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1、xx最新的大学B及英语考试技巧! 导语:知识和世故不同,真有学问的人往往是很天真的。下面是为大家的,英语写作技巧。希望对大家有所帮,欢送阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注FLA学习网! 一、就近一致 1.当主语由either. or. neither. nor , not only . but(also) 或or连接时,谓语动词通常和最临近的那个主语一致。 例如:Either you or he is to do the work. 不是你就 是他来做这件事。 Not only you but also Tom often es late to class. 不光是你,汤姆上课也迟到。 N

2、either the children nor the teacher knows anything about it. 2.当there be构造后面有并列主语时,谓语也和最临近的那个一致。 如:There is a dictionary and many books on the table. 桌子上有一本词典和许多本书。 There re ten chairs and a table in the house. 屋子里有十把椅子和一张桌子。 Here is a pen, a few envelopes and same paper far you.这儿有一支笔,几个信封和一些纸给你。 这

3、种就近一致的情况在非正式文体中越来越普遍。但在以下情况不提倡模访。 如:Where is your mother and sisters? 你妈妈和你姐妹到哪儿去了? Is your sister and her husband ing to see you? 你姐姐和姐夫要来看你吗? One in ten are expected to take part in the contest. 预计每十个人就有一个要来参加这次比赛。 3.做主语的名词或代词后接with,together with,along with,as well as等短语时,谓语动词一般和前面名词或代词一致。这些短语前后可用

4、可不用逗号。 如:A woman with a baby is ing to the hospital 一个妇女抱着个婴儿正向医院走来。 The girl, as well as the bays , has learned to drive a car.这个姑娘和那些那孩子一样也学会了开汽车。 二、代词一致 代词一致是指句子中代词应在数、性、人称等方面彼此保持一致。 如:One must do one s best to increase production. Everybody talked at the tap of his/their voice. If anyone calls, tell him I 11 be back in a moment. (him也可用him or her代替) 在写作中,如果表示不定的人,可以用you, we, one等,需要注意的是:同一篇文章中,只用同一个不定代词,而且所有格要与其一致。 三、肯定与否认一致 以下形容词、副词、代词从肯定句变成否认句时,须作相应的变化: 注意:“so/neither+助动词/情态动词+名词/代词”构造中须用倒装语序。 如:My wife likes classical music very much and so do. She doesn t like jazz and neither do.



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