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1、XX职称英语试题综合C词汇选项专项练习 是专门为了某种职业而专门设置的,以下是的xx职称综合C词汇选项专项练习,希望对大家考试有所帮助!更多信息请关注! 1. Formulated in 1823, the Monroe Doctrine asserted that the Americas were no longer open to European colonization, A. stated firmly B. argued light-mindedly C. thought seriously D. announced regrettably 2. The number of Un

2、ited States citizens who are eligible to vote continues to increase. A. encouraged B. enforced C. expected D. entitled 3. During the Second World War, all important resources in the U.S. were allocated by the federal government. A. nationalized B. mandeered C. taxed D. distributed 4. It is postulate

3、d that population trends have an effect on economic fluctuations. A. challenged B. assumed C. deducted D. decreed 5. She seemed to have detected some anger in his voice. A. noticed B. heard C. realized D. got 6. The new style of shoes appeals to those students. A. arises B. absorbs C. attracts D. ae

4、pts 7. It remains a puzzle about why our outermost pla exists, A. problem B. mystery C. question D. point 8. Before you decide on a vocation, it might be a good idea to consult a few good friendS. A. career B. holiday C. plan D. research 9. There are various ways to solve the problem. A. same B. man

5、y C. helpful D. different 10. The house was seriously destroyed. A. slightly B. heavily C. obviously D. sadly 11. The most pressing problem any economic system faces is how to use its scarce resources. A. puzzling B. difficult C. terrifying D. urgent 12. I visited this famous writer now and then. A.

6、 always B. oasionally C. constantly D. regularly 13. It seems inevitable for people to make such a mistake. A. strange B. certain C. inconsistent D. proper 14. You should take many factors into consideration when going for an interview. A. thought B. mind C. aount D. memory 15. Even in a highly mode

7、mized country, manual work is still needed. A. expressive B. physical C. exaggerated D. mental 1.A。句意:制定于1823年的门罗主义政策宣称美洲不再是欧洲的殖民地。句意:此题是对动词的考查。题干划线词asserted意为“断然宣称”,stated firmly意为“坚决地宣称”,argued light-mindedly意为“随意地争论”,thought seriously意为“严肃地思考”,announced regrettably意为“遗憾地宣布”,故A正确。 2.D。句意:有资格投票的美国人

8、的数量持续增长。此题是对形容词的考查。题干划线词eligible to意为“有权力的,有资格的”,encouraged意为“鼓励”, enforced意为“强迫”,expected意为“期望”, entitled意为“给权利”,可知D项正确。 3.D。句意:在第二次世界大战期间,美国所有的重要资源都由联邦政府统一分配。此题是对动词的考查。题干划线词allocated意为“分配” ,nationalized意为“全国化”,mandeered意为“征用”,taxed意为“收税”, distributed意为“分配,分销”。因此此题选D。 4.B。句意:人们认为人口动态对经济波动有一定影响。此题是对

9、动词的考查。题干划线词postulated意为“猜想,假设”,challenged意为“挑战”, assume意为“猜想,假象”,deducted意为“推测”,decreed意为“公布法令”,应选B。 5.A。句意:她似乎已经发觉出他声音中的愤怒。题干划线词detect常见的意思有两种:“发觉”和“侦查”,在这个句子中是第一种意思。选项中noticed意为“注意到”,heard意为“听到”,realized意为“意识到”,got意为“得到”。因此A为正确答案。 6. C。句意:鞋子新颖的样式吸引了那些学生们。此题是对短语的考查。题干划线词appealto意为“吸引,诉诸”arise意为“出现,

10、上升”,absorb意为“吸收”,attract意为“吸引”,aept意为“承受”,所以正确答案为C。 7. B。句意:太阳系最外层行星因何存在,仍然是个谜。此题是对名词的考查。题干划线词puzzle意为“迷,难题”,problem意为“问题”,mystery意为“神秘”,question意为“问题”,point意为“点,意义”,所以正确答案为B。 8. A。句意:在从事新的职业前,最好找几个好朋友了解一下。此题是对名词的考查。题干划线词vocation意为“职业”,career意为“职业”,holiday意为“假期”,plan意为“方案”,research意为“研究,调查”,所以正确答案为A

11、。 9.D。句意:解决这个问题有多种途径。此题是对形容词的考查。题干划线词various意为“多样的,不同的”,same意为“相同的”,many意为“许多的”,helpful意为“有帮助的”,different意为“不同的”,所以正确答案为D。 10.B。句意:房子被毁坏得非常严重。此题是对副词的考查。题干划线词seriously意为“严肃地,严重地”,slightly意为“轻微地,略微地”,heavily意为“重地,严重地”,obviously意为“明显地”,sadly意为“悲哀地”,所以正确答案为B。 11.D。句意:对任何一个经济体来说,最紧迫的问题是如何利用好稀缺的资源。此题是对形容词

12、的考查。题干划线词pressing意为“紧急的,紧迫的”,选项puzzling意为“令人费解的,令人迷惑的”,difficult意为“困难的”,terrifying意为“令人害怕的,令人恐惧的”, urgent意为“紧急的,迫切的”,所以正确答案为D。 12.B。句意:我不时会去拜访那位著名的作家。此题是对词组的考查。题干划线词now and then意为“不时地”,选项中always意为“总是”,oasionally意为“偶尔”,constantly意为“不断地,经常地”,regularly意为“定期地,有规律地”,所以正确答案为B。 13.B。句意:看来人们犯这类错误是不可防止的。此题是对

13、形容词的考查。题干划线词inevitable意为“不可防止的”,选项strange意为“奇怪的”,certain意为“必然的,确定的”,inconsistent意为“不一致的”,proper意为“适当的,恰当的”,故正确答案为B。 14.C。句意:去采访时,你要考虑众多要素。此题是对名词的考查,但实际考查的是词组takeinto consideration,意为“将考虑在内”。四个选项中,只有takeinto aount意为“将考虑在内”,所以正确答案为C。 15.B。句意:即使在高度现代化的国家,手工劳动也仍然是需要的。此题是对形容词的考查。题干划线词manual意为“手工的,体力的”,选项中expressive意为“表现的,表达的”,physical意为“身体的,体力的”,exaggerated意为“夸张的,夸大的”,mental意为“精神的,脑力的”,所以正确答案为B。



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