最新an amount of [An,Experience,of,Sharing,分享一个经验]

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《最新an amount of [An,Experience,of,Sharing,分享一个经验]》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《最新an amount of [An,Experience,of,Sharing,分享一个经验](2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、最新an amount of An,Experience,of,Sharing,分享一个经验 根据中文和英文提示词语,写出意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于60词的短文,所给英文提示词语仅供选用,请不要写出你的真实校名和姓名。生活中每个人都有过与他人分享的体验,如分享一本有趣的书、一段难忘的经历、一个闪光的想法.现在,某英文报纸就分享(Sharing)话题征文,请你投稿。描述一次你与他人分享的经历,并谈谈你的感受。【提示词语】share…with… experience; interest; learn; change; encourage; enjoy; happines

2、s; confident作文范文I had an experience of sharing. When my family moved, I had to go to a new school and study in a new class. The first test made me so nervous that I failed. I got worried and felt helpless until one of my new classmates came up to me and asked softly if I was OK. After I told him abo

3、ut my problem, he gave me some advice. From then on, we got to know each other and shared our ideas, problems, and happiness. We became good friends. Sharing with friends helped me bring back my confidence and fit in with others.参考译文我有过一次分享的经历。在我们搬家以后,我不得不换一所新的学校和新的班级。面对全新的环境,在第一次测验时,由于紧张我考得不理想。我有些焦躁不安,有一种无力感,后来有一位同学友善地过来安慰我。我把我的困惑告诉了他,他也给了我一些建议。从那以后,我们互相了解了许多,一起分享我们的想法、困惑还有快乐。我们成为了很好的朋友。与朋友在一起分享,帮助我找回了自信,也让我与他人相处得更加融洽。第 2 页 共 2 页


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