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1、2022年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(二)真题及答案(江南博哥)材料题根据以下材料,回答1-20题Harlan Coben believes that if youre a writer ,youll find the time; and that if you cant find the time ,then writing isnt a priority and youre not a writer. For him writing is1joba job like any other. He has2it with plumbing, pointing out that plumbe

2、r doesnt wake up and say that he cant work with pipes today.3, like most writers these days, youre holding down a job to pay the bills,its not4to find the time to write. But its not impossible. It require determination and single-mindedness.5that most bestselling authors began writing when they were

3、 doing other things to earn a living, And today, even writers who are fairly6often have to do other work to7their writing income.As Halan Coben has suggested, its a8of priorities. To make writing a priority ,youll have to9some of your day-to-day activities and some thing you really enjoy. Depengding

4、 on your10and your lifestyle, that might mean spending less time watching television or listening to music, though some people can write11they listen to music. You might have to12the amount of exercise or sport you do. Youll have to make social media an13activity rather than a daily, time-consuming1

5、4. Therell probably have to be less socializing with your friends an less time with your family. its a15learning curve and it wont always make you popular.Theres just one thing you should try to keep at least some time for,16your writingand thats reading. Any write needs to read as made and as widel

6、y as they can, its the one17supportersomething you cant do without.Time is finite. the older you get, the18it seems to go. We need to use it so carefully and as19as we can,that means prioritizing out activities so that we spend most time on the things we really want to do. If youre a writer, that me

7、ans20writing.1、单选题第1题答案是_.A.difficultB.normalC.steadyD.pleasant 正确答案:B 参考解析:difficult 困难 normal 正常的 steady 持续地、平稳地 pleasant 讨人喜欢的。翻译:对Harlan Coben来说,作家就是一个_工作同其他工作没有什么差别。根据破折号后面的解释,对Harlan Coben来说,作家只是一个普通平常的工作,并无特别之处,B正确。2、单选题第2题答案是_.A.combinedB.comparedC.confusedD.confronted 正确答案:B 参考解析:combine 结合

8、、混合 compare 比较 confuse confront 面对翻译:Harlan Coben拿作家这个工作跟修管道_,指出管道工不会第二天起床并且说今天我不从事修管道了.上一段指出 writer is normal job,然后跟plumber进行了一个对比,plumber是normal job,writer也是。B正确。3、单选题第3题答案是_.A.IfB.ThoughC.OnceD.Unless 正确答案:A 参考解析:if 如果 though 然而 once 曾经、一.就. unless 除非翻译:像大部分作家一样,_你维持了一份工作去生计,对你来说抽时间去写作将不那么容易.空格处

9、填写一个连词,表达两个句子之间的关系,如果你像大部分的作家一样,拥有一份其他的工作来维持生计,那么你就将没有很多时间去写作,两个是因果关系。A正确。4、单选题第4题答案是_.A.enoughB.stangeC.wrongD.easy 正确答案:D 参考解析:enough 足够 strange 奇怪 wrong 错误的 easy 容易翻译:如果你像大部分作家那样拥有一份其他的工作去维持生计,那么多你来说不_抽时间来写作.根据题意,if you hold down a job to pay the bill(有一份工作去赚钱生活),那么抽时间写作不是很容易,D正确。5、单选题第5题答案是_.A.A

10、cceptB.ExplainC.RememberD.Suppose 正确答案:C 参考解析:accept 接受 explain 解释 remember 记住 suppose 假设翻译:_这个事实,大部分畅销作家开始写作的时候,都是有另一份工作来维持生计的。上一句,It require determination and single-mindedness,表明一边工作一边写作需要决心跟专注,然后指出大部分的畅销书作者都是这样过来的,remenber that(记住),C正确。6、单选题第6题答案是_.A.well-knownB.well-advisedC.well-informedD.well

11、-chosen 正确答案:A 参考解析:well-known 众所周知的 well-advised 谨慎的 well-informed 见多识广的 well-chosen 精选的翻译:现在,甚至是相对_作家都必须去做其他的工作来补贴他们的写作收入。根据前文,有名的作家都是一边工作一边写作的,and表递进,指出同样是有名的作家,现在也需要工作来补贴写作的收入。A正确。7、单选题第7题答案是_.A.donateB.generateC.supplementD.calculate 正确答案:C 参考解析:donate 捐献 generate 产生 supplement 补充、增补 calculate

12、计算、估算翻译:现在甚至是相对有名的作家也需要做其他工作来_他们的写作收入。捐献/产生/补贴/计算 通过其他工作只能是补贴写作收入,所以C正确。8、单选题第8题答案是_.A.causeB.purposeC.questionD.condition 正确答案:D 参考解析:cause 原因 purpose 意图、计划 question 问题 condition 条件、影响、代价翻译:正如Halan Coben所表明的,这是优先选择的_,如果写作优先,你就必须牺牲你的日常活动和你所喜欢的事情.根据后面To make writing a priority ,youll have to scrifice

13、 some of your day-to-day activities and some thing you really enjoy. 表明,当你更重视写作一点,你就没有时间去做你喜欢的事,这就是代价,condition of priority。D正确。9、单选题第9题答案是_.A.highlightB.sacrificeC.continueD.explore 正确答案:B 参考解析:highlight 强调、突出 sacrifice 牺牲 continue 继续 explore 探索翻译:正如Halan Coben所强调的,这就是优先选择的代价,如果你把写作作为优先事项,你就必须_你的日常

14、活动跟你喜欢的事情。根据逻辑关系,如果你偏重写作,你就没有时间干其他的,所以你要牺牲你的日常时间跟活动,B正确。10、单选题第10题答案是_.A.relationsB.interestsC.memoriesD.skills 正确答案:B 参考解析:relation 关系 interest 兴趣 memory 记忆力 skill 技巧翻译:根据你的_和生活方式,有的人意味着更少的时间看电视跟听音乐,然而有一部分人可以边听音乐边写作。and 连接两个并列的词,lifestyle 跟 interest 并列。B正确。11、单选题第11题答案是_.A.untilB.becauseC.whileD.before 正确答案:C 参考解析:until 直.到. because 因为 while 当. before 在.之前翻译:根据你的兴趣和生活方式,有的人意味着更少的时间看电视跟听音乐,然而有一部分人可以写作_他在听音乐的时候。though 表转折,前面说lesstime watching television or listening to music,后面应该是表达,一边听音乐一边写作,while 当.时候。C正确。12、单选题第12题答案是_.A.put up withB.make up forC.hang ontoD.cut down on 正确答案:D


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