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1、云南省曲靖市宣威第一中学高二英语联考试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Ladies and gentlemen,please fasten your seat belts.The plane_.A . take off Bis taking offChas taken off Dtook off参考答案:B2. We went right round to the west coast by sea instead of driving across continent。Athe; theB/ ; the Cthe;/ D/ ; /参考答案:B此题考查固定搭配中零冠词的用法以及定冠词表特指的用法。句

2、意:我们乘船绕道去西海岸,而没有开车(直接)穿过大陆去。by sea坐船,等于by ship,不需加冠词,类似的还有by bus, by air. continent这里是特指,为说话双方所知道,故其前加定冠词the。3. Do you know the boy _ under the big tree?A. lay B. lain C. laying D. lying参考答案:D4. Last night Mr Crook didnt come back at the usual time.,he met some friends and stayed out until midnight.

3、A.MeanwhileB.HoweverC.InsteadD.Yet参考答案:C提示:句意:克罗克先生昨晚没有按时回家,而是见几个朋友待到半夜才回来。由此可知应选C项。meanwhile意为“同时”,相当于at the same time;however“无论怎么”;yet“然而,但是”,用于表示转折。这三者都不符合语境。instead“然而,取而代之”。故选C项。5. Mr. Smith tries to _ a few minutes every day to do some exercise.A. set up B. set down C. set aside D. set about参

4、考答案:C6. If the flight_ earlier, Mr. Robert would have attended the opening ceremony.A. had arrived B. were to arrive C. arrived D. arrives参考答案:A33. The man, whose name is David, was suspected of _ false evidence in court. A. gave B. givingC. give D. given参考答案:B略8. Courage is _ it takes to admit mist

5、akes that you have made. A. that B. which C. what D. how参考答案:C9. Its already 10 oclock, and I wonder how it _ that she was two hours late on such a short trip. A. came across B. came out C. came about D. came up参考答案:C略10. The prices are_fast these days. Nobody can get them_.A.going down;to bring dow

6、n B.rising;to be bring downC.raising;bring down D.going up;brought down参考答案:D11. The thought of going back home was _ kept him happy while he was working abroad.A.that B.all that C.all what D.which参考答案:B12. After the wonderful party, I think an expression of thanks to our host would be _.A. in parti

7、cular B. in place C. in general D. in short参考答案:b略13. Between the two parts of the concert is an interval, _ the audience can buy ice cream.A. whenB. whereC. that D. which参考答案:AA 考查定语从句。句意:音乐会的两部分中间有一段幕间休息时间,在这段时间里观众可以去买冰激凌。本句中先行词an interval,为下文定语从句的逻辑时间状语,故引导词用when。14. - Can you see the bridge _ ov

8、er there?- Yes. Its scheduled to be completed next year.A. built B. to be built C. having built D. being built参考答案:D15. - Who is making so much noise in the garden?-_the children.A. it is B. they are C. that is D. there are参考答案:A二、 短文改错16. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误

9、仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。The sun was just slowly come up over the mountains today when I took my dogs for its morning walk. I smiled as I watched the clouds gradual turn to white and gold. T

10、he air was cool and I wore a big smile in my face. Even though there werent leaf on the trees, but I could still hear birds singing songs of spring. Even my dogs seemed to notice the different in the air. They were playing instead of just do their morning business in the grass. The golden sun seemed

11、 to make it a beautiful day. As I headed back, I realize something. The beauty of day didnt come from the warmth of the sun. It came from the warmth within my own heart and soul.参考答案:The sun was just slowly come up over the mountains today when I took my dogs for its coming theirmorning walk. I smil

12、ed as I watched the clouds gradual turn to white and gold. The air was cool graduallyand I wore a big smile in my face. Even though there werent leaf on the trees, but I could still on 去掉hear birds singing songs of spring. Even my dogs seemed to notice the different in the air. They (differencewere

13、playing instead of just do their morning business in the grass. The golden sun seemed to doing make it a beautiful day. As I headed back, I realize something. The beauty of day didnt come realized thefrom the warmth of the sun. It came from the warmth within my own heart and soul.17. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共


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