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1、最新关于描写责任的英语作文带翻译 导语:意志坚强的人能把世界放在手中像泥块一样任意揉捏。那就记录下来,编写成英语吧。欢送阅读,仅供参考的,更多相关的知识,请关注FLA学习网的栏目! If you let me ask you: to your elders filial piety? I think you will not hesitate to answer: of course, I very filial piety! Then you may for example, for parents to buy the buy that had to do that. I can only

2、 say this: with the development of modern society step by step, and your understanding of the meaning of filial piety in the gradual degradation. The concept of filial piety of the people of modern society looks something like this: every day I work hard, every time to go home to visit their parents

3、, with their own ability of return, buy some gifts for the parents, let parents happy, is small to parents from time to time a way of expression. In view, filial piety is intangible, the important thing is that you have a sincere heart to face the parents, and their age gradually towards the end of

4、life, what they can do less and less, only Chen Shou lonely every day, they really want is not your so-called returns they want is only you can play with them, and they talk together, thats all, but why do we always dont you know? Their request is so simple, you feel they eagerly look forward to in

5、the heart? Do you feel? Its just you dont care you. In normal times on television public service ads often have such a: an old man, a person at home all day busy, whenever the son call, ask its life situation, grandpa hurriedly reply: home quite good, dont have to worry about and have a good job, fr

6、ee ah, you. you go home and have a look! Son just bored reply: know, know. This is a simple conversation, but also felt the fathers son missing and lonely, but I never cared, even can remember, always because of work busy often, this is how ruthless, this only is they feel more and more lonely, I th

7、ought, or the work of the hands put a put, spend more time with them, dont let them feel lonely. Go back and have a look, dont let them alone; Look on the back, dont let the way home to you as a stranger; Spend more time with them, thats all they want, dont beg you generous returns. Lost in the worl

8、d is of no importance, with their parents, this is the most important! 如果我来问你:你对你的长辈是否孝顺?我想你会毫不犹豫地答复:当然,我很孝顺啊!然后你可能会举例为父母买这买那,做着做那的.我只能这样说:随着现代社会的一步步开展,而你对孝心的含义的理解在逐步退化。 现代社会的人对孝的概念大概是这样的:我每天奋力拼搏,到每次回家看望父母时,用自己的能力所换来的回报,为父母多买一些礼品,让父母快乐,者随时对父母小的一种表达方式。在看来,孝是无形的,重要的是你有一颗真诚的心去面对父母,而他们的年龄在逐渐走向生命的末端,他们所能

9、做的越来越少,每天只有陈守的寂寞,他们真正想要并不是你回报他们想得到的仅仅是你能陪陪他们,和他们聊聊,聚一聚,仅此而已,可是为什么我们却总是你不知道呢? 他们的要求是如此简单,你感到他们心中的热切期盼了吗?你感觉到了吗?那只是你从不在意。 在平时电视的公益广告上经常有这样一段:一个老爷爷,整天一个人在家忙碌着,每当儿子打来 时,一问其生活情况,老爷爷连忙应答:“家里挺好的,不必担忧,好好工作,有空啊,你.你回家看看吧!”儿子只是厌烦应答:“知道了,知道了.”这是简简单单的一番对话,但儿子也感受到了父亲的思念与孤单,可是却从不在意,即使能够记得,也总是因为工作的繁忙一拖再拖,这是多么“无情”的作

10、法,这只能是他们的心里感到越来越孤单,我想:还是把手上的工作放一放,多陪陪他们,不要让他们在感到孤单了。 多回去看看吧,不要让他们孤独了;回去看看吧,不要让回家的路把你看做一个陌生人;多陪陪他们吧,他们想要的仅此而已,不求你丰厚的回报。 世界上丢了什么都不重要,陪陪父母吧,这是最重要的! There is a lyrics sing a way: as long as everyone sacrificed a little love, the world will bee a better human. I especially like the lyrics. Because it say

11、s the our voice. Sing the desire to everyone. In modern society, everything is in rapid development, but behind the rapid development, modern peoples traditional virtue in reverse; Always think about interests, and throw away love. I heard of such a thing: a 80 - year - old white-haired old woman fe

12、ll on the road, I cannot stand, he cast from a passerby for help. The grandmother home is very poor, dress is very poor, but can be seen from her kindly face she definitely is a good man, but turned out to be no one to pull the old woman. Some people just glance at him, as if nothing has ourredly aw

13、ay, most of them are in this way, it has even been purposely walked around, turn a blind eye to the old man. After a while, a boy of 13 or 14 walked to e over, I made the old woman hold up slowly. To help grandma is like pick up love. This kind of thing can go to see everywhere in our life. But why

14、pick up a fallen old man so simple things, in the eyes of so many people are very difficult? Admittedly such examples have bee mon in the life. In the society while good people a lot, but they will change because of some bad bad thing, so lost in love, it is those for selfish interests, regardless o

15、f the impact on other people and society, became the others follow objects, like those of us who plays an upward force in the society as a whole and the future of a new generation of pillar of the national people, not affected by the bad style. So we must stick to the love in my heart, heart full of

16、 love, to hold shouldnt lost love. Love is like a shovel to the pain. Love is like a spring rain can moisten all creatures on the earth, only we each heart is love, and can influence the people who lost the love, let us heart to love, to influence the society is filthy, to find the lost love. Lets stick to love, dont lose the love. 有一句歌词唱道:“只要人人都献出一点爱,世界将变成美好的人间。”我特别喜欢这句歌词



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