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1、备战2022学年高考英语小题狂练(4)完形填空+阅读理解+七选五1、 完形填空。阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项A、B、C和D中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。On a Sunday morning, Tim Abernathy walked off the dance floor at the Barn Dance and sat down in a chair to rest with his wife, Rachel. Then something felt wrong. His 1 got tight, then tighter. He grabbed Rachels hand

2、, then 2 to the floor.His eyes had 3 back, said Rachel. His lips were getting darker. The band stopped playing. People started yelling, but nobody 4 to act.Someone 5 did. It was Johnny Digger Tucker. He swiped (挥动) his fingers through Tims mouth, thinking he could be choking. He started beating on T

3、ims chest and began mouth-to-mouth. More 6 . More mouth-to-mouth. Then finally, Tim 7 a breath. The paramedics (护理人员) came, and Johnny quietly left.If Johnny hadnt been there, I would be 8 my husband now, said Rachel. Folks say Johnny Tucker is the type of man youd call at 2 a. m. Maybe its because

4、he knows more than most how 9 life is. Every day, he faces 10 .Johnny is a gravedigger. He has dug the final resting places for about 20, 000 people, each grave 11 a half feet deep in 12 , frozen ground. I treat everybody as if it were my family Im burying, he said. He is so respected that funeral d

5、irectors arrange their schedules around his 13 .So maybe its not 14 that Johnny often finds himself in a position to lend a hand. That night Johnny and his wife were 15 when the band played an old song. They turned around for one more slow dance. Minutes later, the gravedigger saved a life.1、 A .fin

6、gersB .muscleC .stomachD .throat2、 A .crashedB .landedC .jumpedD .settled3、 A .rubbedB .narrowedC .droppedD .rolled4、 A .backed offB .stepped forwardC .moved onD .set out5、 A .graduallyB .instantlyC .finallyD .clearly6、 A .yellingB .poundingC .pushingD .weighing7、 A .heldB .heardC .feltD .drew8、 A .

7、abandoningB .joiningC .buryingD .hiding9、 A .easyB .preciousC .extraordinaryD .simple10、 A .deathB .dangerC .sadnessD .fortune11、 A .controllingB .measuringC .crossingD .covering12、 A .hardB .vastC .protectedD .ruined13、 A .availabilityB .popularityC .responsibilityD .generosity14、 A .commonB .reaso

8、nableC .disappointingD .surprising15、 A .dancingB .walkingC .leavingD .talking2、 阅读理解。AOilPaintingworkshopMarch23,2021Forages15andup.Beginnerswelcome!Experiencenotrequired.RegistrationDeadlineMarch9,2021ClassSchedule9:30-10:00WelcomeandRegistration10:00-12:00PaintingSession12:00-1:00Lunch1:00-3:00Pa




12、,pleaseprinttheOilPaintAug.pdfprintableregistrationformandmailitinwithpaymentto:HolidayLake4HEducationalCenter,12674-HCampRoad,Appomattox,VA24522.Refund(退款)Policy:FullRefund:March9,2021Nonrefundable:afterMarch9,2021FormoreinformationcontactHeatherBenninghoveat434-248-5444orheathernvt.edu.(1) Whatsho

13、uldpeopledotoattendtheclass?A .Provideapieceofpainting.B .PayforitbeforeMarch9,2021.C .Learnsomethingabouttheinstructor.D .RegisterforitnolaterthanMarch9,2021.(2) Whatcanwelearnfromthetext?A .Theclassisintendedforpeopleofallages.B .YoucangetafullrefundbeforeMarch23,2021.C .Moreinformationabouttheins

14、tructorisavailableonline.D .Paintingexperienceisneededforpeopletoattendtheclass.(3) Wherewouldyoubemostlikelytofindthetext?A .Inanewspaper. B .OntheInternet. C .Onanoticeboard. D .Inacompanybrochure.BInitiallySouthKoreahadbeendoingwellagainstthevirus,butinAugust,thenumberofreportedinfectionsnearlydoubled,from56to103,injusttwodays.Itreachedapeakof441casesonAugust26beforetickingbackdowntoatleast100newinfectionsgerday.Thatmonth,thehealthm


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