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1、XX英语六级翻译考试新题型 的xx年上半年考试即将到来,为帮助各位更好的进展知识点的稳固,以下是为大家搜索的xx翻译考试新题型,希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们! 中国有一句俗语叫做“不孝有三,无后为大”。但现在,很多时尚的年轻夫妇选择不生育孩子的生活方式,组建了丁克家庭。很多夫妻担忧无法给孩子提供优越的生活条件,选择成为丁克家庭。现在,孩子的教育费用比过去高很多。在大城市,送孩子上好一点的幼儿园要花费巨资,重点中小学的学费更高。还有一些夫妻成为丁克家庭是迫不得已。当他们做好准备生育孩子时,已经错过了最正确生育年龄。 A popular saying has it that “

2、There are three forms of unfilial conduct, of which the worst is to have no descendants.”But now, it is quite fashionable for many young couples to choose a lifestyle without kids and organize the DINK family. Some couples who choose DINK family are fearful that they cannot provide favourable living

3、 conditions for children. Nowadays, the cost of educating a child is much higher than that of the past. In a big city, to send a child to a better kindergarten takes a large amount of money and the key primary or secondary schools are even more expensive. Some couples who have chosen DINK family are

4、 obliged to do so. When they make preparations for having a baby, it is a pity that they have missed the most fertile years. 不孝有三,无后为大。There are three forms of unfilial conduct, of which the worst is to have no descendants. 时尚的 fashionable 生活方式 lifestyle 丁克家庭 DINK family 担忧 fearful 优越的 favourable 重点

5、中小学 the key primary or secondary school 迫不得已 be obliged to do sth. 做好准备 make preparations for 思乡(homesickness)是的一个永恒的话题。从古至今,无论男女,家是他们永久的港湾,思乡是他们不老的情结(plex)。正是这样的情结成为中国历代文人重要的创作题材,并以各种方式,从各种角度加以表达。是故土,唤起了他们心灵深处最美好的回忆,在对故土的思念中,他们又仿佛回到了那单纯无邪的童年时代,回到了母亲的怀抱,身心的创伤得到了暂时的平复,精神的空虚得到了刹那的充实,故土成了他们终极的归宿地(ultim

6、ate destination)。 Homesickness is an eternal topic for Chinese people.Since ancient times, home has been a permanent harbor for both men and women, and homesickness is their ever-young plex.It is such kind of plex that bees the important theme of Chinese literati in all dynasties; they expressed thi

7、s theme in various ways and form various angles.It is home that arouses the best memories in their hearts.Thanks to those memories, they feel like going back to the pure and innocent childhood and returning to mothers arms.The wounds in body and mind will get healed temporarily and spiritual emptine

8、ss will be enriched for a while.Home has bee their ultimate destination. 1.思乡:可译为homesickness,其形容词形式为homesick。 2.不老的情结:可译为ever-young plex,其中“不老的”译为ever-young,意为 “永远年轻的”。 3.以各种方式,从各种角度加以表达:译文以人作主语,把句式从被动变为主动,并用分号将两个分句连在一起。文中翻译为the they expressed this theme in various ways and from various angles。 4.是故土,唤起了:此处可用It is.that.的强调句形式。“唤起”译为arouse或bring out。 5.回到了回到了:可分别译为go back to和return to,以防止重复,从而表达用词的多样性。 6.身心的创伤得到了暂时的平复:可译为The wounds in body and mind will get healed temporarily。其中“身心的创伤”译为 the wounds in body and mind, “得到平复”译为get healed。



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