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1、2021年四川省广安市城南中学高一英语月考试卷含解析一、 选择题1. -The last one_ pays the meal. -Agreed. A. arrived B. to arrive C. arrives D. arriving参考答案:B略2. Only when he reached the tea-house _ it was the same place hed been in last year.A. he realized B. he did realizeC. realized he D. did he realize参考答案:D3. The whole journe

2、y_3.hours and 50 minutes.A. paid B. cost C. took D. spent参考答案:C4. I will carry out the plan _ there is much difficulty ahead. A. as if B. even if C. if D. unless参考答案:B5. I have won a holiday for two to Florid . I my mum. A. am taking B. have taken C. take D. will have taken参考答案:A略6. Frankly, I reall

3、y doubt _ he will pass the driving test, for he missed much training.A. that B. whether C. which D. what参考答案:B7. Thirty computers have been sent to the school some other new teaching equipment. A. except B. including C. such as D. more than 参考答案:B8. Look at the timetable. The flight to Shanghai _ of

4、f at 10:00.A. is taking B. takes C. will be taken D. will take参考答案:B30. I couldnt _: The line was busy.A. go by B. go around C. get in D. get through参考答案:D略10. The small action of littering may_ disaster for small animals and their living environment.A. lead toB. belong toC. refer toD. point to参考答案:

5、A【详解】考查动词短语。句意:随手丢垃圾的小行为对于小动物和它们的生存环境可能带来灾难。A. lead to导致,造成;B. belong to属于;C. refer to查阅,提到;D. point to指向,针对。根据句意,小行为会造成大灾难,故选A。11. Its based on the idea _ all people are created equal, _ is accepted by most people.A. that; thatB. which; whichC. which; whenD. that; which参考答案:D12. As he was about to

6、go out to search for Mary, she happened _. A. to coming in B. to come in C. came in D. to have come in 参考答案:B13. A special dinner there might include Chinese pork dish, British roast beef and French-style vegetables. Boiled rice _ just about everything. A. is served with B. will serve C. serves with

7、 D. is served参考答案:A14. The Smiths went to the country for the weekend as they _ to the office. A. neednt have gone B. mustnt go C. may not go D. didnt have to go参考答案:D15. We were going out for a walk _ it began to rain.A. while B. before C. as D. when参考答案:D16. I _him to give up smoking, but I failed

8、. A. preferred B. hoped C. advised D. suggested参考答案:C二、 新的题型17. 语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Jane Goodall,who 1._ (intend)to work with animals in their own environment since her childhood,went to Africa and devoted herself to 2._ (study) the behaviour of chimps.It was tough 3._ she consid

9、ered it as a worthwhile career.Through her study,we learned much more 4._ _ chimps.She argued that the life of these animals should 5._ _ (respect) and that they should be left in 6._ _ wild and not used for 7._ _ (entertain).Besides,she was very 8. (consider) towards these animals.Now,she has achie

10、ved everything she wanted to do,9._ _ inspired those who want 10._ _ (cheer)the achievements of women.参考答案:1.had intended2.studying3.but4.about5.be respected6.the7.entertainment8.considerate_9.which10.to cheer解析:1根据此处的went可知,此处应用过去完成时。2devote oneself to.“致力于”,其中的to为介词,后接名词或动名词作宾语。3根据语境“这很艰难,但是她认为这是一

11、份值得做的事业”,故填表示转折的but。4根据语境“通过她的研究,我们了解到了更多关于黑猩猩的知识”,故填about。5此处表示“这些动物的生命被尊重”,故应用被动语态。6the wild表示“野外,荒外”,为固定表达。7结合此处的for可知,空格处所填词作宾语,故填entertainment。8be considerate towards sb.“对某人体贴的”,为固定短语。9分析句子成分可知,此处which引导非限制性定语从句,指代前面整个主句的内容。10want to do sth.表示“想要做某事”,为固定结构。三、 阅读理解18. MyfatherandIstartedourmorn

12、ingbymovingquicklyintothelocalstore.IwaitedinthelineattheStarbuckscounterwhileheshoppedaroundtopickupafewthings.As I was starting there I become aware of an elderly women, with untidy hair, wearing layers upon layers of old clothing, hunchbacked (弯背的) behind me in line. She had a few things for wash

13、ing and seemed to want the Starbucks cashier to ring up since that queue was shorter than the queues in the store.At some point I became aware of her edging (慢慢挪动) closer behind me closer than I was comfortable with! I instinctively (本能地) placed a hand over my purse and drew it close to me. Myfearan



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