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1、XX考研英语完型填空专项训练及答案 Smoking may be a pleasure for some people. 1 ,it is a serious sourceof 2 for their fellows. Now medical authorities express their 3 about theeffect of smoking 4 the health not only of those who smoke but also those whodo not . 5 ,nonsmokers who must 6 inhale the air polluted by tob

2、ao smoke may7 more than the smokers themselves. As you are 8 informed, a considerable number of students have 9 in aeffort to 10 the university to 11 smoking in the classroom. I believe they are12 right in their aim. However, I would hope that it is 13 to achieve this bycalling 14 the smokers to use

3、 good judgment and show concern for other 15 thanby regulation. Smoking is 16 by city bylaws in theatres and in halls used forshowing films as well as in laboratories where there may be a fire hazard. 17 ,it is up to you good 18 . I am therefore asking you to 19 “No smoking” in the auditoriums,class

4、rooms and seminar rooms. This will prove that you have the nonsmokers health andwell-being 20 ,which is very important to a large number of our students. 1. A. HenceB. HoweverC. Anyway D. Furthermore 2. A. joyB. disfortC. convenienceD. relief 3. A. considerationB. attentionC. belief D. concern 4. A.

5、 againstB. forC. inD. on 5. A. In consequenceB. On the other handC. In factD. After all 6. A. instinctivelyB. instantlyC. spontaneouslyD. reluctantly 7. A. sufferB. subjectC. submitD. sustain 8. A. certainB. sureC. doubtlessD. right 9. A. enteredB. joinedC. attendedD. involved 10. A. reasonB. persua

6、de C. argueD. suggest 11. A. stopB. objectC. banD. prevent 12. A. entirelyB. likelyC. generallyD. possibly 13. A. likelyB. probableC. properD. possible 14. A. outB. forC. onD. up 15. A. ratherB. betterC. moreD. other 16. A. prohibitedB. protectedC. reservedD. cleared 17. A. FurthermoreB. Consequentl

7、yC. NeverthelessD. Elsewhere 18. A. ideaB. dutyC. senseD. responsibility 19. A. persistB. maintainC. stickD. adhere 20. A. in mindB. in headC. in heartD. in memory 1. 【答案】B. However 【解析】此题测试逻辑搭配. however 然而,正合题意。hence 因此;anyway(=in any case, at any rate) 无论如何;furthermore 而且,此外。根据逻辑意思应选 B. However。 2

8、. 【答案】B. disfort 【解析】此题测试逻辑型词义搭配. 从上文意思看,上句有pleasure 一词,however 表示语气转折,可见后面应选 disfort, 形成对照。 3. 【答案】D. concern 【解析】此题测试词义搭配. express ones concern about(or for, over)表达对.的关心,顾虑:1)Hedidnt show much concern about (or for) it. 2) The Prime Minister expressed his concern over the strike that hadlasted fo

9、r two months or so. consideration 考虑,思考:1) Your proposal is now under consideration. (你的建议正在考虑中。)2) You should take these facts into consideration. attention 注意:pay attention to, give attention to, devote attention to, drawattention to (吸引对.的注意),attract ones attention(吸引某人的注意力)。 belief (in) 相信,信赖:I

10、have great belief in his ability to sueed. 可见,consideration,attention与 belief 均不切题。 4. 【答案】D. on 【解析】此题测试构造搭配. The effect of smoking on the health 吸烟对安康的影响。 5. 【答案】C. In fact 【解析】此题测试逻辑搭配.in fact 事实上,实际上。从上下文的意思来看,正合题意。in consequence 因此,on the other hand 另一方面,after all 毕竟,均不符合题意。 6. 【答案】D. reluctant

11、ly 【解析】此题测试词义搭配. reluctantly 勉强的;instinctively 本能的,天生的;spontaneously 自发地;instantly 立即。可见,reluctantly 正合题意。 7. 【答案】A. suffer 【解析】此题测试词义搭配. suffer vt./vi. 遭受,受到;正合题意。subjectto 使受到.:He was subjected to severe criticism. submit vt. 1) 提交:We have submitted your request to the mittee. 2) (与to 连用) vt./vi.

12、服从,听任:Irefuse to submit (myself) to his control. sustain vt. 1) 支撑: These two posts sustain the whole roof. 2) 经受,承受:Shesustained a great loss in the death of her husband. 从上下文的逻辑意思和词义搭配来看,suffer 是正确的选择。 8. 【答案】C. doubtless 【解析】此题测试构造型词义搭配. doubtless 是副词,意为“一定,肯定,无疑”,例如:1) It was doubtless his own f

13、ault. 2) John will doubtless e ontime as he always dose. certain, sure, right 均为形容词,从语法构造上就可以排除这些选项。 9. 【答案】B. joined 【解析】此题测试词义搭配. join 参加(某个组织):He joined the army last year. join in 参加(某种活动):1) The girl, Mary, joined in the conversation. 2) May I join in thegame? enter 1)进入:He entered the sitting-

14、room. 2) 参加,到.里面工作:Irefused to enter the discussion. 可见此题用entered 不妥,因为它是及物动词。3) enter into 开始(谈话,讨论等) :He entered into an explanation. 4)enter for 报名参加:I shallenter for the new petition. attend 在搭配关系与逻辑意思上均不符合此题题意。如用involve,那么需用被动态, be involved in 参加。例如:Many workers were involved in the strikes in

15、1946.(许多工人参加了1946年的大罢工。) 2) Heis involved in a lot of extra work.(他参加了许多额外的工作。) attendvt. 出席:He attended the meeting yesterday. 10. 【答案】B. persuade 【解析】此题测试构造型词义搭配. persuade sb. to do sth. 说服某人做某事。 reason vt. 通过讲道理是某人做某事,含有“说服”的意思,其搭配关系是:reason sb. into doing sth. 1) Lets reason him intojoining us. 2) I managed to reason him into plying with the trafficregulations. (我和他讲道理让他遵守交通规那么。) argue sb.into doing sth. 通过争论让某人做某事:They triedto argue him into joining them. suggest 后不能接sb. to do sth., 但可以接sb.s doingsth., 例如:I suggested his staying instead of going there.


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