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1、xx最新的开学典礼英语作文 Composition: the opening ceremony This weeks Friday morning in our school held a grand opening ceremony. In the morning, the students in school uniform, wearing a red scarf, to e to school happily. The first lesson on when the bell rang, we lined up to, take a stool came to the playgro

2、und. When we after good, teacher zhang plausibly announce: the station elementary school opening ceremony now - first, the national anthem. When the national anthem of musical sound, we all stood up and saluted, involuntary sweet after the national anthem, we seat down. Second, by zhang headmaster r

3、ead this semester. The words sound just fell, the headmaster zhang began to read out the semester plan, including all the content we think, is really did it himself. When the headmaster read out to plete, then thought of a big round of applause. Then the principal zhang summed up the work last semes

4、ter. Fourth, the teacher, student award. As the teacher zhang to announce, the opening ceremony into the climax, in the award-winning teacher, has won the county, municipal, and even received state, the teacher and school, is undoubtedly a proud. In the award-winning students, also have won prize of

5、 province, city, county, outstanding young pioneers, essay contest, singing, drawing contest winning students. Not only the students happy, even those not winning students happy for them, why? Because of this to all the people in the school, is a badge of honor. Then the teacher and classmates repre

6、sented respectively, the grand opening ceremony ended with Joe the headmasters speech. The opening ceremony ended, just like that. Looking forward to the new semester, I will not live up to the expectations of parents and teachers, I must let oneself to the next level. 这个星期的星期五早上我们学校举行了隆重的开学典礼。 早上,同

7、学们穿着校服,戴着红领巾,高快乐兴得来到了学校。第一节课上的铃声响了,我们排好对,拿着凳子来到了操场。当我们座好后,张老师振振有辞的报幕: 车站小学开学典礼现在开始-第一项,奏国歌。 当悦耳的国歌声响起来的时候,我们全体不由自主的起立、敬礼,悦耳的国歌声完毕后,我们座了下来。 第二项,由张校长宣读本学期方案。 话音刚落,张校长就开始宣读了这个学期方案,其中包括了我们想到的所有内容,正真做到了滴水不漏。当张校长宣读完毕,全场便想起了热烈的掌声。然后张校长总结了上学期的工作。 第四项,颁发老师、学生奖。 随着张老师的报幕,开学典礼进入了高潮,在获奖的老师里、有获县级的、市级的、甚至还有获得国家级的,这对老师、学校来说,无疑是一种骄傲。在获奖的同学里,也有获得省、市、县级奖的,有优秀少先队员、有征文大赛、唱歌、绘画比赛获奖的同学。不光这些同学快乐,连那些未获奖的同学也替他们快乐,为什麽呢?因为这对于学校里的所有人来说,都是一种荣耀。然后老师代表和同学代表分别发言,这次隆重的开学典礼以乔校长的讲话落下帷幕。 开学典礼就这样完毕了。展望新学期,我一定不会辜负家长和老师的期望,我一定要让自己的成绩更上一层。



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