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1、xx最新的责任与担当英语作文例文 Dear teachers, dear classmates: Good morning. As a new era of high school students, is shouldering the revival of the motherland. Cultural and scientific knowledge, we should study hard to step into society after can return the motherland, the society and family, to be a true patrio

2、tic, love family, dare to take responsibility. As a member of the 21st century society, we must use scientific and cultural knowledge to arm themselves, learning is not only a response to the call of The Times, is also the needs of the development of its own growth. Premier zhou was reading for the

3、rise of the Chinese. Inspired generations of young people, he is studying for the faith of the heart, the development of oneself, serve country. This is not just a goal, but also a reflection of personal learning necessity. Learning is not only enrich the development themselves, more to the world, t

4、o contribute to the construction of the motherland. This is the necessity of our study. Learning needs to have an optimistic, positive, person good state of mind, not afraid of difficulties. There is a word: attitude is everything. What kind of mentality, there will be what kind of life, a positive,

5、 optimistic, cheerful people will enjoy the happiness of life and learning. Instead of a decadent, a man, can never achieve anything. Hua luogeng is a great mathematician in China, and he once at the time of study math problems encountered difficulties, no research study. But he was not discouraged

6、because of this, but even harder to think, finally after a long time thinking, with the result. It is because of this kind of optimistic, not afraid difficulty mentality. To make the hua luogeng great life. Thus, the importance of good attitude for learning. In learning and grasping time is particul

7、arly important. Time is a precious wealth, cherish the time you can achieve a breakthrough, on the other hand, a waste of time to lose. Our country famous litterateur, thinker, revolutionary lu xun is a man who cherish the time. He put the others drink coffee time for reading and learning, he once s

8、aid time, just like the water in sponge, as long as you squeeze, always some. Time is like life, in his eyes, he said if the gratuitous waste other peoples time, it is would be tantamount to thuggery. It is because the right concept of time, before he became a great writer. Cherish the time, to gras

9、p the time, reasonable use of our time, our life will be more colorful. Method is the most powerful weapon in the study, there is a suitable for their own learning methods will get twice the result with half the effort in learning, not a good way to learn is the bank of China, under very difficult.

10、Gaussian is the great German mathematician, one day, the teacher out of the question, many people do not to e out, gaussian thinking for a while, to do with another way out. This example tells us that as long as there is a suitable method, can more easily into a suess. Thus faster to go to the heave

11、n of my dreams. Learning, thinking active, intelligent wisdom; Learning, make people see the world, eloquent; Learning, make the person find the scenery pleasing to both the eye and the mind, such as the spring breeze. Under the flag of the us, at the moment the flag oath: beautiful youth, seize eve

12、ry minute. Thank you all, my speech! 亲爱的老师们,亲爱的同学们: 大家上午好。 作为新时代的高中生,肩负着祖国复兴的重任。我们要努力学习文化科学知识,在踏入社会之后可以回报祖国、社会和家庭,做一个真正爱国、爱家、敢于承当责任的人。 作为21世纪的社会一员,我们必须要用充足的科学文化知识来武装自己,学习不仅是响应时代的号召,也是自身成长开展的需要。周总理曾经为中华之崛起而读书。鼓励了一代又一代有志青年,他为心中这份信念而学习,开展自己,报效祖国。这不仅仅是一个目标,更是一个人学习必要性的表达。学习不仅是充实自己开展自己,更要胸怀天下,为祖国的建立出力。这是我

13、们学习的必要性。 学习需要有一个乐观的、积极向上的、不骄不躁的、不惧困难的良好的心态。有一句话说:“态度决定一切。”有什么样的心态,就有什么样的人生,一个积极向上乐观开朗的人会享受到生活和学习的快乐。反之一个颓废的、不思进取的人,永远不可能有所成就。华罗庚是我国伟大的数学家,他有一次在研究数学题的时候遇到了困难,冥思苦想也没有研究出来。但是他并没有因此而气馁,而是更加努力的去思考,终于在经过许久的思考之后,有了结果。正是由于这种乐观积极,不惧困难的心态。才造就了华罗庚伟大的一生。由此可见,良好心态对于学习的重要性。 对于学习,时间的把握尤为重要。时间是一笔珍贵的财富,珍惜时间就能有所成就有所突

14、破,反之,浪费时间那么会一败涂地。我国著名的文学家,思想家,革命家鲁迅先生就是一个珍惜时间的人。他把别人喝咖啡的时间用来看书和学习,他曾说过时间,就像海绵里的水,只要你挤,总是有的。在他眼里,时间就如同生命,他说“倘假设无端的空耗别人的时间,其实是无异于谋财害命的。”正是因为正确的时间观念,他才成为了一位伟大的文学家。珍惜时间,把握时间,合理利用时间,我们的人生会更加绚丽多彩。 方法是学习中最有力的武器,有一个适合自己的学习方法会在学习上事半功倍,没有一个好的学习方法就犹如在逆水中行舟,困难重重。高斯是德国伟大的数学家,有一次,老师出了一道题,许多人都做不出来,高斯思考了一会儿,另辟蹊径,用另一种方法做了出来。这个例子告诉我们,只要有一个适合自己的方法,就能更容易的走进成功。从而更快捷的走到梦想中的天堂。 学习,使人思维活泼、聪颖智慧;学习,使人增长见识、谈吐非凡;学习,使人心旷神怡、如沐春风。 国旗下的我们,在此刻向国旗宣誓:美好青春,只争朝夕。 谢谢大家,我的演讲完毕!



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