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1、山西省忻州市原平解村乡三泉中学高二英语模拟试题含解析一、 选择题1. If Jim carries on working like this, hell _ sooner or later.A. break out B. break away C. break in D. break down参考答案:D2. _ a letter from her parents, Lily is now looking forward to _ from them.A. Having not received; hear B. Not received; hearC. Not having received

2、; hearing D. Receiving not; hearing 参考答案:C3. The lecture was going well until the projector(幻灯机) _ and put the professor off his stride. A. broke down B. broke up C. broke away D. broke off参考答案:A略4. -Oh, its you! I _ you.-I have changed my hairstyle, and Im wearing dark glasses.A. dont recognize B.

3、hadnt recognizedC. didnt recognize D. havent recognized参考答案:C5. _ leaves the room last ought to turn off the lights. A. Anyone B. The person C. Whoever D. Who 参考答案:C略6. Some groups still have difficulties _ access _ social services.A. gain; inB. gaining; toC. to gain; toD. gaining; of参考答案:B7. The bo

4、ok is _ help the English beginners. A.impressed withB.intended toC.indicated toD.involved in参考答案:B 【分析】句意:这本书的目的是帮助英语初学者。A: impressed with“为.所感动,对.印象深刻”;B: intended to“打算做.”;C: indicated to“表明”;D: involved in“参与”。选B。【点评】考查动词短语辨析,区分be impressed with;be intended to;be indicated to和be involved in的含义。8.

5、 Mr. Smith has been to many famous cities in China, _ Chengdu has impressed him most.A. in which B. on which C. with which D. of which参考答案:D9. While reading the book, everything in the past _ in his mind. A.made a life B made a living C came to life D came to live参考答案:C10. In my opinion, keeping dog

6、s should not be banned, but _ to certain areas.A. to be limited B. limitingC. to limit D. limited参考答案:D考查被动语态。句意:在我看来,养狗不应该被禁止,而是应该被限制在一定的区域范围内。主语keeping dogs和limit之间是被动关系,该空和banned并列,故填limited。D选项正确。11. In a typhoon, winds _ a speed greater than 120 kilometers per hour.AassumeBaccomplishCattainDass

7、ess参考答案:C【详解】考查动词词义辨析。A. assume假定;B. accomplish 完成;C. attain达到;D. assess 评定。句意:台风天气里,风的速度达到120多公里每小时。根据句意,A,B,D与speed搭配都不符合逻辑,选C项。【点睛】在做题时要注意选项放进原句后是否符合逻辑。本题中选项与speed搭配,A. assume假定;B. accomplish 完成;D. assess 评定与speed搭配时明显不合逻辑,要排除。12. Every possible means _to prevent the air pollution, but the sky is

8、 still not clear.A. are being used B. have been used C. has been used D. had been used 参考答案:C略13. _him that she would fail as she was so able and worked so hard.AIt never occurred to BThat never occurred toCIt never occurred with DThat never occurred for参考答案:A14. _ your composition carefully, some s

9、pelling mistakes can be avoided. A. Having checked B. Check C. If you check D. To check参考答案:C略15. . The look on Maxs face was _ between puzzlement and anger. A. everythingB. nothingC. somethingD. anything参考答案:C略16. However,the incident was the only spark_the fire.A which set off B set off C that set

10、 off D setted off参考答案:C二、 新的题型17. Twenty percent of the students in the university _(be) chosen to participate in the exchange project each year. 参考答案:are三、 阅读理解18. Should people who study science and business pay less for college than people who focus on art and history? That may soon be the case a

11、t Floridas state universities.In tough economic times, Florida governor Rick Scott wants to lead college students toward careers that will pay off after graduation. There are more jobs available in Florida in the fields of business, engineering, healthcare, science and technology. So why not encoura

12、ge students to focus on these “high-demand” subjects by charging less tuition for them?“We assume students go to college because they want to pursue jobs,” Dale Brill said. He is the head of a group of business people, educators and lawmakers who made the recommendation to the governor to keep tuiti

13、on low for job-friendly areas of academic study. “We all share the goal of students getting jobs and being productive citizens. Some majors are more valuable than others.”Supporters of the plan have their reasons. More students will choose these “high-demand” majors and get jobs after graduation. Th

14、e state will gain an educated workforce that is qualified to fill open jobs. Universities that can show that theirgraduates are getting jobs will qualify for more funding from the state.But critics of the plan say its unfair to load humanities majorsthose who study literature, philosophy, history and artwith debt while keeping tuition low for so-called “high-demand” majors in business and science. In fact, university professors wrote a letter to Governor Scott arguing that if students majoring in history


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