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1、2021年四川省绵阳市石桥中学高三英语上学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. -I feel like _ out for a walk. What about you? -Id like _ my homework at home.A. going; to do B. to go; to do C. to go; doing D. going; doing参考答案:A2. Can I help you,sir?I am afraid you cannot.I have my studentspapers _ .Ato be graded Bgraded C.to grade Dgrade参考答

2、案:C3. _ to me to decide whether we should stay in school for additional classes or have a holiday,I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. A. Were it left B. It was left C. It left D. Did it leave参考答案:A 4. Your brother has been admitted to Nanjing University?Yes, he deserves it. If I had

3、 worked as wisely, that_ my destiny.A. might be B. would be C. could have been D. will have been参考答案:C5. What about the dinner, honey?Terrific. In addition to wonderful dessert, they served rare and precious fruit .A. beyond our reachB. for good measureC. among other thingsD. in our favor参考答案:B6. Ja

4、ckie had planned to open a restaurant in Beijing, but _ his idea after winning a gold medal in the competition.A. had changed B. changed C. change D. will change参考答案:B7. Frankly, I still feel confused about _ he could manage without access to the Internet for such a long time.A. whatB. whyC. thatD.

5、how参考答案:D【详解】考查连接副词。句意:坦率地说,这么长一段时间没有上网,他怎么能做到这一点,我还是感到困惑。分析句子可知,about后接宾语从句,根据句意,可以判断出,about后接表示方式的连接副词how引导的宾语从句。故D选项正确。8. The second game of the series had ended in a 3-3 tie after ten rounds when the game was called offdarkness.A.by means ofB.in return forC.in favor ofD.on account of参考答案:D考查介词词组

6、。句意:系列赛的第二场在十局过后,双方战成3比3平,此时由于天黑,比赛被取消了。根据句意,此处应选on account of表示因为,由于。 by means of表示借助于,通过;in return for表示作为对的回报;in favor of表示支持。9. Rod loves _ clocks. However, he never manages to put them together again.A. taking apart B. giving away C. making up D. turning off参考答案:A 10. -Could you please tell me

7、what happened _? -Okay. I know you are really pressed for time right now. A. in brief B. in turn C. in detail D. in total 参考答案:A11. Romb was not built in day, You should set goals and work hard to achieve them。 Aalternative Bconsiderable Csubjective Drealistic 参考答案:D 12. -Do you know where Kate live

8、s?-Yeah, in house. A. a grey gloomy-looking small wooden B. a grey wooden gloomy-looking C. a small wooden grey gloomy-looking D. a gloomy-looking small grey wooden参考答案:D13. Tourists who to the Angkor Wat, Cambodia are all amazed at its marvelous beauty. A.have goneB.have beenC.had goneD.had been 参考

9、答案:B14. . The number of farmers with Internet access has dramatically increased, _the way farmers do business.A. having changed B. to change C. changing D. changed参考答案:C略15. - With so much work to do, I dont think I can take it any more.-_. Things will get better.A. Dont act like a baby. B. Nothing

10、is serious.C. Hang in there. D. Dont be silly.参考答案:C二、 短文改错16. 短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)假如英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(),并在此符号下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。 修改:在错词下面划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1每处错误及其修改均仅限一词, 2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Last year, I was

11、addicted with playing computer games. I found it hard to breaking away from the bad habit. My teacher talked to my parents about this, and they made me to promise not to play those games again. I tried hard, but I found it uselessly. The moment my fingers left the keyboard, I would feel very uncomfo

12、rtable. Because I was determined to forget the games, I still could not concentrate on the lessons giving in classes.Fortunately, psychological advisor in our school came to know this. He talks with me about his problem. At last, he offered his advices on how to get rid of the addiction. Now I can m

13、anage to control myself. 参考答案:略17. 短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)In recent years many flowers shops have been appeared in our small town. It is common for people to buy flowers when they go to a gathering, visiting a sick friend, or attend a wedding. I still remember clear one day last year when Tom, disab

14、led student, presented some flowers to his mother to 参考答案:三、 阅读理解18. The old man fished alone in a small rowboat and he had gone eighty-four days now without taking a fish. In the first forty days a boy had been with him. But after forty days without a fish the boys parents had told him that the old man was now bad luck, and ordered the boy to join another boat, which caught three good fish the first week. It made the boy sad to see the old man come in each day with his boat empty and



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