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1、安徽省合肥市杜集中学高三英语下学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. - Our holiday cost a lot of money. - Did it? Well, that doesnt matter _ you enjoyed yourselves. A. even if B. in case C. as far as D. as long as 参考答案:D29. The present situation is very complex, so I think it will take me some time to _ its reality.A. make up B. figur

2、e out C. look through D. put off参考答案:B略3. Smiling doesnt mean youre happy Sometimes, it just means that youre strong enough to face problemsA fortunately B eventually C. deliberately D necessarily参考答案:D4. Sir, you are fined for speeding. Please sign here. Fined? Speeding? _.A. Are you all right? B.

3、You cant be serious! C. Im a foreigner. D. It doesnt matter.参考答案:B【考查方向】考查交际英语的用法。句意:先生,您超速罚款了,请在这里签字。罚款?超速?你不会是认真的吧! A. Are you all right?你还好吧?B. You cant be serious! 你不会是认真的吧!C. Im a foreigner.我是名外国人。D. It doesnt matter.没关系。故B正确。 5. The debate has only a few moments that might be inspiring to thos

4、e who _ this issue.A. followedB. had followedC. have been followingD. were following参考答案:C【详解】考查语境及时态。句意:这场辩论只有几分钟的时间,可能会激励那些一直关注这一问题的人。分析句子可知,本空是指那些“一直关注这一问题的人”,根据语境可知,从过去关注一直到现在还在关注,要用现在完成进行时,因此选C。6. Keep _ record of _ mistakes you make - itll help you avoid making the same ones later.A. /; the B.

5、 a; the C. the; / D. the; the参考答案:B7. Hello, Id like to see Doctor Smith at 3 oclock tomorrow afternoon.Sorry, but he _ a patient at that time. A. will operate onB. will be operating onC. will have operated onD. will have been operated on参考答案:B8. Scientists say human activity contributes to climate

6、change, but they do not agree on the rate _ climate change may be developing. A. with which B. with that C. at which D. at that 参考答案:C9. -Do you mind if I look at your new mobile phone?-Of course not. _.A. Please dontB. It dependsC. Be my guestD. No way参考答案:C【详解】考查情境交际。句意:你介意我看看你的新手机吗?当然不。请自便。A. Ple

7、ase dont 请不要;B. It depends看情况而定;C. Be my guest请自便;D. No way决不。根据上文Of course not.可知对方同意了看手机,应当回答“请自便”。故选C。10. With a lot of difficult problems_, the manager felt like a cat on hot bricks.A. settledB. settlingC. to settleD. being settled参考答案:C11. Now that he has missed his _, hell have to wait for the

8、 next round. A. chance B. turn C. duty D. class参考答案:B 解析:turn“轮次、轮值”根据下句中的round“轮”而确定12. It was after more than 30 years _the old classmates met each other again on the same campus and everything seemed to change a lot. A. since B. before C. when D. that参考答案:D13. We hope that by the 2014 Sochi(索契) W

9、inter Olympic Games, our young skier_ enough to add to our glories in the snow.A. will mature B. have matured C. will have matured D. have been matured参考答案:C略14. Why didnt you say hello to him last night?I smiled at him,but he _me and walked on. A. ignored Brefused Cdenied DMissed参考答案:A15. When aske

10、d _ they needed most, the kids said they wanted to feel important and loved. A. what B. why C. whom D. which 参考答案:A .解析:本题考查的是疑问代词在间接引语中的使用。 what代指后面的feel important and loved.why,问的是原因,whom是问人,which虽然也可以表示一件事情,如果这道题改为:“When ask _ they needed most, feeling important or being loved? 就可以选D.但是后面没有给出选项,所

11、以也不能选D.16. If Sanlu Group melamine to the milk,the babies too much from kidney stone.A.didnt add; would not suffered B.hadnt added; wouldnt have sufferedC.hasnt added; wouldnt have suffered D.hadnt added; would have suffered参考答案:B解析】本题考查虚拟语气。句意为“如果三鹿集团没有在牛奶中添加三聚氰胺的话,婴儿们就不会受肾结石之苦”。因为是对过去的事情进行虚拟,所以使用“

12、If+主语+had done,主语+情态动词+have done”模式。17. On their arrival, they found the people suffering the earthquake were _food and water supplies.A. in terms of B. in honor of C. in the aid of D. in want of参考答案:D二、 完型填空18. 完形填空Recently, one of my best friends, whom Ive shared just about everything with since t

13、he first day of kindergarten, spent the week高考资源网end with me. Since I moved to a new town several years ago, weve both always looked forward to the few times a year when we can see each other. Over the _11_, we spent hours and hours, staying up late into the night, talking about the people she was _

14、12_ around with. She started telling me stories about her new boyfriend, about how he experimented with _13_ and was into other _14_ behavior. I was blown away! She told me how she had been _15_ to her parents about where she was going and even sneaking out to see this guy because they didnt want her around him. No matter how hard I tried to tell her that she _16_ better, she didnt believe me. Her self-respect s


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