名。We are going for a c

2、amp this summer. I’m glad to make a plan for our group._作文范文First of all, we plan to climb mountains in the morning so that we can enjoy fresh air and watch beautiful sunrise. After that, we’ll have a fruit-picking competition between boys and girls, which will help us know each other be

3、tter. What’s more, there will be a campfire. We can enjoy ourselves by singing, dancing and telling stories. Won’t it be fantastic to share the relaxing moment with friends?We are looking forward to the summer camp because we can forget the busy work at school, and I believe we’ll have a wonderful time together.参考译文今年夏天,我和朋友们打算组队参加夏令营。能为我们小组出谋划策,我实在是太开心啦。首先,我计划在清晨时分去爬山,既可以呼吸到新鲜的空气,还可以观看美丽的日出。之后,我们将在男生和女生之间,进行一场采摘水果大作战,相信这场比赛可以增进对彼此的了解。最精彩的部分,要数篝火晚会了。大家在一起唱歌、跳舞、讲故事,玩得不亦乐乎,像这样和朋友们一起度过如此惬意的时光,不是很美妙吗?因为可以把学校的功课统统抛诸脑后,所以我们都非常期待这次夏令营的活动。我相信我们一定会迎来一个非常精彩的夏令营。第 2 页 共 2 页


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