【英文文学】A Chronicle of Jails

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1、【英文文学】A Chronicle of JailsPREFATORY NOTEThe following pages were written mainly as a record for myself of days in which ones private interest crossed a wider national interest, and which therefore seemed worthy of being set down with some care and faithfulness. In passing them for publication now it

2、 is necessary for me to apologise for their incompleteness in certain particulars. That incompleteness is due to no fault of mine. It has been arranged to rectify this by an edition at a subsequent date, when the contrast of edition with edition will reveal other matters relative to these days.D. F.

3、“On the Run,”28th May, 1917.Chapter 1Tuesday, April 25th, 1916, was filled with sunshine, in token of the summer that was on the way, while a keen wind from the north came in reminder of the winter that was passing. The winter had been bad, and the spring but poor, so that work on the land was delay

4、ed, and there had been no fishing for the year. Yet these things had not served me ill, for I had been tied all hours with a book overdue with the publisher. For some months I had been struggling with Calendars of State Papers, in which in their introductions English editors revealed so candidly the

5、 prejudice that marked their work. So that I waited about the house during the morning, loth to begin work, and 2listening to the voices that came up from the land. The spring work was in full swing. Voices of men, voices of women, and the barking of dogs, flowed over the land pleasantly. Nothing se

6、emed further removed from the day and its work than the noise of war.Moreover, the post was late. This was another excuse for keeping from the desk. I looked along the half mile of the road till it bent behind the heath, looking for the rider on the horse that was our only connection with the big wo

7、rld.It was not till some hours after noon that, looking along the road for the post that was so unaccountably late, I saw a friend making her way toward the house on her bicycle. As she came nearer and dismounted I could see the traces of tears on her cheeks, and wondered.“The post is very late,” I

8、said.“There is no post,” she replied, “but theres terrible news. There has been fighting in Dublin. They say Dawson Street is full of dead and wounded men. The Volunteers hold the General Post Office, the Bank of Ireland, and a number of buildings all over Dublin. Theyve been attacking the Castle, b

9、ut I cannot find out what happened there. The soldiers 3are attacking them everywhere with machine guns, and they say the slaughter is terrible.”The mountains stood in the sunshine, calm and splendid, with a delicate mist clothing their dark sides softly. The sea stretched out to the western horizon

10、, its winter rage laid by, the sun glinting in the waves of the offshore wind like the spears of a countless host, and the islands of the bay, from Clare to Inish Bofin, lay in its waters like wonderful jewels that shone in the sun. Into this world of delicate beauty came this news, this tale of yet

11、 another attempt to win for a land so beautiful the freedom that other lands knew. It was not strange that the mind found some difficulty in adjusting itself to perceive a tale that came like a stream of blood across the day.A week or so before, I had had a letter from Sheehy Skeffington telling me

12、that the situation in Dublin was very strained. The constraint of the Censor was over the letter, and so little news was told. One knew, of course, that Dublin Castle was only looking for a chance to seize the Volunteer leaders, and one knew that the Volunteers were stiff and pledged to the utmost r

13、esistance. And Sheehy Skeffingtons letter conveyed little more than that the situation 4was daily becoming more and more strained.I turned for more news.“Oh, I dont know any more,” came the response. “The engine-driver of the Mail brought whatever news there is. He said that the Volunteers held most

14、 of the railway stations, and that the bridges were blown up and the tracks destroyed. Fighting was going on throughout the city when he left. Thats what he says anyway, but nobody knows what to believe. Its terrible to think of. The whole country was coming round to our way of thinking, business me

15、n and responsible men everywhere were waking up with your financial agitation and other things; and now its all spoilt. Everything will be worse than ever now.”Already the news was spreading about the place, and knots of men were standing on the road in discussion. It was impossible to rest in the h

16、ouse, and so we set off through the villages to see if any further news could be learned. In one of the villages a Sundays paper was discovered, in which appeared the General Order by Eoin MacNeill, as President and Chief of Staff of the Volunteers, countermanding 5man?uvres that had been ordered for SundayEaster Sunday. That only complicated the matter. “Owing to the very critical position”what critical position? What


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